During most of my life, I've experienced a lot of stiffness and soreness after exercise. I've often quiried my friends who exercise similarly whether they experience a similar degree of stiffness and soreness. The answer has always been no. Thus, I have speculated for some time that I just don't clear (repair?) exercise inflammation very well.
I'm currently at a moderately low prednisone dose (4 mg, and was at 3 mg a few weeks ago before a modest flare). I believe that I currently have some adrenal functionality and thus I'm finding that I can now push modestly harder when exercising, although far from less than when I was in the 5 to 10 mg range (and also far less than before PMR). Of course, the side is that once again I am getting post exercise stiffness and soreness. This worries me a bit. Is it possible that the prednisone will act to mop up the exercise inflammation (perhaps even preferentially), thereby leaving the PMR inflammation to perhaps build up over a period of time resulting in a flare? I am even wondering if this was a factor involved in the flare which I recently experienced at 3 mg.
What I am therefore now considering is whether there an argument for taking an extra mg or two of prednisone on exercise or post exercise days when I presumably have some extra inflammation to deal with?
Thanks very much!