hi I am presently on 8 mg for PMR. I’ve been on 8 mg for a couple of weeks. I’m wondering do people have food cravings and weight gain issues on 8 mg. I find I have to completely watch every morsel of food I put in my mouth and I must stay low-carb just to maintain, I lose very very very slowly but if I eat anything I seem like I gain a pound overnight is this true for anyone else and the other question I have is when people stop having weight gain on prednisone how low does the dose have to be?
prednisone and side effects/ dosage related - PMRGCAuk
prednisone and side effects/ dosage related

I had to be fairly strict throughout, albeit not as much as when I was on 20mg upwards. I also found salt could add pounds of fluid overnight.

How long is a piece of string!!! It very much depends on the person. To lose I had to be very strict, to maintain not so bad.
And eating out more than 2 nights in a row and I no longer had ankles but footballs for feet! I use no salt at home ...
I occasionally get the munchies with no apparent relationship to dose of pred. Sadly I still get them despite being on lower dose. Just another little test of will power. If I wasn't on pred and aware of weight gain issues from this forum, I suspect things would be a lot worse
I lost over 3 stones at the start of my type 2 diagnosis(4 months after my PMR diagnosis) and it has stayed stable ever since. I am very careful with how many carbs I eat. So I expect mine to stay the same even when my PMR is in remission. If I feel peckish I will eat a piece of cheese or some Brazil nuts
Hi. That's interesting. I have been on prednisolone since last May. Reduced from 20mg to 9mg. To start with my weight went up and down by a couple of pounds but it did before PMR diagnosed. But since I've dropped to 9mg I've gained almost half stone in a month. Also advised to change hrt from tablet to gel. Can't lose weight if I try. Don't want to exercise because everything creaks and aches. If I drop carbs I'm so HANGRY!!! Hoping it'll settle down. Still waiting for a rheumatology appointment which apparently might be in August. I feel your pain literally You're not alone. 😊
Some do have to get used to less carbs gradually - one lady cut a quarter the first few weeks, then another quarter and so on. And it isn't NO carbs, you start by removing processed carbs, added sugar and some fruit. That is enough for many. But if you get hangry you need to up the amount of other foods you eat. The body takes time to switch from its easy sources of glucose to using protein and fat.
I can relate to the hunger pangs, I’m on 40mg at the moment as I’ve recently been diagnosed but awaiting biopsy? I’m struggling to sleep which is playing havoc with my body clock and the pain. Would be great full for any suggestions? 😔
If you’re struggling for sleep have a look at this - including others replies -and also related posts -
Hi Angel. I have no trouble sleeping. I'm weary most of the time. But going through menopause I'd be awake regularly and found the best thing was to get up and go through the bedtime routines. Also a cup of tea and a good book. I'm pleased with myself this week and made a breakthrough. I'm an all or nothing girl so went hard with no office drawer snacks. Low calorie hot chocolate or Bovril drink instead. I've got to Thursday and not given on! I hope you feel better soon.
My mother used to say ‘Even air is fattening!”
since I started to take pred I now take food to bed with me I’ve even installed a coffee machine in bedroom . My husband laughs and says have you g your bait. I’m also known to get up anytime after 2 am for one of my little snacks. It’s ridiculous but true . Mind you I was three stone under weight. Only 1 1/2 now. So I can keep my nightly eating up. This is true and I’m happy for anyone to laugh, but sorry for anyone who struggles with weight. I also crave ice.