Wasps aren't really funny
They're quite a serious beast.
Especially in the Autumn,
when they;re searching for a feast.
The reason's not so obvious
to those not in the know.
The Queen has turfed them out on mass.
To them it's quite a blow.
We shouldn't underestimate
The good all wasps endow.
Nature needs their industry
To cull the bugs somehow.
So when you're feeling murderous
Give a thought to nature.
Try to stop your killing spree
and grasp the bigger picture
Many types of wasp exist
Four thousand. Not a lie.
Of all these types only a few
Make nests to make you cry.
The work-wasp-ship exquisite
Such a creative caper.
They chew up wood and spit it out
To form a kind of paper
The only hitch is where it's built.
Inside the house is worst.
It's dodgy work to clear it out
It gives one quite a thirst.
Males don't sting, females do.
They are the busy workers.
Destroy their work at your own risk
They'll sting you like berserkers.
At end of term the Queen will make
a thousand Queens or more
and drones to mate these Queens of hers
then hibernate for sure.
So when you see a queen in spring
Don't squash it out of hand.
Consider where it wants to nest
They're vital for the land.