CBD oil for pain, anyone using it?: After a review... - PMRGCAuk


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CBD oil for pain, anyone using it?

IdasMum profile image
26 Replies

After a review with my rheumy on Thursday last week I have reduced my Mx by on 2.5mg tablet. I have also commence a slow taper from 10mg to 9mg.

Am in lots of pain today...not necessarily PMR pain, just my hands where I have arthritis, my wrists and my neck. My whole body feeling grumpy.

Have just taken 1000g Paracetamol/60mg Codeine, I know it will help a little but it isn't really cutting the mustard.

A friend mention #CBD oil to me several months ago and I ordered some capsules last night. Anyone else use this for pain relief?

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IdasMum profile image
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26 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Comes up every so often - but I'm not sure anyone finds it amazingly helpful.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Have you in the past known anyone found benefit from Rosehip oil, ?Dr Rod Hughes was quoted in paper this week saying of it's help with Arthritis, also Aloe gel which Kate Gilbert mentioned in her book?

Thank you

in reply to Longtimer

To be honest, if these things DO work, nobody's taking medications.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

I don't think any of them are a substitute for pred. But some of them do help some people. I think ginger helps me. And the jury is still out but I think aloe vera juice is helping me. Last spring I was taking it when I made an uneventful taper from 3 to 1.5 in .5 mg steps. Then there was a perfect storm of things and I don't know if any or all of them contributed to the flare I then experienced. I was also tapering off the light therapy I get (helps reduce pain causing cytokines) I ran out of aloe vera and didn't buy more, my doctor encouraged me to carry on with taper without pause and use up the rest of my tablets. Anyway, long story short, I increased my pred again, and got the flare under control with some difficulty. I got increased light therapy for a while, now tapering again, and after a few months thought I'd try the aloe vera again. After about six weeks of the aloe vera I'm finding the tapering is becoming easier again. But who knows if it really is the final piece of the puzzle to defeat the flare once and for all, or would it have happened anyway? I do think it interesting, however, that on both occasions when I'd been taking aloe vera for a few weeks the taper became easier. Perhaps it helps with pred withdrawal?

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to HeronNS

Interesting, thank you......

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

I think it helps with joints - but PMR isn't joints... Aloe gel - maybe but it costs a fortune and I'm sure someone has said it didn't help them.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Thank you.......

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Longtimer

Yes it's expensive, I'm sure the price has gone up. I get pure aloe vera juice (was using the gel but that contains carrageenan which may not be a good idea, not sure why) and it's C$15 plus tax, and takes me only 10 days to use it all up at two doses of 60 ml a day. And like many of these things I don't think it's reasonable to expect an overnight improvement, it's something which builds up gradually. If it indeed helps me keep my pred dose down I'm in favour of it. I'm not doing well with pred, it's been hard on me although it is a necessary evil.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to HeronNS

Yes, me too, if I thought there was something else out there to help me lower, and having seen both mentioned with good results, especially aloe of some sort........well,.....will have to work things out.....now being prediabetic, and dexa scan results not good, I want anything that will help me lower from 10mg, 6 years and still struggling!😕

Thank you...

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Longtimer

If you have the wherewithal and ready access to a good brand, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend you try the aloe vera for a few weeks and see if it seems to help. I've heard people complain about the flavour and I can only assume they've tried something with added flavourings, because there's really not much to it. The aloe vera juice I take is aloe vera plus a vanishingly small amount of citric acid (presumably as a preservative) and that's all it tastes of, a mild slightly acidic taste. I also like to have a cup of ginger tea (made with about a teaspoon of freshly grated gingerroot) every evening and fancy this helps me get through the night so I'm not one who is suffering in the morning as so many seem to.

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to HeronNS

I grow aloe Vera in my kitchen which I use if I burn myself. I probably need a lot more to produce what I need for PMR though!!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to piglette

No doubt! I was encouraged to try it because an acquaintance of mine has a skin condition which makes it look like his hands have been scalded. When it flares up he takes aloe vera internally (less than I've been taking recently) and it clears up. I figured if it helped skin which looked like his it had to have some effect on inflammation so worth a shot! And I know aloe vera soothes sunburn too.

Pongo13 profile image

I've got cbd in bottle format. I use turmeric capsules too. Makes me feel I'm doing something positive. If I got on a plane and left these behind I wouldn't cry. If I'd forgotten my steroids..... That would be a DISASTER.

IdasMum profile image

Of course, would be unbearable without the steroids.

The pain is my arthritic pain which seems to be getting worse now...maybe as my steroids are reduced.

I use Immortelle essential oil topically which at times has been very soothing....

I am hoping that the CBD oil capsules will help soothe and take away some of the tension which isn't helping the pain.

tgca profile image
tgca in reply to IdasMum

My brother used CBD oil for aches in his lower half and swears it really helped.

Mahnahvu profile image

I've used several CBD topical ointments and by treating one leg but not the other, I noticed a difference between the two, but the analgesic properties weren't dramatic. I've also used the eatables at low doses and found that they only worked in conjunction with something like Ibuprofen, which also was not very effective alone. It may be that higher doses of CBD would produce more dramatic effects, I just haven't tried them, and the stuff is expensive here in Washington State. I have friends with osteoarthritis who swear by them, but I haven't experienced dramatic results for my PMR.

Maz48 profile image

Yes i tried the oil, 2 bottles in all but did nothing for me. I also read that it doesnt go well with prednisolone, so stopped it right away.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Maz48


I remember now reading something like this once before - and saying it would be interesting to see a study on CBD as a steroid sparer: it slows down the excretion of steroids and that increases the amount in your body. So theoretically you should need a lower dose to get the same effect.

S4ndy profile image

I use CBD oil for arthritic pain, fatigue and to help my IBS. I am still on 17mg a day Pred though for PMR. I used to take opiod painkillers for the arthritis in addition but now not taking any opiods just 2 paracetamol a day! So CBD has helped me. As I understand it, as long as you leave a 2 hour gap between Pred and CBD it should be fine. I would speak to your GP too. Mine was well aware of the benefits if CBD but then I am lucky to have a good GP xxx

IdasMum profile image
IdasMum in reply to S4ndy

Thanks....would be good to ditch the codeine and I know my doctor would like that too! :)

daworm profile image
daworm in reply to S4ndy

I am looking to try some in the future too...I am trying cats claw right now but haven't taken it long enough...would be nice to take less opiates, but they are helpful at times...dependent isn't addicted...use as needed...and some say cats claw shouldn't be taken while on prednisone, some say it's ok...I'll soon find out!!

Hartmare profile image

What is CBD?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Hartmare

Medicinal Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil

IdasMum profile image

Thanks for all your replies.

I am still waiting for my order of CBD capsules however......I'd forgotten that I have some Magnesium Oil spray. I hadn't noticed a massive impact in the past but have been using it on my hands this week and very impressed with the result. It takes longer than the Immortelle Essential oil to work but works for longer and seems quite effective.

I've reduced my analgesia intake to 1000 gm Paracetamol per day :)

I had been taking Magnesium some time back but bought the wrong type last time in the UK so stopped. Will pick up the chelated one's in May.

Have just read read the Kate Gilbert's book, I haven't read it since I was first diagnosed. Good to revise.

glynis12950 profile image

I would much rather use CBD Oil than a continuous intake of pain killers which provide limited relief.

CBD Oil takes the edge of my pain and I also sleep much better too.

I buy from a reputable source.

Swdai profile image

Let me know how you get on with it please

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