Today... whew! : A couple of important... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Today... whew!

26 Replies

A couple of important deeds today

(Re) joined the board group of our community response volunteer group for Covid. Right now the things we want to support (drop off food/rx, community support, what have you) are done by others, but if it gets busier, we're there!

Networked an idea for very rural parts of our state to get air ambulance coverage. Here it is not free unless you have insurance or air ambulance memberships or both. Settling for reminding friends to reup their memberships - we are in what is called a "frontier" medical situation, and covid beds are managed by the state.

I live in the US and ... it's scary. I'm all right, just anxious. And the peer pressure here to be stupid about it is astonishing. But thanks for letting me express that.


A good thing: I connected (not started up with again!!!) with an ex boyfriend that ended badly some years ago. It was civil and good and kind and I'm so grateful to not be carrying the emotion about it around.


I am struggling a little with some of my friends who clearly have contempt for being careful not to spread the disease. I think one of them will let it take her from us and it breaks my heart. The contempt is hard to deal with, too.


I'm doing everything I can to keep self and others safe, and I've purchased some nonperishable food ahead to share if it becomes needed.


Thanks for listening - I do know this is the Positive Well Being site, so I'm trying to keep it constructive.

Love to you all

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26 Replies
daveh121 profile image

Interesting day you had so far!

Sounds like we live in similar rural communities and that you are one of the people that make things work and brings everyone together.

Every small community needs people like you to function.

That is a skill and takes a lot of patience and energy. I sort of lack the patience these days, maybe I never had it, so that is where my wife picks up the slack and we balance things out.

However most here are careful of the virus but I know what you mean about those that are not.

It’s annoying and tiring.

in reply to daveh121

I get it!

daveh121 profile image

And, I hope you have a good evening.

in reply to daveh121

You and yours as well!

bobbybobb profile image

You are taking very positive and structured steps for yourself and your community Wallowa, so it certainly sounds like you are doing a great job. The friends you are struggling with, remember, you are responsible for your life and have no control over the life of someone else. You can lay out the facts and then, it’s their choice what they do with them. As for the ex, it is good not to be carrying bad emotion about and that you have both been able to move on and for things to be friendly. That is always a positive step. It is okay to be scared and you are not alone. These are challenging times at the moment with the virus fluctuating. We are all here to support one another. There is a professional therapist on the site this morning that you can ask anything. You might have seen the post come up a couple of times. So if you have any questions, get them ready, she will be on at 10am Uk time, so 4 hours from now. 👍😊🌈

in reply to bobbybobb

Looks like I missed it this time but will watch for it next time!

bobbybobb profile image

'Ask me anything' with Anjali Singh-Mitter at 10am BST. Anjali will be on the community answering your questions. See more below!



14 hours ago•0 Replies

'Ask me anything' with Anjali Singh-Mitter at 10am BST. Anjali will be on the community answering your questions. See more below!

Wednesday (12th Aug) at 10:00am BST/ 6am ET, we have expert CBT therapist Anjali Singh-Mitter joining the community for an hour long Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on how to stay positive and cope during these uncertain times.

Anjali Singh-Mitter is a qualified therapist with expertise in CBT and Hypnosis. Anjali will be able to to give you tangible tools on how to cope with potential anxieties surrounding COVID-19 and re-entering a 'new normal' life. You can take these skills away and implemented into your routines offline.

For more information about Anjali, please see her website:

How does it work?

The 'Ask me anything' will be taking place virtually on the community. You simply join the conversation by replying to the post that we will create on Wednesday. For one hour Anjali will then go through the replies to the post and answer any questions you have replied with.

And you are constructive Wallowa. You are a treasured member of PWB for your lovely drawings and puzzles, and of course we are here to support you in any way possible.

What a really good thing to reconnect with someone you had once had strong feelings for and to find a new feeling about them, and the past. It's so helpful when trying to let go. I've been through that myself, and I know it can help you set down lots of feelings about the past.

You've been uber-busy with your covid group and I think it's a key to getting through, to get involved and help others to do so too. It's sad to here how severe things still are with you, and that's said with the understanding that it seems we may all find ourselves back in that situation. No need to mention all the people who refuse to be careful and imagine they are invincible!

The main thing is that you are well, and being careful, and, best of all, being active and engaged. It may make you tired, but it will, I'm sure, help your general well-being. Stay safe! 🙏😊

in reply to

Thanks for the pat on the back and the inspiration to keep going!

Gillyflower18 profile image

I’m in the states too and you’re right! It’s very scary here now. Many people are being just plain stupid and all levels of government seem powerless. I guess the political parties are just too wrapped up in power plays right now. The crime and violence are deplorable and will only get worse if the idiots defund the police. They are the only thing standing between us and utter chaos. I can’t understand why these crazies are tarring all law enforcement because of a few very bad apples. Being a police officer is an extremely difficult and dangerous occupation in the best of times and these people do it day after day. Enough just had to let off steam! Don’t let the idiots stop you from doing what’s right. I wear a mask when I can’t socially distance which is about everywhere except in my car by myself. I wash my hands when I can and use good hand sanitizer when I can’t. I support my governor in this because she’s right even though she’s a democrat and I’m a republican! I pray we will come out of this mess better than when we went in and if you’re the praying type I hope you do too. I always enjoy your posts as well as all the ones from our U.K. friends. They keep me flying level and give me hope!

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to Gillyflower18

Oh I forgot. Yesterday I actually had a customer tell me the whole covid thing was overblown! One of my coworkers mom died of it!

in reply to Gillyflower18

I am so sorry for your coworker's loss!

in reply to Gillyflower18

Very kind. So glad you are here.

Thank you. This page is a haven in many ways and I appreciate all who are here and the admins who keep us going!

Ali_H profile image

Hi Wallowa and fellow USAers,

Just know that you people are doing a good job of trying to counter balance the ‘madness’ out there... alas it’s all over the place - I’ve family in NZ where things are pretty much in control but a few people are risking the whole nation by ‘breaking out’ of quarantine (including with their children!!) as if it’s some kind of challenge game... beggars belief really!

All the best - be safe 😎


PS - I love the paintings and photos you all post as they remind me of my 2 years living over in CT in the 90s.... I made it as far west as Arizona and hiked through the Grand Canyon your pics evoke some fab memories for me 😎

in reply to Ali_H

Thank you so much!

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to

Thank you. We all need to encourage each other to get through this!

springcross profile image

That's a very positive and helpful thing you're doing for the community Wallowa. It's good when people get together to help in that way and back-up is always a good thing. I understand how scary it is right now especially with people who think they are immune to this disease and we have many of them here who are the same. Be careful not to put yourself at risk whatever you do. Good for you for connecting with your ex boyfriend again (in a platonic way), it will give you peace of mind on that score no doubt. Take care of yourself and stay safe. Pats for the horses. xx

in reply to springcross

Horses say thank you! (One of them might go for a short ride this afternoon!)

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Aww, lucky you - which one will that be? xx

in reply to springcross

The big dun horse. Short ride, but just about perfect.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

I'm really glad you enjoyed it, it makes it all worthwhile. xx

in reply to springcross

he was such a good boy!

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Was it Bud? xx

in reply to springcross

Yes! We've done a few more rides this week. He does so well!

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

That's really good, glad to hear it. xx

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