Hi everyone, I am just wondering if the level of prednisone affects whether or not the low carb diet prevents weight gain. I have gca and have been on high dose prednisone for several weeks now . I am still on 50 mg as I am still having some issues with lingering jaw claudication. I see a rheumatologist for first time next week so am hoping I can start tapering. I have been trying to keep low carb but my face gets rounder by the minute (as does the rest of me!!) I know PMA sufferers are typically on a much lower dose prednisone and I am wondering if I have to wait to get to that lower dose before the diet will help. I will keep on with it regardless but it will be less discouraging if I know it is somewhat inevitable that I gain the weight until I taper. As I am also in wheelchair for MS, I don’t get a lot of exercise but prior to GCA and prednisone managed to keep my weight down. Friends tell me that the round face gets rid of the wrinkles so I guess that is a bonus! Thanks for any advice.
Low carb diet and high dose prednisone: Hi everyone... - PMRGCAuk
Low carb diet and high dose prednisone

I'm pretty sure Snazzy was successful in keeping her weight OK and she too had GCA. It is actually difficult to avoid the redistribution of fat stores - even on 15mg the weight I had gained during PMR without predas a result of inactivity moved around to face, back of neck and midriff without me gaining much more. But on low carb it did go again and while I am overweight and my face is chubby, it isn;t a real moonface.
Hello, I didn’t put on weight with GCA Pred but I had to be really strict about no bread, rice, pasta, flours, potato or maize and of course sugar. Fruit had to carefully rationed but berries were the best. Two squares of 85% choc was my daily treat and two small glasses of dry white wine a week once I got to about 20mg. I found that the higher the dose the more one has to stick to it. You say you are “trying” to keep carbs down, so I suggest making a food diary to record absolutely everything that passes your lips, including drinks. It can be surprising how much carb can slip past your diet police. All my food was made from raw ingredients, no packets, in order to keep hidden carbs and salt down. Salt can be another issue in that it adds to the Pred’s tendency to make you retain sodium and cause fluid retention. I found it really affected my face. Again, as I got a lot lower I could be less vigilant. I have to be honest, food was quite unexciting for a couple of years. I will say that some of the weight loss on the scales was due to marked muscle loss from the Pred and the inability to exercise properly. Also, the moon face was unavoidable because of the Pred effect of moving fat stores to particular areas such as face, neck, upper back/base of neck and round the middle. That goes as the dose reduces. It is possible but I’m afraid on high doses you can’t ‘cheat’.
Thanks much. Yes, I think I have to be a lot more strict than I am and writing down everything is a good tip. I imagine I am going to be surprised at how much I am allowing in! For sure, I am going to have to be careful of the fruit. Happy to hear about the chocolate treat though!
Just as an example - for Snazzy and me as well, just one normal supermarket banana could take us to the limit of carbs if we wanted to lose weight!! Have a look at this site
Quite a shock when you realise where carbs hide!
Wow! I love bananas - one a day. Never put on an ounce in weight!
Obviously you need 2 or 3
I just read the advice you gave to someone else. “sit down and don’t move”. As I ALWAYS take your advice I’ll stick to that as often as possible.😂
Wasn't really advice - it was for me, if I sit and do nowt - it doesn't hurt!!!! Not very practical when you live on your own though!
Very depressing for you. Perhaps you would be happier living near you daughters. Being alone too often makes life very uninteresting. Warmer weather and good views don’t make up for family and friends.
I think NOT! Not yet anyway. I can't live near both and each works very silly hours being in the NHS so travelling far to see me isn't an option - they often only have one day off at a time. Anywhere in the UK I could choose to live would only have one person close. Scotland would be the most fruitful maybe but the weather this winter has been constant rain. I'd never go out the door. Here I have been stuck in the house all day about half a dozen times. If I could afford two homes and travel ...
That would be a good idea - keep the flat in Italy and hire a small apartment in England for a while, until you have to make a choice.It worked for us for many many years. Kept the house in England and rented in Germany.
Couldn't afford it Constance. Would have been an option while OH was alive, not now with about 2000 euros a month less income! And I can only stay 90 days a year in the UK without paying double the tax.
Hmmm! Forgot that. However, 90 days would see you through most of the grotty English weather
With you on the less income…🌸..many expenses remain the same!
It's things like heating and council tax in the UK I find quite mindboggling! I don't pay anything like council tax here - for a main home.Supposed to be going up for second homes. More than a third of the flats in my block are now owned by "outsiders" as investments as holiday homes. I pay for the refuse collection on a what used basis and I recycle a LOT. But it is the same for heating whether there is one of you or 5 - in fact, for 5 it'll be less since the bodies warm things up! Same for a car. Lighting. I laughed when I got the statement from UK state pension - £15/week more for a widow!!! Having lost 10 times that in his state pension. Crackers. The widow gets 60% of the partner's pension here. Which is nearer the mark.
Tell me about it! …and don’t mention heating costs - wef April that’s going to be a nightmare for all! What I begrudge is paying tax on pensions when tax was already paid on original earnings,,,
Hiya! I just saw my brothers and sister for a reunion and I’m 2st heavier than two years ago. They were shocked but kind. I felt kind of embarrassed as nobody seems to know about steroid weight gain. I did go no carb for 2 months and lost 2 lbs. on 10mg. It’s a battle. My face is wrinkle free though, and a lady in a shop the other day remarked on my skin being lovely but I guess she was being kind, and probably had knowledge of steroid bloat. At least I’m pain free and functioning tho. I hope you stay positive and happy: that’s so important.
I get a lot of compliments about my skin too - not a wrinkle to be seen really! Not bad for nearly 70?
Very true about staying positive. Always so much to be thankful for. One of the things that I am thankful for every day is that the gca was diagnosed before I lost my vision permanently. That would have made getting round in my wheelchair (MS) much more difficult. So no wrinkles should be seen as a plus for me especially at Age 78!!!
I found it really worthwhile to get the Fast 800 Recipe Book, by M Mosely & C Bailey, often recommended here (thanks Pro!) for good easy low-carb inspiration - I lost 2st of Pred-weight with its help. The Kindle edition is on a 99p offer on Amazon - probably just for today.
I didn’t gain any weight on pred but I feel like I look awful. Double chin, fat face and neck, look 9 month’s pregnant, hair thinning. I’m on 7 1/2 mg pred and no improvement yet
I really do have to get a grip and actually look inside the book, then follow the recipes … too easy to fall back on « I’ll just have this rice today »… carbs are just so easy. But although Pred currently at 5, I’m still stone and a half over my pre GCA weight. Sheer laziness
Yes it’s an eye opener. I’ve been slim all of my life but it’s an insight watching people’s reactions to me with chipmunk cheeks and the chin, hump snd belly... I had no idea! On the plus side I’m obviously invisible and unthreatening so everybody tells me their stuff, even more than before which is fascinating. Fat and jolly eh? Can do!
Hi thereI was very strict with next to no carbs for 5 years and I still managed to put on 45+ pounds. Sorry. My cousin however with GCA &PMR never put on anything,
This past year I've lost 20 pounds and need to loose 30 more but I'm on very low dose now but having to stop because my adrenal glands haven't kicked in so waiting to see a specialist.
Take care.
So sorry to hear of your troubles and I hope you get to see the specialist soon. It seems that you have had a long battle with this wretched disease. Do hope things will start improving really soon. Losing 20 pounds sounds like a great start. All the best and thanks for the reply.