I am desperate for a pudendal nerve block. I’ve had 3 but he only hit the right spot (saddle area went numb) once. These were done at stanmore Hospital. I am looking for a consultant that can actually hit the nerve correctly. I’m in Essex but happy to travel. Want a confirmed diagnosis before I head for surgery. History of prolific cycling and constipation was the cause.
Where can I get a Pudendal Nerve Bloc... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Where can I get a Pudendal Nerve Block performed?

Hi! Were you diagnosed with Pudendal Neuralgia? If you had 3 failed nerve blocks, why do you want another? I had 5 failed nerve blocks for Pudendal Neuralgia. Also, Pudendal Nerve Surgery & continue with pain. Botox too!! I am going to a Pelvic Floor Health Specialist in NJ & if I could have done everything over...I would have have went straight to Physical Therapy when my pain started....I deal with constipation & take Miralax every morning & botox made constipation worse so I now take Magnesium Citrate Capsules at night. DRINK WATER!!! EAT HEALTHY FIBER!! I feel for you! 🤗
I’m in the US and have had PN for 10 years.. also failed pudendal blocks but I’ve had success treating upstream, by getting a epidural in my S3 joint.
Thank you for replying! How long & often have you been getting epidural injections? Never heard of that as treatment for my PN. Happy you found a treatment that helps you because PN is horrible. Will look into the epidural shots...Thanks Again!
Would you mind sharing where you are going for the "Pelvic Floor Health Specialist," as I live in NJ also. I was seeing a Physical Therapist for what I self-diagnosed as PN, and though I appreciated her service, I didn't get any true relief. Could be that I didn't stick with it after 3-4 months, possibly.
I had 4 intra vaginal injections and they all worked but the last one irritated the nerve and caused more pain, 3 specialist said to go further up spine. Instead of treat a nerve branch.
Go on to the Pudendal Neuralgia Hope website and there are doctors listed in various countries.