Hi all,
can anyone give me advice about timing all these wonderful medications?
I have just been prescribed Calium and Vit D supplement as well as Alendronic acid. I have already decided to give the Alendronic a miss honest however, the calcium and vit d need to be taken twice a day and this is where i have a problem.
I am already on Thyroxine which I take first thing (about 7am) and have to wait at least 30 mins before I can eat. Although I could take my thyroxine with the steroids as there is no report of any interactions, I am told i need to take steroids with food so I have them with breakfast (about 8 am).
I have then have to wait at least 4 hours before I take vitamins due to the thyroxine which will be around 11 am and i need to take 2 a day so my question is 'when you take 2 calcium a day how long do i wait before i can take the 2nd dose.
I have also found out that i should not be taking selenium with steroids. This was something i was prescribed years ago for Thyroid eye disease which is a worry.
I do wonder why G.P's do not thoroughly investigate any possible drug interactions before they prescribe all these meds!
i was hoping to go back to work sometime but i think taking these meds is a full-time job already