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The Lighter Side: To Whom It May Concern - about the Smiley Snow Face on my Car... ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
56 Replies

Dear Whoever you are..

This is to thank you for the highly artistic and spontaneously crafted 'Smiley Face' drawn in the 3 inch-thick snow on the bonnet of my elderly but posh and serious Mercedes Limo this morning. Clearly, in passing, I assume that you felt that 'she' (by the way, 'Mercedes' is a lady's name in Germany) needed cheering-up after yet another onslaught from The Beast from The East. Fair enough, in the circumstances.

I'm pleased to report that my car (registration number 'S1 LLY') has been wearing her new Smiley identity with some pride, and a crowd of neighbours has already gathered to delight in her new, grinning expression. 'Banksey' would be proud!

On the subject of 'grinning' cars: I would, however, just offer some polite feedback on your artistic skills, which might be helpful to you for further Snow Face Art projects. In particular, the eyes on your 'work' (all 3 of them) are slightly lop-sided, giving the face more of a fiendishly supernatural look, rather than an innocently mirthful one. This would be ok, except that a 3-eyed Smiley face is likely to scare young children as well as adults of a nervous disposition - of which there are many where I live, including my good self.

I would also gently bring your attention to the 9 teeth, or rather, JAGGED FANGS on the 'Smiley' face which protrude menacingly across the entire length of the bonnet (hood) and further suggest that your 'character' is either derived from a Gothic Horror Movie Halloween character, or perhaps fashioned on the late Sir Ken Dodd? As I write this, I can now hear the sound of infants screaming uncontrollably and parents trying to pacify them outside my living room window, accompanied by the distant but fast-advancing sound of the sirens of Police cars, Ambulances and a team of Psychiatrists who are specialists in Trauma treatment. Oh dear...

And then there is the inventively positioned 'nose' on your 'Smiley' face. Well, yes: on a Snowman in a garden, a large carrot is 'De Rigeur' for comedic effect. However, on a Mercedes this doesn't quite fit with the design aesthetics of such a prestigious German vehicle. To be honest, the entire configuration of 3 staring eyes, jagged 'Jaws'-like fangs and a suggestively placed carrot (presumably intended as a phallic 'finishing touch') would suggest 'Room for Improvement' if you are intending to make this type of Car Art your future career path.

That said, 'she' (Mercedes) seems to be quietly taking all this excitement in her stride. In fact, the old girl even seems to be enjoying the attention she is suddenly getting - which, as I understand it, is more than is usual for a 'lady of a certain age'.

So, in conclusion, I would like to thank you for your efforts to brighten-up Mercedes, myself and others in my Community this morning, even if slightly mis-directed. Although there will inevitably be some fallout from events with regards to the need for long-term treatment for PTSD for some people here, a few others here have enjoyed a "good old laugh" (including the local Police). All I would suggest is, should we have another visitation of The Beast from The East, you might first consult with Banksey (it you can locate him)so as to be able to emulate his style more subtly when decorating Mercedes, or other vehicles in the area. This will be especially helpful since I understand that even Banksey replicas are now fetching good money on ebay...

Yours obligingly

MB :-)

Sent from: Benjamin Mansions, Weston super Snow... ;-)

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markbenjamin57 profile image
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56 Replies
yogabonnie profile image

ha ha!. need a photo!!!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to yogabonnie

Do you really believe this stuff..?! ;-)

Patience47 profile image
Patience47 in reply to markbenjamin57


ConventCassie profile image

Well that brightened up my day, especially since our “Wimbledon” honoured me with a dead battery as we attempted to go to church.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to ConventCassie

Thanks Cassie - this very cold weather doesn't do car (or our!) batteries any good. It's a good idea to warm-up the car for an hour when it's freezing (assuming it will start). It also tops-up the battery if it's a bit tired. :-)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

Um - you do mean by taking the car for a run! Not just running the engine ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

Ideally, yes. But if you can't drive the car bcs of snow, ice etc it still helps to let it 'idle' for 30 mins with all the ancillaries switched off. :-)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

Just don't try it most of mainland Europe then - it is illegal to allow your engine to idle while "warming it up". Unnecessary pollution potential.

We never bother - the camper stands outside all year and recently we had nearly a week of IRO -19C overnight and a few weeks more of not above freezing in the day . I was a bit worried: all ancillaries switched off, pre-warmed (a diesel) twice and it started first time. The battery is the original - first registered 7 years ago.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

Ah ha.. of course (pollution etc). But does this apply on private driveways as well as public roads? Yep, a healthy (even if older) battery will withstand sitting around unused for a while / cold weather etc so long as it's not gradually drained by alarm systems / immobilisers etc. It all depends on the starting load on the battery too - in my experience, larger engines often need more 'cranking' power and therefore are more susceptible.. .

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

Yes. I don't recollect there being impermeable walls between them and the rest of the roads!! The camper battery actually powers a marten-repulsion device on a permanent basis.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

That makes sense... There's an ongoing debate in the UK about the 'idling' issue. One side says that vehicle 'idling' for more than a minute or so is harmful to the environment - and so a lot of new cars now have / are marketed with automatic stop/start technology. The other lobby say that frequent stop / start creates greater emissions due to (even the more fuel efficient) engines producing more CO2 at start-up than if quietly idling. But it's a complex topic..!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

They don't make a fuss about the idling at traffic lights for example - although you often see a sign at temporary lights saying to switch off your engine at red lights. Which usually means you can expect a LOOOOONG wait for them to change! Far more often here you will find lollipop men - who are far more responsive to the length of the queue or the amount of traffic one way or the other.

My main objection to the stop/start technology is the now excessive delays getting away at lights...

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

All about context, I think?

Makes sense to switch-off the engine if stationary for more than a minute or so (e.g. long traffic queues, heavy congestion etc) - especially in heavily populated areas. And especially for older, pre Euro 5 diesels and / or badly maintained engines (petrol or diesel) which are said to be the worst polluters - many trucks and buses included. Then again, it's a highly politicised debate in the UK and how often do you hear people talking about how much pollution is caused by aircraft, factories and wood-burning fires (yes!) etc etc.

As for stop/start - my Sis has a new VW Polo with it. I don't like it for the same reasons as you and dis-enable it whenever I drive the car! :-)

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Where I live new rules....£20 fine if caught with engine running even at traffic lights!....nothing said though about the buses that keep engines running where they all meet in the centre...worst culprits....

ConventCassie profile image
ConventCassie in reply to markbenjamin57

Thank you for that. Any chance when it warms up the battery will work or do I need to call assistance?

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to ConventCassie

It's possible, but it depends on the health / age of the battery. You could leave it until the temperatures rise above freezing (tomorrow / Tues?) and then try again. Trouble is, in this weather the RAC / AA etc (assistance people) will be inundated with similar call-outs so you might have to wait a while!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


Yes a piccy would have enhanced it!

Just be thankful it wasn’t the “ripoffhiswingmirror” Brigade or the “let’shaveagoatthepaintwork” Mob!

I’m sure Mercedes will be as beautiful as ever when she sheds her snow overcoat. We slightly older models are much more resilient than some think!

Chief Malingerer, Dorset’s Home For The Bewildered, Slippery Lane, Snows Melting, Dorsetshire.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to DorsetLady

Yep DL

Ok, so I used some artistic licence (as usual..) ;-) :-D

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to markbenjamin57

Remember the boy who called wolf too often......

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to DorsetLady

What... Me...? :-D

Marlenec profile image

Hi Mark

I went into the garden to make a snowman but got carried away and built the Leaning Tower of Pisa with full size Michelangelo inside .... hang on I'll take a photo ........ got my camera but Oh no it's melted!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Marlenec

Ha Marlene! Ditto..

That's why there is a clock on the leaning tower of Pisa. The designers rationale was: 'What use is the inclination if you don't have the time..?'. ;-) :-D

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post!!!!!!!

Nice one Mark, OK, I own up :-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to

Trust YOU Pete - anything to get attention (as always)! ;-) :-D

How are things..?

in reply to markbenjamin57

I'm fine thanks, as far as PMR can be fine. Just waiting for the milder weather to see if I can get on with a slow reduction. I'm on 4 and half mg and still wake up not feeling 100% so l might have reduced too far. I will know in a day or two.

How is it with you ?

Pete 🤔😎

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to

Similar to you Pete - so sticking on 4mgpd through this cold snap. Just looked back and see that I was down to 6 mgpd nearly 12 months ago, gradually got down to 2, then back to 4-5. So it's a slow-old-do at these lower levels, as many of us know.

Hopefully some warmer / brighter weather will help in the process...!

MB :-)

in reply to markbenjamin57

Yep, fingers crossed 🤗🙄

May10 profile image

Someone who knows you well!!

SheffieldJane profile image

Hilarious 🤩

Insight329 profile image

I had a great-aunt Mercedes. She went by Sadie. Unfortunately (or fortunately), she only had 2 eyes. And to answer your question: Yes, some of us believe this stuff. Now make it happen and take a picture. (Hope you have a carrot in your refrigerator.)

markbenjamin57 profile image

Ah-ha Joy!

Yep, the brand-name 'Mercedes' was coined by the German industrialist, Emil Jellinek, one of the founders of Daimler Automobiles in the 1920's - and in a tribute to his daughter. The name was apparently derived from the adopted Spanish term 'Grace', and believed to be of female origins.

As for a photo of the alleged Mercedes 'Art'? Ok, I hold my hands up: none of this nonsense really happened - I just looked outside at a hastily executed Smiley Face on the bonnet (or 'Hood', depending on where you are in the world) of my car and decided to write this (allegedly) silly Post.

Ohh, so much for my vivid (and Pred induced?) imagination..! ;-) :-D

MB :-)

(aka 'Four Eyes' - no comment about carrots...)

jinasc profile image

Mark and Pastit

How long with PMR?

The Trio springs to mind so look at ACTH test...........................just a thought..................

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to jinasc

Thanks j.... That makes sense... :-)

SusyTe profile image

Well, I won’t tell you what the horrible teenage boy from next door drew on our car! Suffice to say it involved a very large “carrot”. 😡

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SusyTe

With a couple of beetroot I presume?

SusyTe profile image
SusyTe in reply to PMRpro

Yup - very large ones too. Maybe one day he will grow up. 🙄

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to SusyTe

Do us 'boys' ever grow up Susy..?! :-D

SusyTe profile image
SusyTe in reply to markbenjamin57

Well, I hope this one does, Mark - he is making my life a misery by trying to wind me up and I am sure it is aggravating my PMR. 😬

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to SusyTe

Ohh, that's not good Susy...

in reply to PMRpro

Careful 🙃

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to

Pete, better we both keep out of this one or we'll get the blame... ;-) :-D

in reply to markbenjamin57

Mark, I'm with you on that one! 100% 🤕😇😕

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

PMRpro, trust YOU to lower the tone even further.. :-D

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

I resent that. Don't deny it but I do resent it...

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

Back behind the sofa again for me then... :-(

in reply to markbenjamin57

Mark, what's happened to teddy ? 😵😱

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to

He's outside valeting the Limo ready for an important meeting tomorrow. He has his uses...! ;-) :-D

Jackoh profile image

Such an imagination this boy has got!!!

EdithWales profile image

Shame on you leaving her out in the snow. My beautiful and much younger girl is safely cosseted in the garage. She is like a lady in high heels 👠 in the snow so is never allowed out in such inclement weather



markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to EdithWales

Quite rightly Edith.. these girls need cossetting.

Unfortunately, mine being the 'Limo' version (at nearly 17 feet long) is too big to fit into an average size garage! It's also a bit embarrassing at ASDA when she overhangs 2 parking spaces and I get funny looks from the attendants. I just pretend I'm the chauffeur for some important bloke... ;-) :-D

EdithWales profile image
EdithWales in reply to markbenjamin57

Should have guessed you were a poser!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to EdithWales

Ohhh, not really Edith, I usually prefer to keep a low profile in Life. It's just that I love 'special' cars and this one was too good to resist for my 60th birthday treat. It also comes with an interesting (but long) 'story'.. :-)

EdithWales profile image
EdithWales in reply to markbenjamin57

I can talk, just bought myself a new one today. Black out drug dealer windows, sunshine roof and whopper steroid. Might be a bit over the top for 77 but who cares! 🥂

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to EdithWales

Lovely! :-). Whopper Ster..oid..? 'You Only Live Twice'.. ;-) :-D

in reply to markbenjamin57

Ha Mark, whopper Ster...oid ?

Do you swallow it or what ?😵😱

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