I take 75-mcg of T4 & 25 mcg of T3, so why should I take a blood test? I mean, I feel pretty good and,let's face it, if you're taking T3, your T4 is not going to convert to T3, because you're T3 can't convert, it is already T3?
I TAKE T3 so why get a blood-test? - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
I TAKE T3 so why get a blood-test?

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I would think it is to check that the dosage is still correct and doesn’t need adjusting.
Correct but my point is that if T4 turns into T3 and you are, also, taking certain amounts of T3, how do you know how much of the T4 (pill) is converting into T3 and how much T3 is just the amount of T3 in the pills you are taking?
Hi there GKeith
I don't understand the figures you are quoting but the best thing I can suggest is to go and see your GP to ask the question.
On another note, I'm really pleased you are doing well.
Stay safe and well.
Alicia 😊

GP's are usually pretty much clueless when it comes to their knowledge of the thyroid gland, much less levo and lio. The real "experts" are those of us who are hyper or hypo and who have become "experts" in self-defense. We need these medications that the GPs & endo's have the ability to prescribe to us but, unfortunately, the majority of GPs and endos do not know, or appear to care, about our health or the proper doses of what they prescribe or how it makes us feel. Many of these "doctors" are actually taught in "medical" schools, and I use that term lightly, that Levothyroid is King and Liothyronine is never to be used. The reason for this is that Big Pharma has actually changed these books to push med students, future doctors, into using T4, Levothroid instead of T3, Liothyronine due to its bottom line because Big Pharma makes ten time off Levo than it does Lio.
I'm sorry GKeith this really does go over my head. I know you've said you don't think the doctors are much use but they really are the ones I feel you should talk to.
On another note, I'm glad you are feeling pretty good.
Hi GKeith,
This is a little technical for the folks here at Positive Wellbeing and I wonder if this is the right forum for you to post this? Do you belong to any of the other communities at HealthUnlocked. I can't suggest one as I don't understand your references but there may well be a better one for you. If you click the MyHub button you'll see a dropdown list of the communities you already belong to and at the bottom is a + sign. Clicking on that will bring up a search box. If you enter your condition in there, you will see suggested communities which may be able to help you more than we can. Very best wishes and I hope you find an answer to your question.

Actually the question is a hypothetical one, it is a chance for any and all who have a thyroid disease that involves the taking of T4, T3, vitamins, etc. to think about them, as doctors are supposed to but usually don't. If we, patients, do not "think" for ourselves we may well be in pain for way to long. We need education and we need to think for ourselves, for, no matter who you are and how well-meaning others close to you are, you, we, are the ones who suffer and we must also be the ones to "figure things out," as we are all different. The thing is that Levothyroxine is an inactive ingredient whose whole purpose is tom turn into T3 and T4 "stays" with you, in your bloodstream for up to a week or longer so if you take it and get a headache it can be quite a long headache whereas T3 stays active only for up to 12 hours, so it will not be such a "long" headache. My whole point is to get all patients thinking, hopefully, about their own actions or in-actions and their consequences, along with their doctors' prescriptions.
Sounds wonderful GKeith and very useful to others, but there are dedicated forums for those people who are suffering from thyroid disease, and I note that you already belong to the Thyroid UK community. That's not to say that you aren't most welcome to post here, of course, but we are more about supporting members of the community during this coronavirus pandemic. As such, your valuable expertise may be wasted here and it might be that you would have a wider audience in the Thyroid UK community. Best wishes.

I seriously got fed up of asking for advice from standard Thyroid forums because most replies asked for my test printout...like they were medically trained to advice on test results. How do you check medical qualifications of people replying on forums?
The advice I found in Paul Robinson's book 'Recovering With T3' was to go by how you feel as your blood tests would be inconclusive due to the T3 addition. All the time I am having symptoms of UAT I have decreased T4 and upped the T3
I seriously got fed up of asking for advice from standard Thyroid forums because most replies asked for my test printout...like they were medically trained to advice on test results.
Actually there are quite a few people on this forum, Grey Goose comes to mind, who have an under-active, or overactive thyroid or have had their thyroid totally removed due to cancer and who have experienced so much pain that they, like a miniscule number of doctors, actually can give a very knowledgeable opinion and blood tests are one of them, if you fast away from t4 for at least 24-hours & T3 for 12 hours. See if you can make an appointment with Doctor Grey Goose, I've "used" her myself; she is quite good. Peace be with us all in these mystifying times.
Thanks for the reply. I think you missed my point, in that I don't have blood test results to share with anyone here as I have taken advice to go by how I feel. I don't see anyone on the NHS or privately for medical advice right now.
No, I got that part because I have been where you are now. I suffered for 28 years on T4, 88 mcg, prescribed for me in 1990 & never once changed, up or down, they went solely by my TSH. When I finally crashed I only then began studying the "disease" I had. As an ex-professional athlete I felt that taking a pill once a day was no big deal and never questioned any doctors' advise even though I suffered terrible headaches and ice-cold hands & feet through all those years. I go by how I feel also but, sometimes, that doesn't work & when it "stops" working you are going to feel quite alone. Peace be upon you in these uncertain times.
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