Weekend in Bridport: I didn't really feel up to it... - PMRGCAuk


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Weekend in Bridport

40 Replies

I didn't really feel up to it, but my husband had promised our friend we'd visit... *sign* How many times can you cancel plans, before you start to come across like as fickle fool?

After a very pleasant 4 hour drive, and a nice leisurely lunch, we arrived in Bridport. A good long catch-up with Jon, and a lovely dinner at The Bull, with a few glasses of wine!

Sitting here this morning (in a quiet house, as everyone was still sleeping at 5:45) and looking out at the rain falling on the already green, beautiful, hills of Doset, I realised that this was, in fact, a good idea!

You have to live life. Give it a try. Take the chance. Assume the best.

I've discovered I'm too quick to "poo poo" things; convincing myself I won't enjoy it, or I won't feel well enough....

Silly girl.

PS This is Chrissy; "Jon the Vet" found her on Christmas Eve, 10 years ago.... they have been best friends ever since. She is lovely.

40 Replies
Jean56 profile image

Oh I’m jealous! Normally at this time of the year we’re in Dorset, either at Bridport or Dorchester. Due to husband and new knee we’re stuck at home. I’ve been visiting Bridport and Lyme Regis for 42 years, where do the years go, scary. We bought a touring caravan 9 years ago and usually spend 6months or more in Dorset and ‘up north.’ It’s something I never thought I would do and took an awful lot of persuading, now I love it. Since the onset of this disease I find life in the van simple, smaller space, less to do and if I’m lucky no mobile phone signal! We only stay on small farm sites and often have the place to ourselves. Utter bliss! Dorset is our favourite place. Recommendation, your friends may already be aware. Wonderful pub Martinstown near Dorchester, Brewers Arms. Fantastic food. I do understand about putting off things, turning down invitations, it seems such hard work. We were thinking of a few days away But I’ve been saying I haven’t the energy. I need a fairy godmother to wave her wand and transport us and luggage. The thought of packing a suitcase, argh! Oh, how I would love to be in Bridport...... enjoy!

in reply to Jean56

Oh wow! We do love it here too! Heaven. Thanks for pub recommendation, we'll check them out! A touring caravan, in Dorset sounds, amazing! Maybe you'll get here soon.... fingers crossed!

CT-5012 profile image

Good for you, sometimes you just have to believe. A happy contented dog too. Have a lovely time. 🙂

in reply to CT-5012

Thank you!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

You could have given me a wave as you went by!

Glad you enjoyed it! Bridport is one of the thriving local towns - it’s very “foody”.

Jean56 profile image
Jean56 in reply to DorsetLady

Oh yes, I visit to Bridport does nothing for my waistline!

in reply to DorsetLady

Last night at The Bull it was a sardine starter and a sea bass main! Mmmmmmmm! It was excellent.

Rimmy profile image

Wonderful Melissa !! I'm pleased you are having an enjoyable time - it sounds like just the kind of stuff I love to do - long drives, stops for lunches, visiting someone interesting and perhaps some (more) delicious food and maybe drinks. We have not visited Dorset as yet but will add it onto our list of places to go. At the moment however Ruth is fixated on visiting Scotland again -maybe this time Inverness as there is a woman's walking group which recommends some lovely treks there. I would also particularly love to go to Iona again. I was entranced walking along its shores a few years ago to find numerous tiny pieces (mosaic size) of broken ceramics which seemed by their designs very 'old' and because they had obviously rolled around in the ocean for years and had very rounded smooth edges. I collected quite a few and have kept them for a mosaic I intend to do 'one day' - there are just SO many things to do and places to go - regardless of this PMR/GCA we don't need a 'bucket list' - but maybe a 'bathtub' size one at least !!

Have fun



in reply to Rimmy

If your ears were burning last night, it was because I was telling Jon all about you! He (like you) is very intelligent and knows a lot about a lot! He was showing me a book (one of his thousands!) and I thought of you! I'm not exactly sure why? I guess because she lived a fascinating life!) it's called "The Unwomanly Face of War" Svetlana Alexievich. Check it out. Xxx

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

Thanks Melissa will do !!


Rosbud profile image
Rosbud in reply to Rimmy

You must visit Dorset ,absolutely fabulous place to be x

SheffieldJane profile image

I’m glad you braved it and it was good! I am bracing myself for Mick Jagger in Edinburgh in a fortnight. If you pretend enough, it can become real. It’s my old home town so perhaps I can do a Scarlett O’Hara and grab a handful of soil and say “ As God is my witness I will never be hungry again”!

Very nice pooch! Xxx

in reply to SheffieldJane

You can do it Jane, even if you just up the Pred for that day!

Four days after my first Chemo l was due to see The Mavericks at a Standing Concert in York so l asked when l was having my treatment what were the chances of me making it?.........

They were so good about it, you take dexamethasone before the Chemo & for three days afterwards so they gave me it for four days & l made it, on top of my Pred l certainly ‘Danced The Night Away!’ 💃🏻

I’ll never forget standing there thinking this is madness but l wasn’t having anything else taken from me so Go Girl you’ll have a ball!

Angela x

in reply to

I LOVE that you did this!!!!!! Good on you!!!!!

Rett, Rett... where will I go, what will I do?

Frankly, my dear.... I dint give a damn!

JulianJ profile image

Taking these steps is good for us, we do tend to look at what we can't instead of what we can do.

Sometimes, just jumping in the car and driving off to some far flung place can be so much fun.

For me, I have a nice little drive up the A470 and along the A40 on Monday. Two and a half hours each way. I haven't told the boss yet, leave that until we are driving on Monday ;)

We could just wait as our daughter is heading home from uni on Wednesday!

Rose54 profile image

Have a wonderful time

we still have a life to live and you can rest away just the same as when your home.

Life to short to let PMR/GCA to steal it away from us completely .

I know how you feel I always get myself in a panic about traveling on underground in London .As I am on my own when I go to visit family .

But I know I can take my time use the lifts and stop to rest if I need to .

And its the only way I get to see more of my Grandson

linda49 profile image
linda49 in reply to Rose54

Not sure where you live Rose54, but there are some new rail services being started using Thameslink so they cross London without using the tube. I think they go between Littlehampton on the south coast and Bedford. The other one travels between Horsham in West Sussex and Peterborough which would be handy if you use the East Coast mainline services to go further north. They were mentioned on the BBC news the other day.


Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to linda49

Thanks for info

I go from Southampton

Due to living on the Isle of Wight its the quickest way

I get a bus to Red Jet and a but then goes from terminal at Southampton straight to train station .

All being well form door to door its five and a half hour journey .

But I will check out if theirs any new routes when next I go .

Many Thanks


Cyclegirl54 profile image

Can recommend The New Inn At West Knighton, near Dorchester! Enjoy your trip 🙂

Rosbud profile image

Welcome to beautiful Dorset , what A lovely day it is down here ,enjoy your stay x

Ladybird25 profile image

I love Dorset. A friend of mine lives out in the country just outside Bridport. I’ve had some lovely visits there. She has several dogs, so always lots of walking. Not sure I’d cope with the length of walks we used to have, especially along the cliff paths.

in reply to Ladybird25

No.... our friend is the local Vet and his idea of a "walk" is like miles and miles up some bloody steep hill! My husband is out with him now, for a "20 minute walk...". They've been gone and hour! 🤣

Ladybird25 profile image
Ladybird25 in reply to

Haha! My friend always managed to find a steep hill to climb, wherever we went. I have no memories of ever going downhill.


Louisepenygraig profile image

Good for you. I always find I feel better when I do things too although I worry beforehand. We've just had a 3 hour drive to a hotel in the Midlands then Monday we're going on to Abingdon to stay with my sister in law for a few days Of course I was anxious before but so far so good. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

in reply to Louisepenygraig


Telian profile image

Soak it up Melissa, soak it up!

in reply to Telian

Soaking. Soaking. I was up early, out in the garden listening to cows, sheep, birds.... taking photos of Blue Tits flitting around the garden... in and out of the tiniest bird house ever! What bliss! You don't find this in Brighton! Cheers!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Lovely - and plan to relax when you get home too...just relax and relive the memories...am I envious mmm yes!

Great photo of Chrissy. Are her ears always like that or is she dreaming? Enjoy the moments.

in reply to

Hahahahaha! No, she was sleeping peacefully until she heard the "clicking" of the iPad camera button... She does do that with her ears quite often though!

She is a lovely dog, and has one brown eye and one blue eye which makes her very interesting to look at !!!

Totally and utterly 100% dedicated to Jon, her owner. She did let me pet her a lot this trip which is usually not the case... : ) Colour me happy!

in reply to

They can be so loyal. Not our old Jack Russell though! He was any anybody's for a biscuit!!! Charmer & rogue he could be.

in reply to


Marymon profile image

I am off to stay with friends next month and Bridport is their nearest town. Friend had a restaurant in Brighton before moving to France where we met . Memorable meals on their terrace. They will know The Bull if the food is good, and I will be taking them out a few times as a thank you, and thanks to others who have given recommendations.

May the sun keep shining.


in reply to Marymon

Ohhhh, enjoy!!!!! We love the Bull... good, quality, food and service.

morrison profile image

So glad you're having a good time. Well done. Xx

in reply to morrison


morrison profile image

I forgot to say the last time I was in Bridport was to watch the solar eclipse. Six children, two dogs and 2 adults all huddled into a pop up tent. Picnic, wine of course. Right under the cliffs. It was an amazing experience and what a lovely place to see it. xx

Sounds lovely!

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