I had mentioned that since my last drop in my taper....I hadn't felt so great. Yesterday was better than Saturday but still facial and head pain on the right then my right cheek started to feel prickly and a burning sensation....midday. As the day went on I developed red patches on that cheek and some swelling inside the right side of my mouth. When I got up today I had more red spots, one of them right under my right eye...my seeing eye. So, I called the rheumy and was questioning the drop of 8mg in the taper and described the rash. He wanted me to go right to my primary care to make sure it wasn't shingles. I got right in and he said he doesn't think it is shingles because of the pattern and lack of blisters. He did another ESR/CRP to double check for the discomfort. I got an erythromicin cream and was told to head to the emergency room or opthamologist should it spread.
So, I have medication on and will just have to see what I look like in the morning? I actually have an appointment at the local hospital with the wound clinic....so I'll follow it up then. I should be reasurred or in panic mode.
Have many of you had skin reactions because of all the prednisone? So glad I have you all.....I'm trying to stay cool~~