Sorry for Sunday evening post. I can’t remember if I took my pred this morning. On 7mg, started on 15mg 3 years ago. I think I must have but have no recollection, I remember thinking I need to refill doset box but now thinking was that later in the day or this morning. My memory is terrible. I feel ok, no stiffness. My question is if I miss one dose is that ok? I thinking about adrenals? Thank you.
Can’t remember if I took pred: Sorry for Sunday... - PMRGCAuk
Can’t remember if I took pred

In the event you’d have missed a dose this morning you’d probably have started to notice by now. Most people at this dose generally would have noticed - l know l would! 🤦🏻Just make sure you take it in the morning.

Missing one dose shouldn't cause a problem - though you might be a bit stiff by morning. Everyone has done it at some point! Think about getting a multi-day dosette box (or boxes) so that you have a week or more set up in advance so you can see which day's dose you have taken.
I never have a problem with pred - I take it before bed so that is easy to remember but I have a couple of doses during the day I even have alarms set for and manage to forget to take them! I've been known to switch the alarm off and not take the tablet ...
You could take half the dose now if you were really concerned.
What’s a multi day dosette box? But having 2 boxes so I have the next week ahead ready is good idea thank you. Maybe I should take 2-3mg as I have to get up for work in the morning and couldn’t cope with having stiffness. I have an alarm set and have been known to turn it off and then remember an hour later I haven’t taken it! 🙂
I have a few different boxes and one is a 7 day box for 1 dose per day. But I also have boxes that hold 4 doses a day and you can get a set of them in a holder for the week. It all depends what pattern of times you have for taking your tablets. Google it or ask the chemist - mine had a book showing what was available. But no doubt that well known online shopping giant has them too!
Yes, the well known online shopping giant has loads of different dossett boxes, in various combinations, so that you can choose which one(s) suit your medication regime. I have two boxes per day with seven sections altogether - I’m always either taking a pill or thinking about it!!!! (Does include supplements 😉) xx
If you don't know if you have missed a dose, it's probably not the end of the world, just take your steroids as normal tomorrow. The memory problems are probably due to the PMR. Try keeping a count of the pills in the boxes, so when in doubt you can see if you have the right number left.
Good idea - as long as you can remember how many were left last time!!!
Maybe the day could be written on the packet with a tick, once the pills are taken. I check a lot though, because I know I'm fallible 😊 I get nervous every morning and have to check thoroughly that I haven't mixed up my 5mg with my 1mgs 👀
That is the plus point of a dosette box for a longer period - you settle down with the tablets at a time and place you won't be disturbed and fill the box. If you only open one pack of pills at a time and they have, for example, the dose written in a black felt tip pen on the outside, you can be confident they are right.
I use this pill dispenser because I have memory problems, too!
I use the same pill boxes as Daylily2000. They are very good. I always have two boxes made up ready with my drugs. I keep them on a table next to where I normally sit (no children in the house so that’s not a worry and I hide them when the grandchildren visit). I use the one that has 3 sections for morning, noon and night. Each day can be removed from the box to put in your bag if you are out and about.
Tiggy, Thank you for your question because I think most of us have forgotten at times, or been. confused. So this is just my opportunity to say how much I appreciate this site and all who respond with advice and encouragement. I am facing an MRI (with my claustrophobia) of my Lumber/Sacral spine. The low back pain and stiffness has not improved with a pred packet.But even now it is a comfort to know in advance there are those on this site that will be the help and encourage whatever the outcome. I have had PMR for 6 years, long time on 6m with some ups and downs. I lerned it is important not to put all pain and stiffness in the PMR category.
Thanks to all who contribute here with s omuch true concern to things both big and small. If any are ever small they re all treated with understanding Grateful.
Good luck with your MRI scan. I too suffer with claustrophobia. I made sure that I told the nurses before hand that I don’t like confined spaces. They were very sympathetic and reassuring. I put on an eye mask before going into the scanner and tried to focus my thoughts on things that make me feel happy. You will be fine 🤗
If the claustrophobia is likely to be bad, you can be prescribed something like temazepam. Or, as Tiggy said, you can use an eye mask, or just keep your eyes tightly shut from the moment you start to move. And sing every song you know (in your head) to keep your mind elsewhere. Good luck!
Thank you so much. I do a Centering Prayer practice that includes 20 minutes of closed eyes and stillness with a sacred word (different from a mantra) in that it i not continuously repeated but spoken in the mind lightly when thoughts intrude on the peace. This is daily ....when I stay with it! I think my MRI will be about one half hour. And I have been offerred diazapam. I WILL take that offer. Your suggestions are greatly appreciated and I do have favorite songs, I will add that. Is it possibe your name has something to d with music. How nice.
A non-medicated anxiety reliever is Rescue Remedy (Bach flowers), available as drops or as chewy sweet. I have found it helpful for fear when flying and occasionally other more random things, like a trip to the dentist when work needed.
Originally I got a doctor to prescribe something because I was tired of having to mentally help the plane take off, navigate turbulence and land safely.
🤣 Worked a treat but when I read up on it I realized I really did not want to take it. Can't remember what it was was. Probably diazepam or something like that. Anyway I asked someone who was an expert in herbal treatments if she could recommend anything and she recommended Rescue Remedy.