Has anyone got any ideas?
I had to have an endoscopy because of blood appearing in my mouth. As they found multiple fundic gland polyps in my stomach, they suggested that it could be due to the Omeprazole that I take with my pred. No cause was found for the bleeding, but I will be going back to the consultant in a couple of month's time to get the result of the biopsy. All appearances are that everything is normal and the bleeding might have been the result of a tear.
Thanks to this site, I was given the suggestion that I change to Ranitidine, which my GP was quite happy to arrange. However, since that time I have had indigestion nearly every day. It manifests itself in different ways, sometimes I get a dull ache in my stomach, other days I relieve the tension with a little fanfare of mini burps, and on some days it puts me under the weather. I'm seeing my GP next week and would personally like to change to yoghurt (as suggested on this site). But I have found that medical professionals take on a look of blank surprise when yoghurt is mentioned - almost as if I am asking for the latest voodoo prescription.
Any suggestions gratefully received.