I have been really good on a very low carb no sugar regime. Does anyone else have a day/meal that involves lots of carbs. Tempted to occasionally have fish and chips or a very carb orientated pizza!
Occasional sin - carbs: I have been really good on... - PMRGCAuk
Occasional sin - carbs

Did very occasionally and didn’t feel well. Salt overload and felt sick and sluggish. Probably down to the individual though.
My diet is not specifically low carb/no sugar but as I'm working on a diet which is good for my gut biome it tends to be light in grains and starchy carbs (see The Doctor's Kitchen thedoctorskitchen.com). However, I have fish and chips every Saturday evening and an occasional slice of cake or sandwich and have noticed absolutely no increase in pain/discomfort. The only thing that I have noticed is an increase in water retention on Sunday which is almost definitely a response to the salt that I have on my chips as I never cook with salt and eat added salt at no other time in the week.
Incidentally, I try not to regard foods as good/bad/sins etc. as I find that if a food is 'forbidden' I am more likely to desperately want it!
I do.. maybe once every three weeks. I gain two lbs usually when I do have a ‘carb ‘ meal, pasta, mashed potato, chips. But it’s only occasional, and trying the rest of the time to remain under 20g carb, with a bit more at weekends (wine) means I keep going gradually down. I have been doing low carb for nearly 5 1/2 years, since I was diagnosed with PMR. Now on 4.5 mg, I have experimented with more carbs, but I find even on a low dose of prednisolone I need to be very low carb to continue to lose.
Thanks. Think I will leave carbs alone. I like my wine so will stick to that as my sin!

I've just been for an icecream - I was at the hospital anyway and the super shop is just round the corner. I have it in a paper cup and just one scoop.
I don't actually find I miss much but when we visit the daughter in Whitby there has to be fish in batter - and 2 or 3 chips. I don't like pizza in the UK - Italian pizza isn't carb heavy, the base is so thin it collapses when you lift it. But very occasionally I will get a small pizza here and usually eat half, the other half comes home for next day - double the pleasure. Third day pizza is the best!
As has been said - it isn't what you eat from xmas to New Year that makes you fat, it's the other 51 weeks! In the same way, one day having a treat won't be the end of the world diet-wise. But it will be if your treat days are every other day
If I binge on carbs I feel awful the next day. I’m fine with an occasional cookie, rice with Chinese takeout, 1/2 piece of pizza etc. I use flourless sprouted grain bread for sandwiches. I was more strict in the beginning but it hasn’t made any difference if I sprinkle a few carbs in during the week.
forwardmotion Do you mind me asking What is "flourless sprouted grain bread"? Do you make your own or can you buy it?
describes a range of supposedly lower carb breads or alternatives - I can't see Ezekiel or sprouted grain bread is lower carb since a slice of ordinary bread is 12g carb.
It's probably just that ordinary bread has refined carbs which spike the sugar levels whereas Ezekiel has unrefined.... ?? Thank you... they use almond flour for pancakes but I've never seen a bread recipe with almond flour. Perhaps it wouldn't rise!
and it isn't the only one. I abandoned the idea of bread to be honest - I eat the sandwich fillings ...
I tried a recipe for bread which used almond flour ... once. It was deeply unpleasant.

Thanks for letting me know.
Hi,This is the brand I use,
I like it because it is organic, filling, no sugar and a little more protein because it has some lentils and bean sprouts also added. It does have carbs but I can get away with toasting one piece for a sandwich and it fills me up.
Go for it girl! We all like to sin sometimes!!!
Once in awhile. Yes.
I have been a runner/athlete for 44 years and have always followed something like the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, I eat really well and save that other 20% for the oops moments (not usually whole meals). Now that I am older, I have actually refined it even more with smaller, more realistic portions, less white everything, less caffeine, more Whole Foods. I feel better and keep it simpler.
I also eat out less. I balance heavy with light and more with less. I don’t label foods bad or good, perhaps better choices according to how I feel when I consume them.
I do like my afternoon tea so make my own cakes with less sugar. I usually have potatoes or brown rice with my evening meal. Since giving up alcohol I have steadily lost weight, a stone over the past year. It was alcohol that caused water retention and puffiness. I miss the odd glass of wine but it was obviously not doing me any good.

Thanks for your reply. I look forward to my glass of wine every night. I’m not over weight but just miss the occasional carb treat
I eat carbs every day. If I reduced my sugar intake and carbs I would loose weight, I’m 8 and a half stone at present. My husband is the same, neither of us can put weight on easily. When I first became ill I lost a stone and it took nearly 2 years put put half of that back on. I’d love to be able to put a little bit more weight back on but it just seems impossible.