OH to work from home full time for foreseeable fu... - PMRGCAuk


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OH to work from home full time for foreseeable future

Arflane97G profile image
61 Replies

This will be interesting- my husband’s firm have asked everyone to fill out a risk assessment form so they can prioritise those who need to work from home so he will be working from home full time from Monday. Am relieved tbh as London transport system must pose a risk

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Arflane97G profile image
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61 Replies
PMRpro profile image

I wish - one daughter is a nurse, the other a paramedic working in the ED. Both are asthmatics. Not much chance of working from home - they will be transferred to where the greatest need,,,

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toPMRpro

VERY worrying for you! Are there rules in force to protect them?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toConstance13

I doubt it. They could be sent to a drive in testing centre with full protective gear maybe?????????

OTOH, the nurse one worked on the respiratory ward in a previous life so that is where she will end up if redeployed.

This is why the lock-down approach is so important - you will appreciate this article from our local online paper:


For the non-German readers: the marks on her face are from the protective gear she has to wear for a 6 hour duty during which she is not allowed to eat, drink or go to the toilet because that would mean disturbing how it was put on - it usually takes some time to don properly to be sure there aren't places that leak. and it is a permanent fear that there is a bit that isn't sealed or that you touched something or someone with contaminated gloves. Barrier nursing is very stressful work.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toPMRpro

I often wondered how the medics were coping. I never dreamt nurses had it sooo tough!

Thank God I'm not a nurse - daft thing to say I know, but I go to the toilet at least six or seven times a day and up to three times in the night!!! The suit would be leaking by then!

Bad Sassendorf has it's first case, Soest has a few, but it seems all of them had been to SüdTirol recently.

What will be will be!

Keep well! Constance

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toConstance13

Funny how Germany is blaming us - and we KNOW that at least one German case brought it with him and handed it on to his flatmates... Developed too soon to have caught it here. And the theory now is that a German business person had been to Japan, came back to Milan to umpteen meetings and then on home to Munich where he was diagnosed soon after he got there.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toPMRpro

"It wasn't me sir". Everyone is blaming each other.

What IS strange is that it has caught on so badly in Italy. It makes no sense. Except perhaps that masses of people flock to Italy as tourists.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toConstance13

No, Patient 1 (as opposed to Patient 0) only had quite mild symptoms and had been to the GP and to the hospital several times and was dismissed. When they did take him seriously they waited another 2 or 3 days before they thought to test for Covid19. He'd infected loads of people in that time, each of them would then have probably infected at least 2+ more. It is thought by some there are probably 50-80% of patients who never show symptoms and so won't be tested. Initially in Lombardy they tested loads and found loads, then they switched to testing fewer, so missing some who became super-spreaders. The incubation period is thought to be anything from 2 to 27 days judging by cases they have seen - so the message the incubation period is 7 to 14 days is leading to a lot being able to infect others. And there are undoubtedly a lot of sources who were here as tourists, spending time in gondolas and apres-ski pubs ...

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toPMRpro

Quite a bit of incompetence at the beginning then!

Talk about "Adam &Eve" syndrome. One person can affect a whole region in 'null comma nix".

So far I can get no more news of someone being affected in Bad S. There are a couple in Soest though.

The Thermal Bad is still open (thermal)??? I would think that was a risk.

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply toPMRpro

So far Taiwan, China and Japan independently have done DNA sequencing of different strains of Corona virus and come to conclusion that the main source was in USA ( because they had all variation known present) and then it spread to other places. This is why they never found patient 0 in China and significant number of patients did not have contact with dreaded fish market.

As far as I read Italy has different variant of virus then Japan, so that story of someone traveling to Japan and back to Italy is probably not a reason of why virus spread to Italy. (or Germany).

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply tonickm001

Everyone is blaming other countries for starting this pesky illness. It's come, wherever it's from, and we have to deal with it!!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply tonickm001

Now Nick - that can't possibly be true. The president who understands this all so well says it is all someone else's fault and closing the border to China has protected them - that's why they have so few cases. No mention of no tests meaning they have no idea how many have it!!!!! And all you need is a wall to keep the virus out ...

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply toPMRpro

That is a good summation of US response to corona virus :). Just today he banned the travel to/ from EU.... so at least it wont spread more your way. The market reacted on his "wise" words with limit down ( they stop the trading when market falls 5%) - that is the "limit down".

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply tonickm001

I'm just rather worried how things will continue in the US! Do you think he intended no-one to come this way too?

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply toPMRpro

I don't think he thought that far ahead....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toHighlandtiger

Not sure he thought ....

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply toPMRpro

That sounds about right!

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply toPMRpro

Most of the people would like to come back home eventually... Why would anyone travel to EU if they can't fly back?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply tonickm001

They might fly to the UK - and it will be as bad as anywhere else by the end of next week. Also it only applies to the Schengen area - there are a load of other countries such as Romania and Bulgaria that are open, can't remember the rest.

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply toPMRpro

It will get worse before this epidemic is under control... Here most of the public events are cancelled, and middle school/high schools are closed already for a week until at least 20th, but that can be extended into spring break.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply tonickm001

Everything is shut down here now, until the 3rd of April for now but could well be extended.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply toPMRpro

The Scottish government has decided that from the start of next week mass gatherings of 500 or over will be cancelled.

Apparently it's more about removing unnecessary burdens on the emergency services than stopping the spread of the virus.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toHighlandtiger

Yes, was just listening to hersel'. Whatever you think of her politics, she does scrub up well ...

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply toConstance13

Are you diabetic? 🌺

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toThelmarina


Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply toConstance13

Phew! 😂🌻

It's good news and will help you both stop worrying. 🤞🌻

Blearyeyed profile image

Do they not realise that it can be as dangerous to a husband's life and limb as the Coronavirus to have him work at home and get under your feet all day.

When my hubby is off school during holidays I find it very hard to restrain myself from strangling him by Day 4!

Pretty sure you can't get a face mask to prevent your OH invading your quiet space either ( and believe me I've tried!) but the noise cancelling headphones have begun to be a bit of a blessing 😋😂😂😂😘

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toBlearyeyed

There are certainly going to be some hefty arguments! 🤨🧐😡

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toBlearyeyed

I was very careful when we moved and configured our living arrangements that hubby would have a little nest far far away from where I hang out!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply toHeronNS

I just hand my OH a Rubik's cube or a puzzle book and point in the direction of the other room , if he has his puzzles he thinks it's a treat as well 😋

Arflane97G profile image
Arflane97G in reply toHeronNS

Good idea. Plan to restrict my husband to the ‘growlery’ aka his study during working hours!

in reply toArflane97G


Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply toArflane97G

Love it !!! The Growlery , I'm going to rename my OHs office that and put a sign up for next week . He's off to teach the marking scheme to leaders for an exam and will be back marking from Monday . Believe me it's like walking on eggshells in our house in the first few weeks of each batch of marking , definitely like living near a Growlery. We tiptoe past the door so that we don't disturb the snarling bear , if he he hears us he decides to blame us for the poor work of his team or force us to come and see how bad the answers are , like we'd know, A' level pure Maths it's like Greek to me !

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toBlearyeyed

Tend to be a lot of Greek letters in it too ...

Meggsy profile image

Tom Hanks and his wife are in isolation in a hospital in Queensland after being diagnosed with the virus. He was in Aus to make a movie. It appears to be a mild infection.

in reply toMeggsy

He has type2 diabetes so will probably have tip top treatment... Probably better than I will if I get it. 😂🤣😂

Meggsy profile image
Meggsy in reply to

For certain! Probably isolated in a luxury suite somewhere. I remember watching an interview where he felt his regular gaining and losing of weight for his various film roles was responsible for his diabetes.

One of our senior government ministers has just tested positive today.

in reply toMeggsy

Yes. Having had diabetes for around 20years now I noticed some thing in a film a few years after the desert island one and just thought he has done his insulin resistance in. It was just a feeling then a couple of years later he said he was type2. I wrote a post about yo yo dieting years ago. I didn't say but believe it certainly contributed to my dx.

PMRpro profile image

In which case - we're fine without US residents coming this way. Since it is highly likely that you have a lot of cases of Covid19 that are yet to be identified since you haven't been testing.

PMRpro profile image

I said nothing about prevention - but you do need testing to have accurate figures for the spread.

Highlandtiger profile image

Of course not, I think it just highlights the lack of logic in the decision.

And yes I believe you.

Erm. We are dadcue... No one else getting shirty. It really doesn't matter where it came from at the moment. But once the condition has arrived in your country its arrived. I certainly don't care I I can't fly ad see it as a necessary precaution. But its the logic of banning some countries and not others. Doesnt sound like a humane or positive response does it. Please remember where the forum stems from and we are a not being rude and isolationist. I think your comment was unwarranted.

Please stop being so defensive. And defaulting to rude. We discuss.... Don't put peoples ideas down just because we ont agree. It's a pandemic. A pandemic requires a global response not snippiness.on a health forum (based in UK).. I really want to say s much more but am trying not to be quite so isolationist and insular and respond like a child taking their bat home. 🐘

That's not how it came over.

"Maybe Europe should focus on Europe."

It's not a neutral comment in the context of what you were saying.

They are connected by the global aspects... That's what pandemic means. Anyway enough said.

Exactly. But my feeling of distress are on a global scale... If I didn't try and stop myself getting it, it connects me to more than my loved ones if I am patient 7m and 7m and 20 dies because I forgot to wash my hands etc, my compassion is just the same as. If you can't be bothered to think about washing your hands for 20 or 30secs for strangers too... Because it'sseems a long time .. What's the point. Everyone who will die will have peoplr that love them... Doing something for non relatives is what makes you consciously human.... A human being. I too hope your daughter does NOT have to deal with remorse if anything happens to you or others.

HeronNS profile image

I was wondering too. :)

Yellowbluebell profile image

Its quite simple really. Poopyscoopy is saying if she didnt wash her hands and caught the virus and passed it on and another 20 people died because she didnt protect herself to protect others. A very easy statement to understand if you realise you are not above or better than anyone else with regards the countries involved. America not testing yet not stopping their residents from travelling is sticking a finger up to the other countries trying their best to stop the spread of covid!!! YBB

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toYellowbluebell

I still don't know how you got that from 7m and 7m and 20 dies. I did figure out that she meant she was patient #7 and caused 20 people to die, but I really don't understand the code.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply toHeronNS

It isnt code but poops just shortened it a bit. I am so used to trying to make sense of everything everyone writes on here now i automatically rewrite stuff. Basically all she meant was we are all responsible for ourselves and by protecting ourselves we protect others irrelevant of nationality. YBB

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toYellowbluebell

I was puzzled by the numbers she used. I know perfectly well she was telling us to be responsible, don't think anyone disagrees with that!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply toHeronNS

I dont the figures were set in stone just an example of us all affecting others. Have you cases where you are?

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toYellowbluebell

Not yet, neither confirmed nor presumptive, but we are all behaving as though there are.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply toHeronNS

We have a couple in east sussex but we are in west sussex and nothing here yetx

HeronNS profile image

I still don't get it. ;) It must be a typo. We don't have any known cases here. But a woman returning from France to New Brunswick has tested positive. She put herself into isolation as soon as she got home. :)

HeronNS profile image

Actually I think YBB and I are talking at cross purposes.

HeronNS profile image

In my province they have set up special testing stations where people can go to be tested. They have to contact 811 first for an appointment. If you are sick you have to call the emergency department to let them know you are coming so you are kept separate from people not there for covid19. We have received constant updates through the major media (I watch and listen to CBC) from both federal and provincial officials. Even our condo board has sent a letter to all residents outlining how they are going to frequently sanitize frequntly touched surfaces in the common areas and included a photocopy of the basic advice issued by the federal health department. We may not have any known cases here but we are starting to behave as though we do, reminding each other to stop touching our faces, cancelling certain events which would draw crowds, etc.

HeronNS profile image

My son emailed me today to ask if we'd got a supply of food to last two weeks. I must admit I have been rather lax. I don't seem to have the energy to deal with it. But he is right. No harm in having a few extra packages of rice and tins of beans and some frozen veggies. And we have plenty of kleenex and t.p., as well as alcohol wipes left over from travels. :D

People are being told not to shake hands too, I forgot to mention that.

in reply toHeronNS

I bought my last bit of shopping to last if it has to. I usually live day to day as I have lots of shops. Yesterday I finished buying frozen green veg and sweetcorn for a treat. I have enough to last a month if limited and a lots of carby things as pasta, quinoa, pulses, soup beans etc I have been buying a couple of cans every few days for weeks just in case. I haven't got the funds to do it all in one big shop so thought I had better start early. From the first couple of weeks it had pandemic written all over it.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

It did sort of suggest it would become bigger even if countries did stuff unfortunately. I didn't really take much notice to start with. I have bought extra dried foods like soup muces and yeast and flour but refuse to stock pile stuff like loo rolls. Mind you i get supermarket deliveries and a lot of stuff was out if stock so its been hit or miss whether i got what i wanted!!YBB

If I was infected and my contacts 20 people away died... I. E. a contact of a contact of a contact etc... Would i feel any different if it was my loved one or some else's loved one I had participated in infecting? If I had done my best not to, then there's nothi g else I could do to safeguard those contacts, just as those who tried their best in terms of safeguarding me.

The point I was trying to make no one's life is more important everyone in the world is at risk and we have to understand the consequences of that, not just isolate our compassion to a nation state.

By trying my best to follow guidelines I acknowledge I have a responsibility and others have a responsibility too. The numbers 7m and 7m 20 were purely illustrative that no matter where or how many people get infected I will examine my thought patterns and behaviours that aren't based on not just looking after number 1. It was an artificial linear death toll to illustrate a point.

P. S. So ybb was correct in her understanding of my reply.,

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