This may be a strange question but had anyone ever taken turmeric supplements to help with inflammation?
Turmeric supplements: This may be a strange... - PMRGCAuk
Turmeric supplements

Not a strange question, and there are plenty of related posts -so have a look. This is an answer I posted in one about a year ago -
From drugs checker -
No interactions were found between Prednisolone and turmeric. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.
However, if you are taking a PPI (omeprazole or the like) it is not recommended.
Black pepper helps absorption of turmeric, but consensus of opinion it is better if used in cooking rather than in capsule form.
Always worth a try, but do check with other medication.
Thank you DorsetLady, yes I am on omeprazole so I realise it wouldn't be wise and you are so right about interactions between turmeric and red - I did check that, but again realise there are so few in-depth studies - I feel it wouldn't be safe. I am on 6mg currently and am doing DSNS and feel a bit apprehensive about going to 5.5mg next week as this is where I was this time last year but I must be brave relax and eat more curry. I so appreciate all the help and advice given here- thank you everyone.
I tried it once for do something else. It gave me a runny tummy. The trouble is with these things is that if you are on the right dose of Pred you don’t know if it’s that or the supplement that’s doing the job. There aren’t usually large trials exhaustively testing efficacy against non Pred treated inflammation and interactions. Then it’s down to a few trials if you’re lucky and anecdotal evidence which is fraught with subjective views. I shy away from the idea that if you blast the body with concentrated anything being necessarily good in all ways with no unseen side effects. If it really works for you then go for it but perhaps if it’s not obvious then spend the money on decent nutrition and ingesting it via foods like extra Turmeric in curry.
Thanks SnazzyD. You are right of course. It was just a thought. I do use homeopathic remedies for specific problems like arnica for bruises but really do t like to chance anything else. I’ll just keep up my curry intake. 😊🥰
I tried it for a few months and I didn’t feel it had helped at all. I gave half a bottle of tablets to my neighbour weigh arthritis

If you look at the Related posts you will find past threads about turmeric.
I had a friend with PMR who used it and garlic in cooking and swore she could feel the difference on holiday or after a lot of eating out when she'd used less. Some people find using it in cooking is fine - but the supplements are a higher dose all at once and can often cause GI issues.
Although it's possible that in eating out she was ingesting more seed oils than she would have at home, which are notoriously bad for many reasons. Bodies and biology - really complex systems.
Dr Michael Moseley did a programme on radio after some research and said you are much better using ground turmeric or even fresh turmeric in your food.
And no doubt also a LOT cheaper!!!!
I actually complained about a company who produced turmeric supplements to Advertising Standards. In the ad they had a bit about it curing someone with PMR. They had to take it down. I just hope they don’t know where I live!
Thank you, I will continue to use it in cooking and I use a lot of garlic too. I think it’s always a risk to start taking supplements even though some people seem to find benefits. Thank you again.
I take a supplement that is a combination of CBD and curcumin (turmeric). I take one at 4pm and one going to bed. It has made a world of a difference to me. My pains used to start niggling at about 6pm but no longer. I discussed with my rheumatologist and she says if it works for me stick with it. I’ve had no side effects at all. It is expensive but I’m self employed so if I don’t work I will have no income. It has allowed me to get through the day.
I’ve been taking it for a while but so much going on .. with back trouble causing throbbing knees etc that it’s difficult to tell!
Just to add to the mix, a friend of mine takes serraptepses (think that's the right spelling!) as a supplement, (she's battling cancer for the third time!) meant to work as an anti inflammatory, she's recommended it but I haven't tried it as I'm always a bit wary. Have you heard of it?
It's been discussed in the past though whether it was on this forum or another I'm not sure. This is one thread on another forum (that is now effectively defunct but without it this forum wouldn't exist)
There are sites on the internet claiming it "cures" PMR - there is absolutely NO evidence it does any such thing.
Thanks PMRpro, it's made interesting reading. I'm still on the fence about it. Haven't even looked at the price but I imagine won't be cheap, like most. I suppose its like anything....don't know until you try.
Not strange at all - there are no strange questions on this marvellous site! Yes I tried making Golden Paste as it was called and took it every day with no improvement at all. A wonderful GP I used to have told me to keep going with natural supplements for at least 3 months and, if they haven't worked in that time give them them up. I know ginger is good for arthritis so I try to use that in my diet. The very best of luck with managing your PMR journey.
I have been using it for years, just make sure is the turmeric with black pepper. Be well!
I have also been using it for years. And now I'm on omeprazole I didn't know there was a problem there. My rheumy wasn't interested in all my supplements when I presented him with a list he didn't even look at it. I don't know if turmeric works or not. I'll have to stop taking it to find out! I haven't had any GI issues though. I think the AA causes me some problems as I tend to get diarrhoea once a week a couple of days after my weekly dose.