Greetings All
First, PLEASE NOTE: This is an overtly and intentionally SILLY Post. If you want to read Serious and Important Stuff about PMR and GCA, read-on at your Peril. Just don't blame me if you find yourself inadvertently giggling against your wishes - or worse. You have been warned...
Ok, so here goes:
In case you've got nothing better to do on a Friday night and / or were wondering about your favourite Furry Rascal, I attach a picture of him taken at The Mansions today.
He seems to be in good spirits and has been chauffeuring me around WSM as usual in the Limo. You know the type of thing: armed raids on the local Charity shops, making a nuisance of myself at the fag counter at ASDA, and for his weekly appearance to check-in with the Old Bill (part of his Bail Conditions - but better not say more about that right now).
All seems well but I must confess to having noticed some subtle changes in him recently. For example: his driving has become a little erratic and he has taken to wearing my best size 10 Timberland walking shoes - as well as a permanent, vacant Grin. Or is it a Grimace? I just don't know.
Strangely, I've also noticed that my Preds are vanishing at a faster rate than usual and my Bavarian Friend keeps singing "Tventy-One Today, Tventy-One Today, De-Da.. etc" in his usual cheery but now slightly manic-sounding voice. He also seems to have had a haircut, acquired a Fake Tan and lost his big ears (somewhere, somehow?) and increasingly insists on sitting on top of my PC like a Brooding Hen on a Nest.
Oh well, maybe it's all in my imagination - but many of Us Lot know what PMR and the Preds can do to some people. Answers on a Postcard please?
Enjoy your weekend - and try to keep smiling on the PMR / GCA / Pred Journey..
'Uncle' MB
P.s. For those of you who are new here, the Main Character depicted in this story is entirely Fictional - as indeed I might be, also. If by reading this Post you are affected or disturbed in any way, probably best to pour a glass of something, er, 'Nice' and (if in the UK) watch the BBC News and latest developments in the Br*x*t saga to restore your Sanity. On the other hand, maybe not...