i have pmr i am getting pain around my ribs ant top of chest does anyone else get this problem
chest pain: i have pmr i am getting pain around my... - PMRGCAuk
chest pain

I did go through a period of pain in my rib cage area whilst suffering from PMR and taking steroids and at the time I put it down to the inflammation finding its way around my body as at other times pains appeared in the soles of my feet and in my shins. I feel it would be wise for you to get checked out with the GP though just to rule out anything untoward.
Yes Yusuf,
I get chest pains quite a lot. I am down to 7mg now, but still get them, especially when I'm feeling achy in general. They come and go depending on my general condition.
Try not to worry, but if they really bother you, see your GP who will check out your lungs and heart rhythm.
I get them too -- there's a specific kind of arthritis called costochondritis that affects the sternum (the bone in the centre of your chest) and generally at the point where the ribs join the sternum; usually on the side where the heart is (your left). I have read that this is sometimes associated with rheumatoid arthritis which I don't have so assumed it has been just another "joy" that comes along with PMR!! It can hurt enough that it is uncomfortable to cough and sneeze, for me. It only started up after a year or more of having PMR; maybe because the prednisalone dropped. It is associated with other kinds of arthritis too.
I must admit it's a relief to me to hear it isn't just me that has this type of pain as it isn't listed with the usual symptoms. Not that I'd wish the extra pains on anyone but you can start to worry it's just you.
However I do think it is wise to be sure this IS arthritis and not related to heart health or some other issue. Pain in the same general area can be associated with a heart attack risk so it would be a good idea to talk to your GP I think.
Yes I have had a lot of pain in my ribs which reminded me of the pain I had from pluerisy 3 years ago. I think PMR attacks our weak spots as well as causing new ones. Like everyone else I would get this checked out in case. If nothing else you'll be adding to your doctor's knowledge of PMR problems.
On 28th August I had the most tremendous pain in my chest. I was sure I was having a heart attack, I was taken by ambulance to Torbay Hospital, where I was taken quickly to the Chest Pain Unit. I was diagnosed as having Atrial Fibrilation (AF) and an irregular heartbeat. It was thought I would have to have my heart shocked back into rythym, but overnight it settled down and I was allowed home after four nights' stay. I have had some of my drugs changed and I am still getting used to them. Oh, and also I was diagnosed as having Type 2 diabetes! I wondered why all you ladies seem to have Diabetes, now I know. The blame has been put on the Prednisalone. But definitely speak to your GP ref. chest pain..
Hi yusuf,
Is the pain in your ribs, or in the band of muscles that surrounds your chest cage? I wonder. First, do you have pain in your collar bones. 2nd, do you still have pain when you expand your chest muscles without breathing in. What I mean is, lift up the whole of your rib cage without drawing air into you lungs. If you still have pain then it is in your muscles, not in your lungs and is prob due to tendonitis as one muscle pulls on another.
I have this quite often, but it is nothing to do with my lungs. I get it when I am having an "off day" and am feeling down and a bit weak. My collar bones are usually sore as well.
If you are still worried then go back to your GP and ask him to check you out.
thank you pats for your reply i think it is muscles and when i have a bad day,i just get so tired somedays all i do is sleep i will talk to the doctor perhaps he can help?
Hi yusuf,
So glad I could help. I too get tired out. Today I had to go back to bed and rest and I,m now on only 7mg. I think this is certainly caused by pred. not PMR.
Good luck, Pats.
I sometimes get a pain in between my shoulder blades and it is hard to get my breath, i used to think it was my smoking or stress, but i stopped smoking 4 months ago and i still get it now, i noticed it is when i have a sore day if i have done too much the day before.