I had a Dexa scan 2 weeks ago and the lady who did the scan told me I had osteoporosis and gave me a leaflet about it and an information sheet about Alendronic acid. She said GP would contact me when he got the results to start me on AA. Last week I got a text from GP saying “your bone thickness is normal. No further action needed” I’ve got an appointment this morning to query this with the GP but would appreciate advice. When I started on pred I asked about calcium and vitamin D and was assured they weren’t necessary if I had a healthy diet.
GP disagrees with diagnosis of osteoporosis - PMRGCAuk
GP disagrees with diagnosis of osteoporosis

The main thing is to get the numbers as without those, nobody can comment. See below in the link that gives you the normal results of T scores.
As for vitamin D, it needs to be checked to make sure your levels are adequate. I have read from various sources that low levels are common in the UK. Not everyone’s skin is good at making it from sunshine and many don’t have a diet rich in it. I have always had to supplement it seems because as soon as I don’t, it drops. It is vital for bone health and general well-being. Calcium is easier to get from diet and you can Google for a list. I have read sometimes that dairy isn’t the best source to rely on completely, especially low fat dairy because vitamin D is carried in fat. Without vitamin D your calcium isn’t very useful and you need all the help you can get when on Pred, though not everyone’s bones are affected judging by people’s experiences here.

As Snazzy says - need the numbers! Such diverse opinions seem a bit strange to me.
Personally I disagree with the calcium/vit D statement. You need to make sure you DO have enough calcium. I took calcium for some years because I didn't have that much dairy - worsened when the dietician insisted I cut dairy etc as much as possible. More recently I stopped the calcium and eat more dairy.
I have always taken more vit D than they suggest as without supplements my vit D level fell slowly but steadily until it was very low despite being outdoors a lot. I take 4000 IU a day and that keeps it steady.
The result has been my bone density which was upper range osteopenia when I started taking pred 14 years ago has remained in the mid-range of osteopenia even without taking any so-called "bone protection meds".
I've never had an operator give me the results, always been left to doctor, although I get the results at the same time as they do.
Thanks, she didn’t give me the figures just told me that I had osterporosis and GP would be prescribing Alendronic Acid. I’ve added an update and Dexa results

You may have a healthy diet -and under normal circumstances wouldn’t need a supplement-but Pred reduces the body’s ability to absorb calcium -so whilst taking steroids you may well require a top up. So for your GP to dismiss it out of hand is a bit premature.
The diagnosis of osteoporosis is based on actual figures obtained from the Dexascan. It is not a matter of debate. Could it be that the scan operator was handing out leaflets to everyone who had a scan for information? I have never been told my results by the scan operator.
No she definitely said I had osteoporosis. Thanks, I’ve added an update and Dexa results
Very strange. I would not have thought she had the authority to tell you. Perhaps she had been told to hand out leaflets to people who fell into a certain range and she just misread it or she just got it wrong! It will be interesting to see what results you actually have. Have you asked for a printout from your GP Surgery?