saw the physio today for the 3rd time about my swollen knee/pain. He’s discharged me from that service and back to the GP for injections or a scan. I’ve repeatedly said I don’t want injections without knowing what the exact problem is. What bit don’t they understand!
Every time I’ve seen the physio he’s put wrong info down on my online record. Like today I told him the pain was worse (not ‘the same’ as he put). And the other bullsh** about examining my knee and me standing on one leg etc - again all BS! The same about the red flags etc etc - nothing has ever been mentioned. Is it standard phrases they just decide to add….
Sorry for the rant, but it’s so frustrating when they don’t listen.
I won’t even talk about the times when they’ve got my records mixed up with my husbands…
Apart from all that, have a lovely Bank Holiday everyone. 😃