Taste buds and Tapering?? Taste buds no longer experience flavors----Tapered from 1.5 to 1.0 in the slow program. Everything has no taste. Anyone experienced this? Is it connected to Prednisone taper? Thank you for your feedback.
Tapering and taste buds: Taste buds and Tapering... - PMRGCAuk
Tapering and taste buds

I have heard people complaining of changes in their taste and smell sensation at various doses so I'm not sure it is entirely due to the tapering.
I don't know if this is of any interest to you - not an easy read:
Many thanks for the article.
At least it has a name.... "phantogeusia (taste that occurs without oral stimulation)"
Oho- Drugs from top 100 in the US in 2017; Prednisone; Smell disorders; Yes..... but not Taste disorders. It might be the combinations with ...possibly 'my' Methotrexate?
Aha...I am already doing the 'right' thing...."However, there are a few treatment options to ameliorate chemosensory alterations including addition of simulated flavors to food to compensate for losses and to override offending tastes and smells." A life of chillies, goats' cheese, and Marmite will continue. Missing subtelty...... and strawberry jam which tastes of damp ever-so-slightly-sweet sugar.
"Patients should be instructed to achieve as much flavor as they can from their food by chewing well (releasing flavor molecules so they can interact with taste and smell receptors) and switching among foods as they eat. In addition, alternating among the foods on the plate counteracts the phenomenon of sensory adaptation in which each successive bite of the same food tastes and smells weaker and weaker with repetitive ingestion. Chewing gum or ice, rinsing the mouth with sodium bicarbonate, or applying local anesthetics can sometimes provide temporary relief from taste dysfunction."
Marmite - oh no!!!!
There's always Vegemite for vegans!
Just as bleugh! Actually Marmite is vegan - essential for B vits my friend tells me! She was beside herself when they moved production to Holland and Brexit delays were forecast ...
Especially b12. It's my main source and despite 18 years of metformin the dr tells me my b12 normal....
Yes like PMRpro I do know some people who have lost the taste.............they found that adding spices etc helped a bit............but it does come and go.........then it goes for good.
Why does it happen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I just do not know. Maybe the link will help,
I think I'd probably go and have it checked out at the GP or the Dentist as a separate issue , if it has something to do with steroids they would hopefully know but there could be various reasons for this that are not related to Steroids or PMR so it's better to look for those too.
Have you had a cold , an infection , or do you suffer from migraine headaches at all?
I have experienced altered taste with spices tasting strange and sweet flavours having an appeal like never before. This is important and needs to be investigated however. It is not a common side effect of Pred as far as I am aware.
My sense of taste has recently changed dramatically, since my daily dose of Metformin was doubled due to my HbA1c rising to 72. Food in general has little appeal and I'm eating out of a sense of duty (and to reduce the deathly fatigue from a slow taper from 7.5mg to 7.0mg to 6.5 mg - a very slow and difficult taper for me). I have never put on weight with Pred, and now I am losing weight. The only time I feel remotely hungry is the middle of the night when I can't sleep - and then it is the sweet carbs I crave. I still have to shop and cook for my OH but it's difficult to do so with any enthusiasm at all.
This is having a really negative impact on your life, I really would pester my doctor for tests/solutions.
Phew....I am not alone, Cross-stitcher. I too am losing weight as food holds little appeal so I just eat as I have heard a rumour that it is necessary. Also stopped swimming as it just hurts and is no longer enjoyable. Lack of concentration means I am getting less done. It is a drag....but I read Dr Twohigs article so can see that PMR is essentially a disability to be coped with until (fingers crossed) it eventually clears up- see Soroya's healthunlocked.com/pmrgcauk....