Hi all 😊
I posted recently about awful fatigue on 6mg, and the suggestion from both GP and rheumatologist that I “may have steroid dependency/ adrenal insufficiency “ so I’ve been told not to go below 5mg.
Actually there’s little chance of that atm anyway as I am now also in pain. My daughter was ill with flu last week (or Covid?) and was away with our 7 year old grandson, which worried me a lot. Anyway on Friday she finally made it home and I went over to keep said grandson company while she collapsed into bed. Didn’t do much, watched videos and ate a light meal, then played a kind of very lightweight game of kids’ darts. Then home by early evening.
Woke up next morning totally exhausted and have been a couch potato / in bed myself for 48hours. Plus, I now have excruciating pain in my right shoulder, upper arm and wrist (the dart throwing arm!). I do have severe OA in those joints due to previous fractures, but it’s also the place that PMR started nearly four years ago.
It’s taken me all day to get up the energy to post this. I’m using codeine tablets and ibuprofen gel on the joints, which does help but doesn’t last…
I’m so tempted to go up a couple of mg of pred but don’t want to yo-yo. Feel I need to stay at 6mg in order to kick my adrenals into noticing…..but just want to comfort of more pred.
Any advice would be much appreciated 🙏
Many thanks xx