As some know I've been stuck on my bed the last 3 weeks with huge muscle spasms in the back and excruciating back pain in general. Well this past week the neck pain and headaches started and today some jaw, shoulders and upper arms, hips. I've had a bit of a stomach bug the last few days as well. I'm on 22.5 mg. Pred. tapering from 60 mg. from GCA scare last Jan. So I am wondering: since the flood dose of Ibuprofen and Tylenol I took this morning are not touching these new pains, the dose of Pred is not touching them either, could it possibly be a flare of not "justPMR" but GCA? Which I may have had all along or it.morphed along the way?
PMRPro would it be wise to try a flooding dose of Pred for a few days and if it helps, then we would know? What would that dose look like? 40 mg. Pred just a few days, so I could quickly taper if it's not the culprit. Even my wrists are hurting holding this cell phone. You know the situation with my Rheumatologist and our ERs here in Nova Scotia.