So I was diagnosed with PMR 4.5 years ago. Up and down the steroids a bit having started on 15 mgs Pred. At the start of this year I was on 10mg again! Found it very hard to taper. Put on methotrexate in Feb and still not able to reduce so end ofay I in agreement with the rheumatologist I stopped the methotrexate and carried on with the DSNS 7 week tapering plan. It was working really well for me and I was taking my time in-between drops of doses. I world have said that the PMR had gone very quiet and I was happy with the taper. Yesterday and today I'm quite bad. Aches all over. My legs and behind my arthritic knees are quite bad. Am having to slow down and cancel exetcose classes ( not strenuous) and meeting up with people. I. am poorly.I have OA in my two knees ( Bakers Cyst behind left knee), left hand (recently infected corticosteroid) right thumb and right foot. Wondering if it's a flare now that the weather has gone cold and if the adrenal glands are not working yet. I'm currently on week 5 of the 7 week tapering plan ( 5 days new dose and 2 days new dose).After all of that do those knowledgeable and experienced people think I should up dosage by 5mg for 5/7 days and go back to 8mg where I was quite comfortable? The aches are so debilitating today. Will improve as the day goes on but will still have quite stiff knees. Sorry for this long post and I hope I phrased it properly.
Thanks for taking time to read it. I can see you are busy. All the best 🙏