I recently saw a specialist and got diagnosed with lichen sclerosus. My vulva has been sore and itchy for years, with my skin changing in colour and texture. I also started getting nerve pain and sexual issues. I've now got steroid and an emollient cream to use daily for a number of months. My main worry is my clitoral pain, sensitivity and also loss of sensation. I started having nerve pain there that is stabbing, pinching, sometimes aching and burning, but also a loss of sensation during sex or masturbation and weak/muted orgasm and I am in pain afterwards. I am finding applying the cream to my clitoral area difficult and it is causing the nerve pain to flare up, but I have itching and skin changes in that area so I need to apply it there.
It worries me because I feel I must have nerve damage from the years of itching. My clit was bruised and bleeding a month ago after I cut myself by itching in my sleep and some skin around it has changed which I think is scarring. It's so scary and I get pain there sometimes when I move around. I can't do lots of physical activity anymore as it triggers the pain, I had to stop working in physical jobs. I'm in my 30s and it's so awful. I worry about my future. Maybe I should ask my gp about physio? I suspect they will say that I need to wait to see if the cream helps first, but I really think I've got nerve damage as a result of the years of itching, scarred skin and pelvic tension.
I couldn't see a lot online about lichen sclerosus and other conditions. Such as clitorodyina and vulvodynia or pudendal neuralgia. Or pelvic floor dysfunction. Does it seem possible these conditions can be linked to lichen? Now I've got a diagnosis, maybe doctors will take my pain more seriously as I've been fobbed off for so many years.
Does anyone else have/has had these symptoms?