I've just found half a sliced white loaf in the back of the freezer from when grandson last came to stay. It's in the bin now.Thinking how to get him to accept Golden Wholemeal Farmhouse next time he comes 🙄
White carbs!: I've just found half a sliced white... - PMRGCAuk
White carbs!

I would have made it into breadcrumbs. I hate throwing food away. I think I must remember rationing after the war.
How old is he?
I would have toasted,crumbed it and given it to the birds who are all very busy at present nestbuilding etc.!xx💐😜🐦⬛🐣
Yet another side effect of PMR. For years I used to bake my own wholemeal bread nothing better than fresh baked bread the smell cutting that first slice of end crust and smearing good butter. No more bread for me as I need to keep my weight in check whist on Pred - so no more baking. Occasionally I bake a lighter loaf 50:50 strong white & wholemeal and freeze it - it makes great morning toast for when the grandchildren stay over. I must admit I indulge in a piece myself 😊
Try googling resistant starches. If you cook pasta or potatoes, freeze them, then reheat and eat, the freezing-cooling process changes the structure of the starch and your body consumes fewer of the carbohydrates. Not sure if fridge cooling has the same effect as freezing. I think it also works for bread so you can freeze individual slices and have a guilt free treat occasionally.
I always have a white loaf in my freezer for my granddaughter. Unless it was really old, it would have been fine to keep. I take two slices out for her and put them in a bag to defrost and they are nice and soft.
I sometimes hesitate to suggest it since I know it can be a stretch on people’s budgets but M&S do a wonderful granary loaf that even an 11-year-old would probably like - if his eyes were closed and couldn’t see what he was eating. 😂
Since I’ve cut out most non-veg carbs (white or otherwise), I’ve dragged my partner along with me and he’s quickly gained a taste for healthier carbs so there’s no temptation for me seeing a lovely baguette or boule in the bread box!