Can too much exercise cause a flare? I have pain in one shoulder -- I took an exercise class and there was a lot of arm work. I am off prednisone, on Kevzara, but have some prednisone left and am wondering if I should take some. May 5 mg?
PAIN AFTER EXERCISE: Can too much exercise cause a... - PMRGCAuk

When you have PMR and have been on pred for any length of time, your muscles and other soft tissues have become quite delicate. Any repetitive actions are likely to have more effect than you are used to and developing DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness, in response to too much of activities you are unused to is common. And any "weak spots" you may have due to old injuries are very likely to be more obvious.
I suspect that is the case here rather than a flare. And while the pain may be due to inflammation it isn't necessarily BAD inflammation, it is important in the healing process. You might be better to take some tylenol and rest the arm. Perhaps icing might help?

Ditto to PMRpro’s comments re DOMS
Sadly, we usually can’t just enforce exercise and strengthening on Pred/PMR ravaged muscles like we did before. There will be bite back unless we speak nicely to them, make an application in triplicate and have a multitude of rehearsals. If we have the temerity to go for it, the consequences is damage and Pred won’t dig us out of that hole.