I feel so fortunate having discovered this site and all your kindly advice0. I spend some of every day reading all your comments. It feels like a close group of friends sharing what affects us all. I am halfway through Kate Gilbert's excellent book. I am 6 weeks in now with GCA PMR and doing well with a pred reduction of30mg to 20. My rheumy seems to be on top of it but still can't seem to reduce carbs. I'm a bread lover. Cutting out sugar was easier. No weight gain yet but oral thrush so far only side affect. Oh and of course insomnia. I quite like my moon face as it has plumped out the wrinkles. Waiting on a second biopsy result to see if I can swap from methotrexate to a biologic. Anyway love your dedicated support xx
Thank you: I feel so fortunate having discovered... - PMRGCAuk
Thank you

Welcome, this is definitely the place to be for help, advice and support.

Is the rejection of bread helped if I tell you that eating yeasts makes thrush worse????
Yes certainly. I'll try and cut it back but I know I'll be hungry especially at lunch. I don't eat white bread though. Nystatin hasn't completely killed the thrush and now I'm starting on lozenges from a GP script
Best to try to cut out bread now and hopefully then you’ll lose your taste for it. Fill up with protein and salads/ veg. Best to try while you don’t have to, before the possible weight gain. 💐
Yes you're right. I can't imagine ever losing my taste for it but I'll try. I've been reading up on gut health as well. This has motivated me to eat more fruit and veg
At the moment no weight gain and I'm still able to be active but it is early days. Down to 20mg pred. I had a few aches and a bit of a headache for a few days but I think I must have been adjusting as all good today. I see rheumy next week Yesterday no bread. I'm very proud of myself but i was a bit hungry. I did have an apple but the only fruit besides berries. Thanks for your advice
I think I just love eating too. I'm definitely on a health kick now and eating more salad and vegetables