Some of you kindly gave me your thoughts on taking some 'emergency' pred so that I could get through playing at my concert on Saturday. Thank you all: I did take a moderate dose and felt so much better - most of the pain went, though it was totally exhausting.
Yesterday morning I was intending not to take any more because waiting for the consultant's input. However, by 11am the pain was rushing back and was quite horrible, so I took 5mg. This didn't get rid of all of it, but it made it much better, and within the limits of bearable.
This morning I did the same.
I don't think the morphine patches I was given are making any difference.
However, I then got this letter from the consultant in answer to the GP referral on Friday:
'...LVV for which she has weekly TCZ injections. I think it very reasonable to try morphine patches for her chronic pain, but as her blood tests, including inflammatory markers are normal, it would be better if she did not go back on prednisolone.
However, if her chronic pain is becoming more troublesome you could consider referring her to the pain clinic.'
🙁🙁🙁 Well, that's the end of me! The GP won't be able to prescribe any more now.
I'm not imagining it. Even my husband was astonished by the difference in me on Saturday. I could pick things up off the floor! And I try all the ways of mitigating pain, I don't see what a pain clininc is going to do.
And why does he insist the CRP must be raised, when I'm on TCZ?
Any suggestions?