A few years ago l asked if any of you had trouble turning over in bed and got a lot of responses- some compared it to feeling like a beached whale ! Recently l had a shoulder replacement which made it even worse for me so my son came to my rescue. It has helped so much that l thought l would share it.
He bought a Bed Ladder Assist. He attached it to the ceiling where l could reach it, using two strong Swing hangers in the ceiling. This was good for actually getting out of bed. But he fixed another handle to the base of my bed and long enough to rest on the bed level with my arms. I can pull on that when l want to turn over and it has made a big difference. Amazon sell the ‘ladders’, google KkaFFe Bed Ladder Assist. Their picture shows it being at the end of the bed, just to pull up to sitting, but one at the ceiling is much better. I also made a side pulley out of my shoulder sling ! I’ll send another photo- l only seem to be able to attach one at a time. But you could use a strong tape, rather than buy another ladder. I still use my double bed, after my husband died, so l bring the pulley over to my side of the bed. In a single bed you might need to attach it at the top. A large safety pin, or even better a kilt pin, also available on line. I hope all this makes sense and even if it helps one person it will be worth it.