Well, ok ok ok. I've only lived in the UK for 61 years and have grown-up (and old) without ever questioning the reason behind the accepted tradition of the term 'Bank Holiday' here.
So, I Googled the term 'Bank Holiday' and this is a sample of what I got:
'..After a month-long run on American banks, Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed a Bank Holiday, beginning March 6, 1933, that shut-down the banking system. When the banks reopened on March 13, depositors stood in line to return their hoarded cash'.
'..According to William L. Silber: "The Emergency Banking Act of 1933, passed by Congress on March 9, 1933, three days after FDR declared a nationwide bank holiday, combined with the Federal Reserve's commitment to supply unlimited amounts of currency to reopened banks, created 100 percent deposit insurance'.
And then..
'..The first Monday of May is a Bank Holiday in the United Kingdom. It is called May Day in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is known as the Early May Bank Holiday in Scotland. It probably originated as a Roman festival honoring the beginning of the summer season (in the northern hemisphere)'.
Confused.com? Make what-you-will of the term of 'Bank Holiday' and the traditions behind it. The main thing is that you enjoy them, see them as at least a bit symbolic, and don't get Brain Fog trying to work it all out
For my part: this Bank Holiday I'll be busy moving into the newly refurbished, coastal-facing West Wing of Benjamin Mansions. Much lifting, shifting and humping (no jokes please..). All of this with PMR? But, as you know, I like a Challenge.. Ha!
The most exciting thing is this: my main, Westerly Outlook will be towards THE ATLANTIC OCEAN - and in direct line-of-sight of the Eastern Coast of the USA (if my eyesight were good enough). If I'm correct, there are some suggestions that one of the original 'wire / cable' connections between Europe and the USA was via good-old Weston super Mare too. How cool is that in the Digital Age?!
So, theoretically, I could soon be waving (or blowing proverbial but well-intentioned 'Raspberries' to a few of You Lot in 'Noo Yoyk', 'East Manhaddenn' or Whaadever (please excuse the cheesy send-up of American accents - in fact, I quite like them!) - and vice versa. If so, I'll blame (or better still, thank) You USA PMR / GCA Lot for giving me a couple more days-off from work each year than I would have otherwise enjoyed. I bow with humility..
Ok, that's it, other than to let You Lot know that the infamous Tedski has at last returned with the Limo, all intact and with a cheeky smile on his furry face. Maybe the enigmatic Olesia is having a good influence on him? We'll see..
Keep smiling on the PMR / GCA Journey, and enjoy your weekend wherever you are..
'Uncle' MB