Read here a great deal about the lo carb. Anyone have a plan they follow? or specific advice. The Holidays killed me and now I definitely need to fix this! Thanks
CARBS: Read here a great deal about the lo carb... - PMRGCAuk

Like the photo! Very apt!
There is a very good Diabetes recipes app which gives carbs fat and calories for loads of foods.

I just eat meat/poultry/fish/eggs/cheese and above ground veggies. I don't use a particular "plan" - except occasionally to get ideas for different meals though that doesn't bother me particularly. Exploring online for different eating habits in other countries helps: the English-speaking world thinks of cereal and toast for breakfast but in central Europe you will meet almost everything on a breakfast buffet and the best options I ever met were in a hotel in Singapore! Seven different cultures of breakfast! Smoked salmon and scrambled egg, poached egg and smoked haddock, sliced cheeses and cold cuts, in Europe you will find sliced tomatos, cucumber, radishes for breakfast. If you do pancakes for breakfast - look online and fine low carb versions.
When you are able, a basic tip is to never buy the stuff you shouldn't be eating in the first place. Obviously if you have to feed a family that isn't so easy - but they can have the same basic meal and add their carbs.
Don't use low fat products - ever! They don't fill you up and have all sorts of rubbish in them to "improve" the flavour. I use Greek yoghurt with an egg beaten in it to replace white sauces on mousakka or gratins - next to no carb. You can make quiches without the pastry - cream and egg is fine!
Never think "I can't have..." - always look on the bright side: "I can have..." - and there is far more you can have than you can't. Now and again allow yourself a treat - if I buy a slice of cake I cut it in at least 3 or 4 pieces and freeze the rest for another time.
Thank you. I love your reply. It has specifics!! I balked at don't eat this!! and I can eat this!! is much better. Interesting about the lo fat..etc. so half and half or whole milk instead of skim in coffee? Husband is big bread baker (wouldn't you know..but I shall resist! ) I may even lie. cut off piece in kitchen and toss and say OH I couldn't resist! haha. Bread is my DOWNFALL...
Interesting. above ground veggies.. (no carrots? I guess not!)
I use diabetes UK low carb recipes. If you go on website you can get ideas by just joining low carb part via email. I am vegetarian so use rose Elliot low carb veggie book but suspect several low carb books for meat eaters via kindle and in book form.
I started eating more nuts. If I ate flesh I would be doing fish and white meats lots of things like spinach and kale green bean broad beans etc. I replaced pasta with edemame noodles and pasta. Made homemade crackers with chick pea flour. I even make spinach or onion pakora with chick pea flour...put some oil in recipe and bake rather than fry. I must admit I do weaken with bread but tend to get kind stuffed with seeds and high fibre and just eat less of it. I try lo-carb ready made breads and pitta type things...HORRID! I love oven roast med veg with lumps of halloumi on top and dressed with herbs olive oil and balsamic. Perhaps solve husband/bread issue by having half slice of bread to dip in dressing. But I find it better to not eat bread for a few weeks then I stop craving it. Was big pasta head but apart from veg lasagne at sisters Ha vent had it or missed it. I will be experimenting with chickpea flour or make soys flour to use my as yet unused pasta machine.
I make my lasagne with thinly sliced zucchini/courgette or aubergine/eggplant instead of pasta - zucchini I layer raw, aubergine I lay on a hot pan first. A go to menu in restaurants here is grilled veg witha slice of grilled cheese - not halloumi (impossible to find) but the alm cheeses. So good!
Love idea of aubergine. Once had that sort of thing in Italian restaurant. Was delicious. The deli I found recently does excellent cheeses that all all from round North of England. I shall be trying all the vegetarian ones. I used to slice halloumi for last tens mins if roasting but now out big cubes in at start and outside goes dark and crispy with molten inside. I have to remind myself to eat the veg 😂

Aren’t you the creative cook? Do you eat night shades? I thought I cut them out but I eat lots of mushrooms not realizing they are in that category. Seem to feel fine with them. In the beginning of PMR I ate eggplant parm, had terrible pain the next day. May have been too little Pred! Hard to sort this out.
For some reason i cant stomach tinned tomato but ok with passata and raw tomatoes like piccolo . My family know I won't eat sauces made with tinned tomatoes and accommodate my taste thank goodness.
I used to like really hot chilli but just reduced that a lot as stomach can't take it. Apart from occasional jacket potato or mash I eat fewer potato based meals. As long as aubergine is fully cooked I love it. They have largely bred bitterness out but need cooking properly. If still salted by cook to remove excess fluid and bitterness they might not have fully washed it off. That make me feel a bit ill.
I find if I listen to body it tells me. I still test if I feel same about them but usually do. Sweet peppers are fine for me as long as I take every bit of pith and seeds off. Can't tolerate the skin of cucumbers anymore and deseed them too. Several of these changes in my taste are most likely due to meds and aging. I just can't wait until I have the energy to cook properly everyday.

I agree..tastes change with age and illness! I find cooking to be a creative outlet that brings joy when I give the food away...particularly to my 94 yr. old mom and my son, daughter-in-law and 2 small grandchildren. I bring tons of food when I visit because they live in NY, eat organic and prices are lower in NJ. Food shopping is therapeutic!
Where is your energy?
Down in boots lol
I tend to try and cook enough for 3 to 4 meals of freezable foods. Usually in lunch and main meal size. Some taste better after being frozen others don't.i the summer I buy ripe tomatoes and make plain tomato base. Usually anyway.

I haven’t eat tomatoes in 6 months since diagnosis. Maybe I should reintroduce elimated foods one at a time in the New Year. May be too lazy!
Trying to get to 14mg Pred. Alternating every other day 15. Tried this before, failed, back to 16. Have stiffness in both pointer fingers, slight pains in neck. PMR stinks!
Internet just ate my reply.
Have you tried just doing 0.5mg. I had to do that to get down at one point. 0.5 can make big difference. My friends mother took 0.5 for years and was ill if she didn't get it so shows it's still a helper dose.

My Rheumy is exerting pressure to reduce. I’m too tired to fight. I’ll tough it out until I can’t. She thinks Pred and osteoporosis are a deadly combo. Considering my last fall, I agree! Can always increase dose if symptoms persist. I’m no martyr!
It is a hard balance to find especially when you already have bone density issues. But if you can't live a life due to PMR symptoms not being controlled then it all seems moot to me.

I agree. Just have to keep juggling and figuring out as I go.
You are even more likely to fall if your PMR is bad - I used to fall over nothing in the 5 years before pred. How i didn't break something I'll never know!
There are other ways of managing bone density while still taking pred - find a doctor who has a better practical understanding of managing PMR day to day.
I just tried to go down a tad and realized still stressful time from holidays and grandkids still here. Will stay put until the house clears out and the tree goes down. THEN will try again. Didn't you just come back from trip? give yourself another week or two then try again (love how now that I have been on the site for a month or two I'm an authority. hahahahaha)
Hi Sandy, I am not convinced about mushrooms being nightshades, although I did read it in one newspaper article which I think is wrong, as they are not part of the solanum nightshade family. This is based on me being part of my horticultural group over the last twenty years not on nutrition knowledge. Nightshades tend to have small quite pretty flowers that look like a little star. Mushrooms are a fungus, technically they are not considered even as plants. In fact I have read that mushrooms should be an alternative for nightshades in nutrition. It is potatoes, aubergine and tomatoes that tend to be the nightshade no no’s. They do have pretty flowers though!
Thanks. I will continue to eat them. You sure are knowledgeable!
As I said this is based on my horticultural knowledge not my nutrition knowledge!!
Mushrooms are one of the few foods with significant amounts of vit D - like egg yolk. And are very low in carbs.
Mushroom omelettes rule!!!!
Especially chestnut mushrooms.....thats tea sorted. Mushroom omelette mmmm
I eat carrots - they aren't too bad, but potatoes, sweet potatoes and parsnips are high in carbs.
These two links are good - I once found a lovely one that showed the relative carbs for fruit and veg in a single picture but needless to say, I can't find it now! The second one has links to recipes for the lower carb veg.
Someone commenting says they think the trick is to learn to love your veg - and I do!!!
IMHO skim milk is an invention of the devil with no real nutritional value: the lack of fat means there is no vit D (needs fat to travel) to assist in absorbing the calcium in the milk. So what's the point? At least semi-skimmed for my cup of tea but for yog and cheese I go for full fat - more flavour and they fill you up.
The hardest thing to get your head round is probably a life-time of conditioning that fat is bad, low fat and carbs is good.
I do exactly what PMRPro does. I slipped up a few times over the holidays but right back on the wagon. I love the idea of the yogurt sauce. Carrots have too much sugar. I do eat Strawberries. They seem to be the lowest in carbs. BTW, I start restorative yoga classes this week! Can’t wait to get back to me 😊
I had PMR several years ago and sadly put on 20 pounds. Once it went on I really struggled to get it off. Second time diagnosised with PMR I refused to gain that weight again. AND I HAVENT GAIN ONE POUND. PMRpro has got it just right! When you get the steroids down to around 5mgpd you can have more cards. Once you get the taste of sugar out of your system, you really don’t crave it and it is easy to say no. I wish I had known this forum when I was first diagnosised 14 years ago. All the best yogabonnie. My husband is the bread baker too. He is the one putting on the weight not me. 😆😆😆 Jan
PS I still ate sweet potatoes though but not white potatoes.
Carb and cals counter from diabetes UK has in visual carb countered portion ed sizes of everything from fruit to pies. Written by Chris cheyette and yello balolia. I have previously put pictures of the book up but easy enough to Google.
Hi yogabonnie,
I have seen a few recipes for keto bread on line recently. They have very few carbs if any. Get your husband to perfect some for you. Personally I eat very few carbs but I especially avoid any with sugar in them. I call donuts and cake cocaine because once I start eating them I can’t stop!! I have been on prednisone 2 years and I have not gained any weight so it is doable. Sadly all the weight I did have has shifted 😩
I "follow" a diet called LCHF( low carb high fat) or Keto.. Those are the names of the type of diet PMRpro describes. I've joined the mailing lists of several of the websites and received emails with recipes and ideas.
Maintaining a low carb diet has been crucial for me. I've managed to optimize my LDL/HDL ratio, tryglicerides, glucose and even my BP( till recently).
I am very obsessive/compulsive when it comes to eating but this diet has curbed all my cravings for sugar and starch. But, the minute I let myself eat something sweet, the cravings come back to remind me what a sugar junkie I am.
At the moment, I'm feeling malaise and nausea, I can't stand the smell of fish or meat.. even eggs unless they are camuflauged. This makes being on a low carb diet pretty hard, so I eat a lot of coconut products.. Coconut oil, flour and milk.
I just learned a very useful tip on this thread from PMRpro.. Using yougurt and egg as a substitute for white sause... I used to use cream and grated cheese for that but pmrpro's version has less calories.
I have used successfully for 9 month.
All simply explained, look it up.
Good luck with finding what suits you. Xx

Oh Gosh, I hang my head in shame. You are all so disciplined. I did well, recently, with the low carb diabetes diet, and lost a stone. Last night I devoured the mini marzipan and rum dark choc treats, AND ate some mini choc truffles with orange, given as a gift. Is it any wonder I WAS AWAKE ALL NIGHT!! SUGAR RUSH.. Feel lousy today.
Karools16 My head is also hanging in shame 😩 but after my New Year holiday I will be very good. I've said it out loud so now I must do it. I'll give away leftover choccies and use some of the great ideas on here. Wish us luck 😊
I think if we didn't have a blow out occasionally life would be boring! Let's face it whether by illness or aging our worlds get smaller at some point so things like food become important issue in relation to quality of life. Plus we have to eat to live and can't give it up completely. You basically had food hangover rather than drink hangover and believe me I have been both places 😭😂
Yogabonnie here's a really easy and great tasting potato alternative using cauliflower I do miss treats but have found that Salted Caramel,Peanut bars are good. Their from the nature valley range and are their protein bars. I've also mound I've quite enjoy a handful of mixed nuts with a cupola now rather than a biscuit or ten! PMRPro's post pretty much tells you what's what. I like to make my own yoghurt, using full fat milk and Greek style culture from an online supplier. I use full fat everything and have been on low carb for almost a year and lost 3 & 1/2 stone. Besides the weight loss the other benefit has been I have lots more energy.
Congratulations to you. That is wonderful. I love "stones" they are 9 lbs? 14? I could google it! Seems so civilized to count such big numbers and not quibble with is it 132.5 or 132 2.8 like we seem to do obsessively here with weight!
Yes Yogabonnie 1 stone =14lbs 👍 Hoping to lose a few pounds next year haha
I need to lose exactly 1 stone. I am going to see if my scale can be calibrate in STONES. and go for that!
As brit I only know that 140lbs is 10stone because it's is simple maths. I suppose i kniw therefore that 280lbs is 20st. During U.S. tv shows and film I often have no idea what 175lbs or whatever is. And yes we say maths here rather than math.
In my day in Scotland there were two different subjects: Maths and Arithmetic. In my mind they remain separate - and they are very different skills.
Everyone should have to do arithmetic, leave maths to the people who need/want to do it. Then there would be be more more people able to manage numbers.
A friend at university was a brilliant mathematician - he used to sit in our VW campervan as we toured Europe and solve an equation he'd written before we left for fun - but he also taught basic arithmetic to the bottom group in the year. Using horse racing distances and betting and real life stuff to demonstrate why you needed to know.

Hi Poopadoop, I notice that the NHS now use kilos, but if a nurse asks your weight and you reply in kilos they then ask what is that in the old days measurements.
I like Ezekiel bread and muffins...made from spelt or something other than flour. Have hubby make that kind and ship to me! I do low carb and mix full fat and low fat. I think I’ll blow up if I only eat full fat! I eat mostly low sugar but have one square of 82% ( think that’s the %) dark Ghiradelli chocolate every night! I need a reward for getting through another day of PMR!
Once I get my energy levels back I will be making some crackers/bread primarily made from homemade lentil flour. Lentils have low glycemic index (30ish) and are relatively low carb. @half a cup equal 22g net of carbs due to fibre content. If I have any success I will report lol

PLEASE do! I love lentil beans! Good idea for soup tonight!!!! (He's the soup maker too.) (I know. sounds ideal but (and isn't there always a but in those "ideal situations) I won't write about the rough patches over the 46 years! haha!)
I did try coconut flour to make pancakes. I obviously did it wrong because it was disgusting and went in the bin.
My biggest problem with pred and having type 2 diabetes is that I am a grazer most days. That is why I am always hunting for low carb snacks. I would rather have 2 meals and 2 snacks a day.
For what it is worth I found a book that talks about eating to cut inflammation. I found it on Amazon. it talks about cutting carbs and glycemic index. It has been interesting. Here is the name of the book. The Anti-Inflammation Zone: Reversing the Silent Epidemic That's Destroying Our Health (The Zone).
Here is the link to buy the book.
I have recently discovered a really fast and easy dinner recipe. Grilled shrimp with oven roasted garlic and cilantro. .
My only problem with this recipe is that I found myself eating a lot a lot.
I made chunky guacamole to go with it. Cut up avocados, roma tomatoes with seeds and pulp removed, lots of cilantro, garlic, pepper, a bit of hot sauce or chili powder, medium hot salsa verde. (based on this recipe:
I know tomatoes are considered a fruit and are sweet. Romas are a bit healthier since they are less sweet, so I've read, and still better when you take out the seeds and pulp. Also removing those parts keeps the guac from becoming wet. I use bottled salsa verde. I found Herdez to have the fewest additives and the best for my taste. I strain out a lot of the fluid before adding a tablespoon or two to the mixture. Depends on how many avocados and tomatoes I have on hand to make the basic guac.
I love cilantro!
Hi yogabonny
I now swear by no bread carbs ok Just Bread.
Trying to alnolize ,maybe all the additives.
Got it from grandson.
The wt rolled off I’m. 😱