Those who have read my previous posts will know that after discussion I had a flare (we think due to bivalent covid vaccine) so now back up to 12mg.So need advice and ideas from any of you good folks with medical science experience, knowledge or background re vit D3 etc.
Dexascan compared to 3 yrs ago shows scores
Right femur -2.6, previous was -1.8. Apparently 13% drop.
Left femur -2.4, previous was -1.6 so 12% drop.
Spine L1-L4 -1.7 a drop of 6%.
As now getting into osteoporosis range doc wants me to take adcal which I have tried twice before and digestive system just didn't like it.
I have a duodenal ulcer (healing) and have to be careful with intake of food or meds as silent reflux. Manage with 20mg daily omeprazole. He also suggested alendronic acid. I said no to that one.
As a starter I want to purchase 'clean' vit D3 alone -(no K2 supplement because of warfarin) and work at getting enough K2 from diet... possibly.
Any thoughts or comments appreciated.