To my PMRGCA Friends in the USA - after 'Manhatta... - PMRGCAuk


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To my PMRGCA Friends in the USA - after 'Manhattan'... :-(

markbenjamin57 profile image
23 Replies

Dear PMRGCA friends across the 'Pond'.

Just a quick 'Hello', and to say how much these latest, bad and sad events have also dominated the BBC News here in the UK today.

I know that some (?) of you are geographically distant from the latest 'action', but I'm so impressed to see the dignified and professional response from NYPD Officials via our news media here. It restores my faith in the USA as a society with Values, Compassion and Integrity when, sometimes, other Nations and / or the Media decry the USA for all sorts of reasons that I won't go into right now.

I won't comment on the Political Leadership Culture in the USA, simply because it's beyond the scope of my simple imagination: and also I can't express my thoughts adequately in a 40-character 'Tweet'! :-/

Either way, very best wishes to you all - and let's hope today's events are a 'one-off'..?

'Uncle' MB in the UK :-)

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markbenjamin57 profile image
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23 Replies
GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Thank you, Mark.

This incident occurred just blocks from my office. We are all shocked and shaken and saddened here in NYC, but just a few blocks north and west, New Yorkers are celebrating one of our annual spectacles - The Holloween Parade. It is in the tradition of the way we've handled terrorism in NYC for decades now - with good old Yankee stubborness. Someone can take our lives without our permission, but they can't have our freedom.

As for the Twit-in-Chief, we're working on it.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

And yes, our First Responders here in NYC are in a class by themsleves.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Oh, and I completely forgot - the NYC Marathon will be run as planned this Sunday, with some 50,000 registered runners and millions lining the streets to cheer them on.

MaryA_ profile image
MaryA_ in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Well said!

Marie1479 profile image

Thank you Mark. My son is attending university not far from the attack and my daughter also lives & works in Manhattan. I am so sickened by this. My son admitted to me tonight that when he takes the train home to Long Island he feels a sense of panic when he is in Penn Station. My brother who has lived in London for many years tells me US Politics are like a reality show!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Marie1479

If it brings any comfort, Penn Station is one of the most patrolled, heavily guarded and secure sites in Manhatttan. I slipped and fell there last year and out of nowhere - and I mean nowhere - 2 uniformed policemen, a National Guardsman, and 4 plainclothes officers disguised as ordinary commuters and a homeless person, all converged to tend to me. I was fine but I didn't have time to take 2 breaths before aid was at hand.

Penn also happens to be one fo the most claustrophibic places I've ever spent any time in...and I'm a NYC native.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

As for our current politics - yeah, it's a circus. We do seem to lose our minds every couple of decades. The good thing is eventually we recover our common sense.

barbthy profile image
barbthy in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

I agree it's a circus and hope we come to our senses next election or before

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to barbthy

I signed the impeachment petition.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Where do we sign? I have not heard of impeachment. I will have to look it up....

This has gone on long enough. We get to share with the world we have a tweeting President. Isn't there security issues with that?

I personally feel embarrassed.... and I don't even want to know what the rest of the world thinks.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Gee, I'm not sure if posting the link would break the rules of this site, so I won't.

But if you Google "NeedToImpeach" it should be the top result.

Patience47 profile image
Patience47 in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

I'm sorry, here you go again about politics. I say thank God for president Trump. Let's keep politics out of this health forum.

Baileyw06 profile image

Thank you

Sandy1947 profile image

Thanks Mark. Suspect has address in Paterson, NJ. I was raised in that town and shop in that neighborhood. Very scary. However, living life too the fullest despite insanity prevails for all us in a tumultuous world.

MaryA_ profile image

Thanks Mr Mark, it’s all so terrible. I can’t even express it in words. As far as the political picture here, well, down right scared! At times I wish those descendent of mine had stayed on the other side of the pond. Again thanks for thinking of us.😢

SheffieldJane profile image

I second that, a massive hug going out to New York! New York! ❤️

We love you guys!

markbenjamin57 profile image

Dear All in the USA

Thanks for your replies - it's good to hear that people are rallying round after that terrible incident. Your First Responders sound fantastic (aren't they all?). A couple of you mention 'edgy' places to be in NY. It's not so different in parts of the UK - or I guess any big City anywhere in the world? It's also good to see a spirit of Business as Usual. The Good Side of Humanity prevails in a crazy world ..? :-)

Now.. I've been taken to task in a PM (I wonder why a PM, not publicly..?) from a member who shall be nameless but bluntly tells me to 'Stay out of USA politics and respect our autonomy'. Ouch! :-/

All I can say to that individual and others here is: I always try to be diplomatic, respectful and balanced on this forum, and to express opinions obliquely to avoid getting into any kind of conflict with others (Life's too short - I prefer to deal in Smiles and Laughter!). Hopefully, a few of you know my SOH and the intentions and sentiments behind it, i.e. usually more to send-myself-up rather than take a stand on sensitive issues - like domestic or foreign politics especially!

For better or worse, the above reminded me that there are and will always be 'Silent' followers on the forum who might occasionally (or never?) Post or reply to others' Posts - but who, all the same, are part of the PMRGCA community. We all have that choice..

Hey Ho, there we are. I'm not canvassing for support - just wanting to set the record straight and clear-up any misapprehensions...

Keep smiling all ;-)

MB :-)

MaryA_ profile image
MaryA_ in reply to markbenjamin57

Thanks for keeping us smiling! 🤓

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to markbenjamin57

I'll probably get some heat for this comment, but don't let the Trumpeteer Bullies silence you. We need rational and intellegent voices from all over the world to shout that the Emperor is Naked.

Patience47 profile image
Patience47 in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Why make such a juvenile comment? Start a political thread if that's what you want to discuss.

Klah profile image
Klah in reply to markbenjamin57

I welcome different views and opinions and wish there could be reasonable discourse on all subjects...but, unfortunately, no. Very little consideration of opposing views going on in the USA. Don’t let that stop you😊💗

SheffieldJane profile image

How odd Mark. I have re- read your post twice and cannot see anything contentious in it at all. We have a pretty inclusive culture here and you above all embrace everyone and cheer us up no end. Oh dear.😬

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to SheffieldJane

Thanks Jane, I try! :-)

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