I've experienced itching and soreness in my vulva for over a year, as well as clitoral sensitivity and irritation. I started experiencing loss of sensation during sex and sometimes had no feeling at all in my clitoris. When I could orgasm it took a long time and they were weak and muted. My clitoris had also changed in apperance, it was smaller and the skin around it looked quite swollen. I saw a doctor who tested me for thrush and other infections (which came back negative) 6 months ago and said I looked normal on examination. I continued trying to enjoy sex and orgasms but the loss of sensation was worse and I was getting very frustrated and probably overdoing it. I noticed pain after using sex toys. The last orgasm I had a couple of weeks ago caused me terrible pain afterwards. I was very sore and tender and I became very itchy. One night I woke up to find myself scratching the area over my clitoris. A day later when showering I noticed my clitoris had turned a dark red/purple colour. The pain got even worse the next day. I went to see my gp and she said it had been bleeding and my clitoirs was bruised. She prescribed me a steroid cream and is also referring me to a vulva clinic. I'm not sure how long the wait will be. But I am now getting nerve pain in my clitoris, going into my lower abdomen, and into my thighs. It is sharp and stabbing, aching and burning. My clitoris has changed in apprance again, it looks even smaller than before. It hurts to sit for too long, walking makes it worse and lying in bed is also causing pain. I'm really struggling at work because of this. Paracetamol are not helping with the pain. My whole body feels irritated and unwell. I keep feeling nauseous and fatigued. I dont know what to do. I really need some help.
Clitoral pain, loss of sensation and ... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Clitoral pain, loss of sensation and injury
Hi Limey8 ,
I'm sorry to hear you're in pain. Pain in the clitoris can be caused by a multitude of reasons. If your doctor has ruled out skin diseases and infections, you may have clitorodynia. Here is a link about the condition: vulvodynia.com/conditions/c...
If you've never had a scan, I would ask your doctor about ruling out a herniated disc or cyst in the sacral or lumbar spine, injury of the pudendal nerve or the dorsal clitoral branch of the pudendal nerve.
In the meantime, here are some self-help measures:
• Avoid perfumed soaps, vaginal hygiene products and douches.
• Don’t use scented toilet paper or wipes.
• Use plain lukewarm water to wash your vulva and always wash after you’ve had sex.
• Wash your underwear in a non-bio washing powder and avoid fabric softener.
• Opt for 100% cotton underwear.
• Avoid tights and tight-fitting trousers.
• Refrain from using anti-fungal creams when you haven't tested positive for an infection, as this can further irritate the vulva.
• Use lubricants, as they can help during intercourse (my GP recommended the brand Yes).
• If sitting causes you pain, try sitting on a doughnut-shaped cushion.
I hope this information helps!
Thanks so much for your reply and for sending me the link. It does sound like it could be clitorodynia. Do you know if doctors in the UK know about this condition? Are there any specialists you know of who treat this? I live in the north west. I read about a pelvic pain clinic in Manchester.
My referral to the vulva specilist will be at my local hospital which isn't too far from Manchester. Is it ok to request these types of tests or referral to the pain clinic when I go to that appointment? Or would I need to go back to my gp?
I know nothing of this so I'd probably look unsure as to what I'm asking for. Maybe I could print out the information and show the doctor? Sorry to ask so many questions!