Hello everyone, I would be very grateful for your experiences and advice. I saw my rheumatologist last week and she has diagnosed PMR & Rheumatoid arthritis in addition to GCA which I’ve had since July last year. I am currently on 12mg of Pred and have been trying to reduce to 11 which has been difficult, and now this. I am being prescribed Leflunomide for RA and was told to stay on 12 for the time being. Problem is I’m in a great deal of pain, upper arms, shoulders and upper back particularly and I’m wondering whether I should increase the Pred? Sorry for the length of this post I’m feeling completely overwhelmed. Thank you
GCA, now PMR & Rheumatoid Arthritis as well - PMRGCAuk
GCA, now PMR & Rheumatoid Arthritis as well

Would say you probably had PMR all along but was “hidden” by the GCA doses.
..and now you’re down to 12mg it has come to light.
Upper arms and shoulders are certainly PMR like, not sure about back though.
And you don’t know if 5mg helps until you try it, so definitely worth a go, for a few days anyway until you can get more advice from medics.
What tests has she carried out to diagnose the RA? ..a why does she think that’s what it is?
Hi, is that how you would expect it to be diagnosed? Thanks
Maybe along with blood tests -see this from versus arthritis-versusarthritis.org/about-a...
Thank you, lots to learn. Blds are ok probably because of steroids I guess
See this re blood test - different from CRP & ESR -nhs.uk/conditions/rheumatoi...
She did ask for an antibody blood test so perhaps this is it, results next week.

Ditto to what DL says.
And why does the lady think it is RA? Is there concrete evidence to show it isn't "just" PMR which is likely enough,
Thank you both. She did an ultrasound on my wrists which showed inflammation, it looked like a firework display!
Hi there! Poor you. You are having a rough time. The good thing is you can rant to us any time you feel like it. We are all listening. Keep strong. You will win in the end.
Thank you so much. It does feel like wading through treacle at times as we all know, thank goodness for you all