Prednisolone and Stepladders - a cautionary tale.... - PMRGCAuk


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Prednisolone and Stepladders - a cautionary tale......

Rokerman profile image
47 Replies

Hello All,

I thought I’d let you know about a recent incident which should serve as a lesson, particularly to the males who have joined our unfortunate club.

With my wife having left our cold and miserable shores in order to spend a sunny week with her daughter in the far south of Spain, I was left at home - not alone, but with her son-in-law who allegedly, is working on a short-term IT contract in the UK. He is charming, good company and has made great inroads into my Nespresso stash, generally treating this place as home as evidenced by the state of the lounge and the filling of the dustbin with take-away food packaging . Nevertheless, since I bought a long, stick-looking Dyson vacuum thingy, I was able to prevent the house looking like it was being occupied by Men Behaving Badly - well, up to a point.

In lieu of payment for board and lodging (my wife wouldn’t hear of it), he announced that he would buy us a new, all-singing, all-dancing tv with 4K, HD and any number of acronyms which didn’t mean much to me but apparently were essential for watching Eggheads in 2017 - I suppose he had a point, since our old tv had so much ‘screen burn’ that my sister thought it might represent a map of the world, when switched off...

Anyway, having tentatively looked at a replacement, I spotted underneath the store’s display, a home cinema dvd and sound system at vastly reduced price. I became hugely enthused at this prospect and, having called to ensure that said system hadn’t been snapped up in the ‘sale event’ 2 days earlier, I rose at the crack of dawn, drove into town and by 09:15 had sealed the deal - even though I didn’t yet have a tv to connect it to. Since I had time to kill, I bought an enormous bunch of flowers with which to welcome my wife back at the airport (and which I hoped would soften the blow of the large array of cardboard boxes occupying the lounge).

Flushed with success, I then decided I would do those things outside which I’d put off due to the amount of tv sport which had occupied much of my free time during the previous week.

Although I’d had strict instructions not to - I set about trimming the overhanging branches and clearing the blocked gutters. I made an impressive heap on the driveway and was determined to demonstrate that this PMR thing was no more than a minor hindrance to normal life.

If only I could reach the blocked rainwater outlet, I would finish the job. By this time the son-in-law had decided he would be a couch-potato no longer and had taken himself off to the gym...... As I mounted the top step of the ladder, I had to lean significantly to the left. Unfortunately, the ladder leaned a similar amount to the right and I came crashing down onto a large terracotta tub containing a maple tree, bought by my son several years ago. I broke it with my back and side and, having all the breath knocked out of me I scared myself witless. I soon realised that, had I struck the driveway with my head, I might not be able to write this post at all - being ‘home alone’ in these circumstances was not a good idea....!

So, with the festive season almost upon us and trees and decorations needing to be put up - please be aware that questionable balance under our medication, is a very good reason to get help and certainly not attempt this on your own!

As a postscript, whilst most friends and relatives were sympathetic and restrained in their criticism of my stupidity, I was asked ‘how’s the tree?’. This is akin to enquiring after the iceberg struck by the Titanic......!

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Rokerman profile image
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47 Replies
Soraya_PMR profile image

Might I just suggest that ladders shouldn’t be a single handed job in any circumstances, no matter questionable balance and PMR?

However, now that I know your brains aren’t splattered on the concrete..... thanks for the peek into your life as ‘man-in-charge-and-alone’! It did make me smile. Sounds like your lady wife can’t come home soon enough. Did you clear the impressive heap on the driveway?

BTW How is the tree? Did the terracotta pot survive? Expensive things to replace!

Trees and decs not happening here, bah humbug! Food and alcohol will be to the fore this festive season. Last Christmas Eve was when my health deteriorated markedly, creeping rib pains (I still remember trying to prep the veg with great difficulty and pain) So this Christmas is my first on steroids with the new experience of a ravenous appetite, so I intend to make the best of it! Never put on weight over Christmas before. I fully intend to this year!

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959 in reply to Soraya_PMR

Bah Humbug indeed! I love all the tree and trimmings. Classy deckies only though and only white LEDs of course. Bit of a snob when it comes to deckies! Can't stand the blue flashing lights which hurt my eyes and lowers the tone!!!!!!(lol).

Hubby dodgy on ladders but insists on putting up outdoor lights himself, which is ok except for front apex. When he does this part I hold my breath! I stand at the bottom supporting the ladder though I'm sure I wouldn't be any use in breaking a fall! No point in both of us incurring injuries eh?

Oldman-1 profile image
Oldman-1 in reply to Soraya_PMR

At least a sense of humour mate.... there are many, many stories either side of the Rule of Thumb version of this awful disease. The mind is willing... the body has other idea`s but lets you know later.

Marilyn1959 profile image

Oh Rockerman. I am sooooo pleased you survived to tell the tale. However You have inadvertently left me in suspense! How are you now - bruised and battered? What state was you in when your wife came home? Did she appreciate the flowers and the good intent behind your actions? Did her son - in - law come up with the goods I.e. The TV? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to Marilyn1959

Thanks Marylin- We attempted being economical with the truth - it didn’t work...... when son in law picked up my wife from Gatwick, the truth came out! I saved my brain (what there is of it) at the expense of 3 cracked ribs - it’s ok tho’ as long as I don’t laugh, or cough - or get hiccups - or, worst of all, sneeze...... I have been sleeping, propped upright in my armchair, downstairs. The flowers were interpreted I think, as an attempted diversion - that too didn’t work!

The impressive heap remains untouched - I have a new heap of tablets to go with the Pred, ‘Chalk’ & Vit D comprising Cocodamol and a variety of laxatives (oh yes!). I have had to suspend work activities for the last 10 days since I can’t drive properly- this has given me ample time to try and work out how to turn the new television on - sometimes it does and often it doesn’t - despite the 30min tutorial from son-in-law...!

Soraya - you are skating on thin ice - the tree is clinging to life despite the shattered remains of the tub littering the driveway and exposing the roots! My wife is going to Spain again after Christmas - I am secretly plotting to scale the retaining wall and cut down the overgrowing honeysuckle.............

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to Rokerman

Now I feel bad. 3#ribs. Ouch! For that I am truly sorry.

Silver lining? It’s not hay fever season. Truly hope your ouchies are soon healed.

Honeysuckle? Erm.... magnificent climbers if they’re allowed to go wild, is my best advice.

Can you not go to Spain too? I’m not sure your wife should leave you to your own devices.

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to Soraya_PMR

Oh and prunes could be your new best friend! Beats laxatives and strengthens bones 👍🏼

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to Soraya_PMR

Don’t feel bad Soraya - all my own fault! Funny you should mention prunes - I notice that a stash has appeared in the fridge! I could go to Spain too but it’s a double-whammy of extra air-fares and loss of earnings whilst I’m away. Plus - I’ve since discovered that my new home-cinema box-of-tricks will also play cds - at any volume I care to choose......😉

Oldman-1 profile image
Oldman-1 in reply to Rokerman

That`s the Spirit or is that the Spirit talking ... Lol

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to Rokerman

I love that you still have your sense of humour along with cracked ribs. Take care please, we love humour on this forum :p

BirmLiz profile image

Hi Rokerman,

Sorry to hear you got bumps and bruises but it doesn't only apply as a warning to men. I was using a small, three step ladder to get to my wall kitchen units to clean them. Yes on a good day you forget that the balance can be off and how quickly you can get tired. I can only assume that I thought I was 1 step up when I tried to descend but was actually 2 up. My foot slipped off the end of the step, I fell backwards clutching the ladder, ending up on my bottom with the ladder on top of me, narrowly avoiding hitting my head on the edge of the breakfast bar. Very elegant! Just to make things worse my friendly Cats Protection catcher was in my garden, (rounding up my feral cats to get them the 'snip') and spotted what had happened - very amusing. Not only did I fall but I had a witness! I was lucky but still twisted my knee (also have osteoarthiritis in both knees) but I did have sufficient padding on the posterior to protect myself.

Stay safe everyone and hope you feel well again soon Rokerman

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to BirmLiz

Thanks Liz & glad your ‘excursion’ turned out not too bad - I don’t know which is worse, falling out of sight or having a witness! Either way, the resulting heap is inelegant; in my case, I’m not too sure how I managed to pick myself up & get indoors but I’m sure I looked as daft as I felt!

in reply to Rokerman

Definitely having a witness! Must be generational. Lovely tale of hard experience. Had some beauties myself. Hope you are on the mend. But never give up.

Thank you Rokerman,your note is timely. I have a gutter on my house which is blocked and is heralded by GRASS growing in a junction and is clearly visible-6" high. Even with my background -ex-scubadiving-to do with water! and previous Health and Safety, I have a ladder and was searching in my 'Brain' of a way to clear do it.!!! So I will just have to wait for the Landlords Handyman/women to turn up......................still I at least will be around for Christmas!

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to

Don’t panic Scubadiver - all is not lost - although my aluminium stepladder was destroyed during the incident (and taken to the tip by my son-in-law, in an effort to keep me grounded), I now have access to a much, much bigger one......! I’ll be round to sort you out as soon as I can put a jumper on unaided.😂

PMRpro profile image

The elves from safety will be spinning...

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to PMRpro

You’ve let me off lightly, PMRPro......😉

in reply to Rokerman

without your jumper but you can still get on your knees !

nevagivup profile image

And please do not go up into the loft on a ladder, particularly if is is situation directly over the stairwell! We removed everything from the loft and stacked it in the garage once we turned 70 and especially me, with PMR/Pred dizziness. I can fall over nothing anyway, my centre of gravity seems to have moved to the upper half of my torso. Having recently toppled down like a rocket, full length onto my face, falling over nothing, broke my nose, deep cut in the bridge with my glasses cutting in (they survived with a few minute scratches) and a large bump and graze on my head where it struck a kerb stone, I suffered bruising to my dignity and concussion. My other half says I need to wear a Michelin Man suit. Falls off ladders can easily prove fatal. Make sure you always work in good lighting and don't take chances! Hope you recover soon.

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to nevagivup

Oh good grief! I like the idea of the Michelin-man suit tho’ - I hadn’t appreciated how long it takes to heal as we get older! You take care too!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to nevagivup

Oh you poor thing. Hope you are fully mended? When you mentioned the Michelin man I thought of those plastic globes people wear when they play bubble soccer.

nevagivup profile image
nevagivup in reply to HeronNS

Faint scars remain visibly. The effect of the fall remains though. Shock takes time to recover from. I'll look up bubble soccer, which I've not heard of before.

Broken ribs and general stiffness no doubt. 🤕


I am usually not very sensible in terms of my limitations but this year i got my 22yr neice to climb step ladders at the top of the stairs to change the bulb. I prewarned her that I didn't know if light was switched on (2way) and may light up. Of course it did and the bulb bounced down the stairs.

Amazingly it was intact and worked. However it has blown 5 months later and I have the plug in spot light usntil I get someone with steady legs to do it. I shall take you tale of woe to heart. 😀

yogabonnie profile image

So so sorry about your mishap but LOVED the telling of it!!!

Grammajoy profile image

If you're over 40 or make more than $40000 year you do not climb ladder according to my friend!

Amkoffee profile image

I have started to have falls. At the age of 56 (not old enough to have balance issues but I do.) I am frustrated with this problem. And since two of my falls were in the bathroom I am now afraid to shower while I'm home alone. I now brng my cell phone in the bathroom with me because both times that I fell I yelled and yelled for my hubby who never heard me from where he was in the house.

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to Amkoffee

Hi Amkoffee - I can sympathise with your anxiety in the bathroom. Just prior to my diagnosis, I was having the greatest difficulty in the shower, unable to raise my arms etc (typical symptoms, altho’ I didn’t then know it). The next thing I knew, I’d completely lost my balance, slid down the tiled walls and took off the shower doors with my feet....! I was slumped half-in and half-out with the hot water still going! After a while I somehow managed to get out and somehow get up. Fortunately, my wife was good enough to carry out the necessary diy and avoid the callout charge of a plumber.

Since then, I’ve tried to keep my mobile phone within reach at all times and I think you’re sensible to do the same!

Best Wishes

skibarski2 profile image
skibarski2 in reply to Amkoffee

Hi Amkoffee

As bad as this sounds, (It is not meant in a bad way) I was so happy to read of your falls & balance problems, I have been really bad with this for so long now. So much so, I have been thinking something else must be going on, & being missed. Now thanks to your reply to this thread, & others as well, I now know that balance is a problem due to the meds, is TRIPPING over your own feet also one? As that too is a problem for me right now, not nearly a bad as the balance. But still it would be interesting to know.


Amkoffee profile image
Amkoffee in reply to skibarski2

I think it's all the same. Tripping over your own feet is just another example of balance problems.

Amkoffee profile image
Amkoffee in reply to skibarski2

Someone offered a tip that I will share with you. I keep a ziplock bag in the bathroom and I put my phone in it and place it on the floor. That way I can reach it if I fall and I don't have to worry about it getting wet.

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to skibarski2

Kate - It’s not a problem that I myself am aware of (yet!) but this will shortly be put to the test at my daughter’s forthcoming wedding - she has been pestering me to come up with a suitable track for the Dad/daughter dance. This is not something that I’ve been aware of previously (wasn’t done in my day?) - my suggestion of Eddie Grant’s ‘I don’t wanna dance’ appeared to result in a sense-of-humour failure.........

Sandy1947 profile image

So glad your OK! Thanks for the story.

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to Sandy1947

Thanks Sandy - I’m on the mend now and able to drive, although I haven’t attempted to get in and out of my sports car yet - I might not make it!

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to Rokerman

I hated getting in and out of a sports car pre PMR!

in reply to Rokerman

I just got more comfy car ...with a sports badge 😂

GerriMc profile image

I know I should never laugh at others’ misfortune, but I have to admit that gave me a good giggle! So glad that you’re ok, and yes, balance seems to be an issue. Co ordination in general is dreadful. I’ve never spent so much time picking up stuff I’ve dropped. Maybe it’s a way to keep me mobile!

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to GerriMc

Don’t talk to me about picking things up GerriMc....... that’s one thing I haven’t been able to do without circling the object in question several times and then sinking to my knees! After that, there’s the question of getting up again..........

in reply to Rokerman

Aaah. The sumo own enforced approach.

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to

My stepdaughter likened it her dog’s approach to the bean-bag dog bed - thought it hilarious - grrrrr!😂

in reply to Rokerman

Ibthink i have mentioned on here before that the issue of picking a bit of paper from floor was asked for some disability benefit I applied for. I had done the sumo/dog approach at work in the office. The looks! Them someone kindly offered to pick it up.

I have broken ribs 3 times so don't envy the pain. Please take care. 6 weeks in on first time I felt ok so moved a wardrobe...ouch. was back to the beginning.

Last time was a fall,a couple of years ago,over sisters dog lead as she wrapped it round my legs and other 2 family dogs shot off. The hand bit of my crutch stabbed me in ribs. Was mortified laying on street with 3 dogs running around dragging leads.

I must say the ladders story brought back memories of me waterproofing roof of my vw camper van and stepping off step ladders the wrong way. That hurt so I can't imagine being at the top of aluminium ladders (much higher I suspect) was a picnic. At least I was in 30s then and more or less bounced.

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to

You could (possibly) see Poopadoop why an onlooker might find the dog incident amusing..... I’m beginning to feel that nobody witnessing my fall from grace was perhaps, a better thing - unless of course, I had landed on my head!

GerriMc profile image
GerriMc in reply to Rokerman

Oh yes! I know that feeling! 😁

BonnyQuine profile image
BonnyQuine in reply to GerriMc

Exactly. So happy to know it's not just me. Weirdly, reading this thread has really cheered me up. . .

ValFF53 profile image

What an amusing post albeit at the expense of your accident which I hope you are recovering from.

I have said it before, and I will say it again, I am sure that certain personality types must be prone to PMR ...……… those with an incredible sense of humour!!!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Oh, my dear lad. Please stay off ladders.

But while you're recuperating, you might make a start on writing a series of short stories. You may have discovered a second career which will finance a troop of ladder-climbing , branch clipping substitutes.

Mai45 profile image

Rokerman, glad you are (relatively) OK in that it could have been so much worse, but have to agree with yogabonnie - you have style when it comes to storytelling!

I always reckoned my life could be summed up as "well, it seemed like a good idea at the time..." Have a feeling you may be a member of the same club? Good luck with the recovery, but at least the CD player's working

Sandradsn profile image

Hope you are OK Rokerman,glad you didn't break your neck! You sound just like my husband,he had his step ladder incident in the garden earlier in the year .He was home alone.He has been banned from doing step ladder jobs unless I am at home!I have to remind him he's not 25 anymore.

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