I normally write on here as given the kindness and understanding of many
Yesterday, I learnt an important challenge which consists of facing our anxieties head on
Life will present challenges brought to test our character to enable growth and further development
I realise given this Pandemic to appreciate and continue to strive for what is important to each and every one of us
I was able to drive yesterday and I felt a little empowered.
I realise tiny steps taking us forward can enable us to discover strengths that are lying dormant in us
These is what life challenges are all about , to test and push us and to face our fears
I still find myself being overpowered by my little Mum but I am slowly trying not to be engulfed by the power my little Mim has over me
I think we are all a work in process
I have come to understand that life is a journey and the lessons and their struggles which bring gifts of learning and self discovery along the way