There's an interesting section on the BBC news website about carbs. You might find it useful, especially if you're thinking about getting pregnant!
The truth about carbs: There's an interesting... - PMRGCAuk
The truth about carbs

I tried to post a link but couldn’t make it work. Interesting points about re- heated meals having half the carbs. Toast done from bread from the freezer being lower carb. Chewing a cracker and timing how long it takes to turn sweet to see how well your body processes Carbohydrates.
Drastically cutting carbs at present, lots of fodder for my state of denial. High blood sugar and raised cholesterol.
I’ve had one of my “I’m done” epiphanies after comfort eating for a while. So far, so good.
My sliced rye sourdough is now resident in the freezer, some things you just need every now and then or life isn't worth living
I'm sure you probably know this, but there was an interesting TV discussion a few weeks ago about sourdough (may have been Watchdog). They basically showed that all 'sourdough' is not created equal, and supermarkets get away with labelling it as sourdough when it actually isn't! So it pays to research your source....but I am sorry to say I cannot for the life of me remember how to choose the best!!!😫
Thanks didn't see this but I'm not surprised. I actually make my own sourdough and it's nothing like shop bread but is easier to digest.
I looked for the discussion but couldn't find it - but thanks, it led me into other byways . There's a good artisan baker locally who makes dark rye and seeded sourdough which I love, so I'll probably stick to that. Making my own looks like a bit of a faff!
Thanks interesting. I remember years ago when trying to learn about sourdough I found someone who was selling sourdough flavering! Perhaps that's what they use.
I started making bread when we lived up a welsh mountain. It was easier than going 10 miles to the nearest shop. Now it's just part of my routine.
Make your own! Making the starter sourdough isn't that difficult really - you just have to keep it alive.
Really any bread from a supermarket is likely to be dodgy. Only an artisan bakery that makes all its own products will be trustworthy.
This might be interesting to you:
and this
explains about the difference - the dodgy stuff has a sourdough flavouring added to the mix but the raising is done with commercial yeast. Real sourdough is a starter to which fresh flour is added and then left to work for a long time, up to 24 hours. You don't DO anything but wait.
Ah yes I remember now one of the reasons that the supermarket breads weren't really sourdough was because they didn't leave it for 24 hours...time is money and all that! I may try making my own, but then I would probably eat way more than is good for me!
Can you give a bit more detail about finding the article? I can’t see it on the main site and when I searched ‘carbs’ got posts from Michael Mosley (I’m trying to stick to his blood sugar diet at present and have his books)
The comments about keeping bread in the freezer don’t fit though - and sound really interesting - so I don’t think I’ve found your article. Help appreciated! Thanks
Found it! On BBC One site, header at the top “The truth about...” and article title “10 things you may not know about carbs”. Thanks scats, looks interesting
This was a link heronns kindly shared on another thread.

Weirdly interesting, and surprising.
Wonder what the comparison is with brown/wholewheat pasta (which gives more fibre, Vits & mins than processed white pasta)
And I wonder if the ‘eater’ feels satiated for longer after cooking and reheating the pasta?
In the past I have committed the cardinal sin of freezing pasta in the sauce. On reheating it didn't feel any different from the first time once I cooked the excess fluid off. Admittedly I wasn't looking to see if it did satiate me.