Quotation for Monday 27th April 2020 - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Quotation for Monday 27th April 2020

โ€ข18 Replies

Good morning everyone,

Both within the community, and outside of it, we all wonder from time to time what life post-COVID19 will look like. What will change? Can we even sustain long term change? I'm not talking about the necessary safety changes as we emerge from lockdown, but in the things we have learned which we may not have known or accepted before.

Here's a quotation from John Mark Green who is described at Goodreads as an 'IT geek by profession and a writer by passion'.

"We can't go back to who we were before, or unlearn the truths our hearts now know".

Quite clearly he said that before we knew about COVID19. But in it lies a real truth. That we are no longer as naive as we were before its occurrence. We will never again feel complacent or take for granted our ability to move around and be close to our loved ones. We know fear and vulnerability and that our loved ones can be cruelly taken from us. We know that what we have can be removed from us in the blink of an eye. And that's the real change which is in us already I think. We know now how easily this can happen.

Stay safe everyone, and have a good day. ๐Ÿ™

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18 Replies
Jennymary profile image

One thing that's crossed my mind during lockdown, as we're all staying in will people end up becoming agrophobic or claustrophobic because of all the restrictions were going through

in reply to Jennymary

Yes Jennymary, I think that may happen with a few people; hopefully not too many.

Hi Hidden

He was a man before his as that sentence is so poignant and very true. We cannot go back to what we were before, we were risking the lives of many, including animals and the planet, in the way in which we were living.

No-one would have ever known what was going to happen. I'm not in any way undermining what has happened but is it a good thing (the deaths and suffering are awful and I'm certainly not taking that out of the picture). The reason I say this is are we now realising we can't carry on living like we were. We all knew how we were living out lives was having a huge impact on the planet and also our health. For instance, disposable nappies were first brought out when my second child had been born, she's now 36 and, at the time I thought this was a good thing as it saved me constantly washing terry towelling nappies. How wrong I was, we need to go backwards as the impact on our planet is huge, we do not need many disposable items. Yes we have disposable gloves in the hospitals and other places but there are a lot of things that we don't need. It was good to see that plastic straws started to disappear.

Go backwards now to move forwards!

Enjoy the rest of your day and thank you for posting.

Alicia :)

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With me of course I am sorry for those who have died and are grieving due to this but I also feel some good things have come from this as well as for me personally I will carry on avoiding supermarkets as far as I can and patronising the little shops for small items like bread and milk and asking myself before a trip is it necessary and if not not go if there's no need to be there.

Also not going into town and the shops because I have nothing else to do.

Also carrying on with the things that weren't cancelled when this kicked off like reading isnt, listening to music isn't and the simple things in life weren't either!

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Same here and that will always be the case but good will come out of this. Before all this happened everywhere was rush rush rush and have to have everything now we need to slow down and start appreciating what we have. I'm going to use the farm shop now when hubby has run out of his meat (I don't eat meat) and I will buy my vegetables there.

I will cycle into our city centre more often as it's a much better was to get there and keeps the fumes off the road.

Simple things in life are enjoyable. :)

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It was the same in Cardiff rush rush rush as well before this kicked off and it was ridiculous!

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Yes people need to slow down and appreciate life.

A very thoughtful reply Alicia, and I hope that there will be a new attitude to trying to save planet earth before the destruction makes it completely impossible. Unfortunately it will be necessary to make some very unpopular decisions to wind it back and strong economies do demand innovation, but it cannot continue in the way it has done if we are to survive. Last year I was put in a position where I had to buy a new fitted oven simply because the seal around the door couldn't be replaced. The original part number was no longer being made and the replacement suggested did not fit. How outrageous is that? It made me angry on several counts. In my parents' home their electric cooker lasted for upwards of 30 years. The earth is overpopulated and its people too greedy. It's going to take some very strong-minded people to turn it around. And co-operation on a global scale that's going to be really difficult. But we have to believe it can happen. ๐ŸŒˆ

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Thank you Hidden

I really do hope there will be a new attitude, yes there will be some people that will go back to how they were but it may make the future Governments/manufacturers start to think on how they do things. We definitely couldn't carry on like we were for sure. I totally agree, people aren't going to like everything but we really do need to go back. For instance, when mine were small the terry nappies I used to wash didn't take much of my time at all, we could easily go back to that. As for wet wipes and the like, we don't need these, what happened to a damp flannel.

That's not good about your oven, a door seal, that should have been something quite simple to replace. I can imagine you were angry, what an absolute waste. My first cooker lasted 22 years and it was really good. We had a printer that we took out a 2 year guarantee on it and it went after a year, I took it back to the shop thinking it would be repaired and they told me to pick a new one off the shelf, what an absolute nightmare, this made me angry as well. The earth is definitely overpopulated and people just want want want all the time, we need to have less. We'd be so much happier with less rather than trying to keep up with everyone else.

There will have to be strong-minded people but I believe we can do this.

Your daily quotes are so inspirational so thank you.

Alicia :)

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We think that the wet wipes are a waste of space ourselves and its still the old fashioned damp flannels here as well when needed.

I have found myself that I am happier on less which is a good thing to come out of this discovering through this mess how I can live on very little and feel better for it.

Money isn't the be all and end all of life!

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Yes they really are, we used to use a wet flannel all the time when my children were little.

Yes we are fine on less, we don't need things. Charity shops are an excellent way of recycling.

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Thanks Alicia! ๐Ÿ™

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You are welcome ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Years ago broken things used to be repaired and then they just ended up thrown out in the bin up until recently when they could have been repaired.

After I had blood clots in my lungs a lesson I learned was how things can easily be taken away from you at any time and how life can change at the drop of a hat and with that for me personally a lot of things in my life ended up changing for the better after that happened.

Same as with this pandemic it has motivated me to make changes in my life like avoiding supermarkets unless really desperate and patronising the cornet shops more and that the simple things in life that weren't cancelled say reading and listening to music are better than those that were.

In lots of ways I could foresee there was going to be some kind of mess and I physically could sense something but wasn't sure what it was!

How right we were on march 15th when we said at Sunday lunch that day that it would be the last one for a while if the stories were true about stay home orders and lockdowns after my trip to the Saatchi gallery that Saturday the 14th was cancelled and my welsh class on 12 March was as well as a few of us had turned up and ended up sent home and I had felt disappointed but I'm glad I went to see that military wives film at the cinema just before this kicked off.

We were right to decide not to have booked anymore lunches out as we had decided to save ourselves the upset of it being cancelled and not bother!

I did watch the Saatchi gallery on you tube though which helped to ease the sting of the disappointment.

Its been interesting though trying out different things to replace those that were cancelled and the air here in Cardiff has felt a lot fresher than it usually is.

I was sorry for the kids though having school end the way it did without any kind of warning and those who's exams ended up getting cancelled.

Life is full of events you don't plan for.

I can assure you no way do I want things to go back to how they were before!

One thing is certain it won't go back to how it was!

Sara_2611 profile image


absolutely the quote is spot on - the only real normality I want to get back to is resuming my horseriding

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