The Lighter Side of PMR / GCA - Let's hear it for... - PMRGCAuk


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The Lighter Side of PMR / GCA - Let's hear it for the 'Aunties'?! ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
55 Replies

Greetings to all here, whether you are a PMR / GCA Veteran, Survivor, Newbie,, or even the bloke / woman at the bus stop. Either way, I address this post to YOU LOT collectively... ;-)

You might, or might not, suspect that my various BS ramblings here (careful now - by BS, I mean Bonkers Silliness) during the past 2 years-or-so of surviving PMR have been intended to amuse myself more than for any other reason. I am fully aware that laughing alone is the first sign of insanity, and so I rest my case. My Therapist is sympathetic - I pay her well.

That said: having recently reached the heady heights of both recovering (hopefully - we'll see..) from PMR AND being a published contributor in recent PMRGCA newsletters (Wow - what, me?!), I must 'bow' in greater recognition of the far more important contributions from those PMR / GCA Community 'Aunties', who tirelessly and relentlessly answer our various posts and queries of whatever kind around all things PMRGCA on an almost daily basis, whether relevant, sensible or otherwise.

Who are the PMR / GCA 'Aunties'? A relatively anonymous and modest bunch of Ladies (I use the term 'Ladies' in the most respectful way) without whose expert knowledge and personal experience of all things PMRGCA, the rest of Us Lot would often be 'in-the-dark' about how to negotiate the precarious process of understanding PMR / GCA symptoms, steroid tapering, dealing with (sometimes less-well informed) doctors and specialists, and much more besides.

But make no mistake - The Aunties aren't to be messed-with when it comes to challenging their expert advice and wisdom. Take it from one of Us Lot who has, occasionally, been on the 'wrong' side of them (!) with my various hypotheses and ramblings around the possible causes of PMR / GCA - and how best to manage them.

The Aunties here also have a great SOH, Humanity, and Compassion. They have massive insights into what we all experience with PMR / GCA: not least through their own, and equally very personal experiences of the ravages of these serious, and often Life Changing health conditions. The Aunties will tune-in to any of us, any time, and give us their objective and expert advice, regardless. Try to Trust them, even if you don't necessarily agree with them / their opinions initially.

As for the book of Silly Ramblings that a few of the more Bonkers of You Lot have (recklessly)? encouraged me to put together: all I can say is: 'Watch this Space'. It will be out soon and, as always, I blame You Lot for inflicting any co-lateral Fun on yourselves.

Best thoughts and wishes for the weekend ahead..

MB :-)

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markbenjamin57 profile image
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55 Replies
SheffieldJane profile image

You are on top form for this late at night Mark! I'm off to sleep with a smile now.😴

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to SheffieldJane

Ah, bless, thanks Jane. My creative juices do tend to get going in the evenings - must be the 'owl' in me ;-)

HeronNS profile image

Uncle Mark is at it again!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to HeronNS

That sounds a bit sinister HeronNS! (but I know what you mean) :-)

Marilyn1959 profile image

Hear, hear MB. Well said. Look forward to reading that book!

I am able to verify your plea of 'sanity' by confirming that, by sharing your BS ramblings, you are definitely not laughing alone! I for one start to smile as soon as I see the username Markbejamin57 and that's before I even read the post. A wonderful tonic! Thank you.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Marilyn1959

Thanks Marilyn :-).

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959 in reply to markbenjamin57

Just read your article from Sambucca's link below.

Mark you are indeed the double entendre King! Quote; " She (Dr French) says I'll soon feel like a new man - I'll be able to get a firm grip on my morning stiffness and probably even feel quite euphoric!"

Like reading another novel by E L James! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

Agree Laughter is the best tonic.

(Just gone down for first time from 15mgs to 10mgs today hence the restless 2.30am reply!)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Marilyn1959

Ah, thanks Marilyn :-).

I must confess to 'borrowing' the J&J theme and style from the late Sir Terry Wogan's hilarious Janet and John stories on his BBC show years ago. I still fall about laughing when I dial them up on YouTube.

I wasn't sure if the naughty innuendos would work here, but they obviously tickled the imaginations of a few of You Lot - and enough to get an airing in print. Wow!! ;-) :-D

Well done with the (quite ambitious?) reduction - fingers crossed!

MB :-)

PiersC profile image

Hear hear !!!

Brixhamhampster profile image

Mark Benjamin57 I totally endorse your comments about the "Aunties". They are enduring in their support for us all and their knowledge and compassion is the only thing that has got so many of us through this unpredictable illness. At every stage of my own battle I have turned to their advice for guidance and it has always been there for the next set of problems to contend with. I hope our gratitude is some reward for their tireless help.

Well said Mark, the Aunties know who they are and they have my utmost respect. I have said many times that their knowledge and guidance over the last nearly 3 years has been invaluable to me at least. Not only that, they have shared it with us in an almost interment way to get those of us just starting out on this unplanned journey and those of us who are strugaling to reduce our pred and to shed light on why the 'Doctors Plan' often does not work for many of us.

So thanks again Mark for highting this fact and thanks again for your wit which for me always lightens the pains.

Pete :-) :-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to

Thanks Pete, all part of the service to You Lot ;-) :-)

Wispa123 profile image

Hear hear re the aunties ! But think mark def promoted to uncle status as well , look forwards to the book.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Wispa123

Thanks Wispa, a different take on The Man from UNCLE maybe...? :-) :-D

jinasc profile image

You can read Mark's take by following this link and going to page 5............the other pages are quite good also. Some of you will already have read that take on here, but what you have not seen is actually get to see his rather debonair you do not have to engage your 'steroid brain' by using your imagination - less stress !!!!!

You can also download any article or the whole of the newsletters past and present, hard info in them as well.

Mark actually got a glossy copy just this once...........(big grin and wink) so he can place it in his reading room, which is rather small, functional and I am led to believe.

Comments always welcome on content good or bad, that is how we learn.

By the way, two of them are not 'Aunties', and of the other 5 one is not a lady, she is a crotchety octogenarian early next year.

polkadotcom profile image
polkadotcom in reply to jinasc

No really, I always sound like that but it's not true!

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to polkadotcom


You are nowhere near 'moi' in either category (big grin).

Stay well my long term companion on the strange journey we embarked on many moons ago.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to jinasc

Ha! Thanks sambucca.

Well, yes, I received my copy today and have hung it in the 'reading room' in lieu (or is it in loo?) of somewhere more appropriate. The mugshot was taken whilst in Kiev, Ukraine a couple of years ago. Now THAT's another story entirely! ;-)

Estellemac profile image

I look forward to your book and can can you send a link to the PMR mag you mentioned? I tackle all my problems illnesses and life changing events with humour and BS. Sometimes most inappropriately. It's good to read another persons approach to what we can't change is of a similar sentiment. Keep up the good work Mark.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

This one you mean?

It was in the post from Sambucca above.

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

That's the one I think. Some good reading material here. Cheers 😯

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

If you go to the main site you can read past issues too.

under REsources on the blue strap line at the top

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Estellemac

No worry Estelle, will do :-)

Pat9442 profile image

Lovely to hear about Janet and John again! I look forward to the next adventure. Endorse allmyoumsay about the Aunties. Where would be be without the ?

As I also have RA I use their site too. Sooo boring after one of your epistles!

Stay well

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Pat9442

Thanks Pat. Actually, having re-read the J&J piece today and think it could (might..) run and run! I'm on the case.. ;-)

S4ndy profile image

Smile and the world smiles with you .......... uncle Mark you are a diamond, shine on! I raise a glass (well cup) to you and all the Aunties for your tireless work. Thank you one and all xxx

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to S4ndy

Thanks S4ndy. Well, it's really the Aunties who do the important work here. I'm just the Entertainment (allegedly) in between ;-)

shella profile image

I endorse all the varimultuous (must be the medication?) complimentary comments about our wonderful and patient 'aunties' who have kept our sanity when all around looked pretty grim ....

Thank you again..... keep up your great work ... big hugs to all 🌷🙋

daw50 profile image

Well done you MB. Should I ask for your autograph now before you become really famous??

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to daw50

Thanks daw50, but it's really the Aunties who deserve the credit!

That said, I'll dust-off my special pen just in case Celebrity status knocks on my door (as if!). The autograph might fetch a couple of quid on ebay in 20 years' time? :-D

MB :-)

Trixiechamp profile image

Whoop whoop for the Aunties! And you too Mark for bringing a smile to the rest of us stumbling our way through this disease. I cannot imagine how people coped pre forums and internet, silently suffering and following all the wrong advice I expect! THANK YOU!! 💐🌻🌼🌹🌷

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Trixiechamp

I quite agree re. the Aunties, Trixiechamp (..Tanya..?).

At least I've found a way to contribute positively here, although it was the last thing on my mind when I started writing this stuff. Yes, the internet / social forums do have their benefits, even if we complain about them often!

Thanks to You Lot for egging-me on too. As usual, all I can say is: HAVEN'T YOU GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO?! ;-) :-D :-D

MB :-)

jinasc profile image

Aw shucks....................

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to jinasc

I'm like: 'Awesome'! ;-) :-)

Sandy1947 profile image

I appreciate your levity. I feel so much better on the lighter side of this illness. As a newbie, I could not survive without the help of my Aunties. My friends and family are helpless when dealing with anything PMR related. Thank G-d they simply provide love and support.

Being plugged in alleviates the fright, loneliness and adjustment to the new normal. My 94 year old mother who goes to the gym every day and has a boyfriend only wants to know the date I will be cured. I'm a "talker" and not great at keeping things to myself so by addressing issues with my Aunties, I am learning to dumb things down with my mama!

Looking forward to your book. Smiles and laughter are medicinal! Thanks for your words.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Sandy1947

Many thanks Sandy

As always, the real credit should go to the Aunties for their more important bit, but it's good to know that I can raise a giggle or two in between the more serious stuff here ;-)

And as for your mother...! :-D

Hopefully, THE BOOK will be out by the Autumn. Be warned... ;-)

MB :-)

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to markbenjamin57

Keep us posted. Giggles are good!

Cinka profile image

Bless all Our Girls, for sure! Where would we be without them.. 💜

Or your informed and humorous take, ? Uncle Mark ? x

oops, can't leave without a smiley face! 😁

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Cinka

Thanks Cinka

I feel quite chuffed to be awarded the title of Uncle by some of You Lot - although I worry a bit that it conjures up an image of me sitting here in a matching cardigan and slippers whilst chomping through a bag of Werther's Originals and doing other 'uncle-ish' things like dribbling into my Horlicks, whistling old Des O Conner songs (out of tune, of course), and polishing my medals etc! ;-/ :-D

MB :-)

Cinka profile image

Hahaha.. Just the image! I can see you now, Uncle Mark! Lol.. You've only got yourself to blame!! 👴 ☕ ✍ 👓 😂 👍

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Cinka

Ohh Nooo Cinka! :-(

I've shot myself in the foot there! Better get the Image Consultants in sharpish (James Bond / George Clooney look maybe?) :-D :-D

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

I've always thought of Werther's fans as being grandads...

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

Phew, that's ok then...

Cinka profile image
Cinka in reply to PMRpro

My thoughts too.. they're nice tho', Werther's..

And Grandads.. 😉

Cinka profile image
Cinka in reply to markbenjamin57

Don't ever change, Uncle Mark! .. except that cardigan .. now and again... 😂

Jackoh profile image

Have been on holiday so as usual am late in posting ( now a couple of days behind rather than the normal one !) Your description of an Uncle is so precise and detailed Mark - could it possibly just be made up??!! Don't paint such a perfect picture - we know it isn't you. Yes we have a lot to thank the " aunties" for and always enjoy your banter with them. Looking forward to the soon to be publication. Thanks for keeping us all amused and also the encouragement that you always try to engender. You always seem as well to give personal replies and that's no mean feat. So 3 cheers to the aunties and uncle...... I'm sure as someone else mentioned this forum is not like any other. We are all so grateful we found it. XxJackie

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Jackoh

Ha Jackie, nearly could imagine myself this way... but in about 40 years' time tho. Well ok, in fact, never if I'm honest. I'll settle for being an centenarian James Bond (if I get the chance).. ;-).

Yep, I do try to give You Lot some positive strokes in between the Silly stuff. It's because I know how powerful Encouragement and Hope can be when you're struggling and thoroughly fed-up. Been there and got the T shirt too. But I'm sure my individual replies can't hold a candle to those of the Aunties - who seem to tirelessly read every single post here and reply to many of them.

As for my 'banter' with the venerable Aunties? Well, I do feel a bit like an arsonist messing around in a petrol station sometimes (if you get the drift?), but they seem to like to join in with it. Either that or they're just humouring me...(probably the latter) ;-) :-/

I agree, this forum is a goldmine - not just of advice and support but Humour and Humanity too. That's why I still hang around with You Lot even though I should be getting on with being 'Normal' again (whatever that is!). :-D Long may it Continue..

MB :-)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

Cheeky b*%%"^ - I hope the venerable wasn't referring to age but to wisdom and character ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

But of course PMRpro! ;-)

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to PMRpro

Hi young PMRpro one, I don't mind being 'Venerable', remember Bede?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jinasc

I did - but I'm not in the right neck of the woods...

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to PMRpro

Big giggle..................

Jackoh profile image

Love that expression" arsonist messing about in a petrol station!" - better take cover behind your seatee with teddy!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Jackoh

I'm already there Jackie, with hard hat on for good measure (and teddy too) ;-) :-D

nonnabrighton profile image

Many thanks. Every little helps. hope you have. Good week

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