I’ve suffered from pelvic pain for the last 12 years, finding very little to alleviate the pain. A week ago, at the suggestion from family and friends, I decided to try vaping CBD (no nicotine). Personally I’ve found this an absolute game changer. There are several ways to take CBD but (apparently) vaping is the fastest route and also the strongest. It’s not cheap but I’m finding it’s definitely worth the money. I’m resigned to the fact that this condition is here to stay, but with my vape, life just got a whole lot better
At last, something that helps …. - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
At last, something that helps ….

Thank you for this. Please could you message me the brand and strength that works for you?
I’ve been trying the CBD teas (and sometimes I’ve just swallowed the herb whole). I’m certain it helps as whenever I have a break from it my pain is intolerable.
Thank you again for sharing, help like this is really appreciated.
Hi, I went to my local vape shop (having never vaped in my life) and explained that I wanted just CBD in the vape, without nicotine. The first shop that I popped into had none, but the second had a small selection (Orange County brand) of disposable’s - several flavours available. I can’t see a strength, but it is suggested that no more than 100 puffs a day. I chose a few flavours as I was told by a friend that you can become ‘tounge blind’ (unable to taste) if you use the same flavour all the time. I was worried it may taste weird, but nope! I was worried I would start seeing unicorns eating cupcakes … but nope! What I have achieved is to relax those parts of my body that are so tight which is part of my pelvic pain problem, I’m sleeping better and most importantly I’m happier and more comfortable. Personally, I’m puffing on and off throughout the day (and night) which is keeping things at bay. My first vape ran out without me having a replacement in the house - my symptoms were back within hours. Very annoying but it did prove the point that the CBD in my system is working! If you do choose to try, don’t forget to take the bung out of the vape before starting, as I did!!!!
Hello, very interesting. I have similar symptoms to your good self. I don't think there's enough room on the page for me to fully explain, but to cut a long story short, I've been suffering for the last 25 years ish.
L4 l5 herniated slipped dehydrated discs
I used to play professional pool used to be quite fit, played football, cricket golf squash. Tennis. Feels like I'm writing a life story now. Anyway, I've just got back from Tenerife and desperately needed a holiday but didn't realise it until I got there. I didn't bring enough pain medication nor antidepressants that I've also been on for too long. So if you can imagine I was kind of climbing the walls as they say. So I went to local shop and got a vape with CBD in.
It helped me a lot
It was like a banana one. Apparently you allowed 300 puff yes.
What I'd really like to know is there is so much CBD products now with all different makes and all different strengths and as if as some people might probably know you go in one shop or you talk to somebody they give you their advice and you go elsewhere to seek a f****** opinion and they totally contradict what the other person said. So if you can, please point me in the right direction of where out and get something because I can imagine your pelvic pain when you'd run out of your vape without a replacement
As regards to my back I do Reiki and. Also can do second degree which is absolutely amazing for anyone that's never tried Reiki,!
Well my advice would be give it a go. It has just helped me so much.
I saw a specialist in London when I was in agony and he looked at my MRI scans and he was shocked to say the least and this friend of mine now who has close links to extremely famous sports and non sports persons sorted me out. Said Roger do not worry your life's not over within a week 2 weeks I had the operation called a micro discectomy.
Life changer and it's taken me a while to adapt.
I can now feel though genuine hope have done since. I hope this wasn't too long and Roger and out
Tiger balm may help
Apologies for the length of this post first time.
Hi Roger, please don’t apologise! A problem shared and all that …. Everyone needs to vent. It’s not always easy to find answers but just to get it out there can be therapeutic.
Re the CBD I think you just have to experiment. Like yours, mine are flavoured. I’m finding there’s a much smaller variety available in the vape shops (UK) as opposed to nicotine style vapes. I agree in trying different approaches. Like you, following scans, I’ve had nerve block injections and chiropractic sessions and anti-depressants . All I know is that, for me, the CBD vape has been the biggest game changer I’ve found since this thing reared it’s head 13 years ago (the eve of my 40th birthday - not the gift I was hoping for!) From now on I shall be asking for vapes instead of a tenner in my birthday cards!! Keep positive, you’re not alone
Glad to hear you've found something that's giving you some relief
I’m with you here! Only thing that helps me too x
HiI'm really glad you have found something to alleviate your pain, however vaping is so dangerous. There is so much still unknown about the damage that vaping can cause. I have had 3 heart attacks and a double cabg 2 years ago. I have chronic back pain due to herniated discs. I know that cbd would help me but I gave up smoking in 2021. For me, I would never risk doing anything that might compromise my health. I wish vaping was safe but it's just not.
Hi, thanks for your feedback.
For me, after suffering debilitating pain that made me consider commuting suicide, I’m happy to take my chances which is enabling me to leave my bed and have fun time with my family
I get that, I really do. Could you not take patches or suppositories? It's the vaping that is so dangerous.
Unfortunately my skin does not tolerate patches /plasters and suppositories are not an answer as they should not be used long term. For me and many others vaping is the way to go. Sometimes you have to weigh up the bigger picture - I’m over half way through my life and live in pain. I’ve decided to opt for quality over quantity …. I’d rather be enjoying time out and about with family and friends short term pain free, rather than be stuck in the house long term, in pain and miserable.
Of course, I completely understand. I smoked cigarettes for 12 years and thoroughly enjoyed doing so. I would not and did not listen to anyone who tried to tell me they posed potential harm to my health. I had absolutely no intention of ever stopping!! Until my first heart attack!! The fright of that made me stop immediately. I always used to joke and say it would take a health scare to make me stop!! I looked in to vaping as an alternative but the risks outweighed the pleasure. I suffer pain every single day with herniated discs and sciatica. There are times I could just cry..I don't want any kind of operation as they are not always successful, and can sometimes make the situation worse. I take co codamol and gabapentin I used to take naproxin but no longer allowed it due to risk of heart attack or stroke. It was a great anti inflammatory and really did help alot with the pain. Have you considered trying it? Being in pain is miserable isn't it!! I hope you will be alright with vaping. If it was safe I would be vaping right now!! Sadly it's not though. Good luck and I hope you stay pain free.
Sorry to hear that, it sounds very depressing. At the end of the day we’re very lucky to have the freedom of choice - After weighing up the pros and cons, like many, I choose to vape and you do not. I’m enjoying my pain free time and accept that there may be a price to pay one day, but I will accept that whole heartedly, should it ever happen, as the price I was willing to pay to enjoy the remainder of my days relatively pain free. Sadly life is not a rehersal, no second chances or re-runs. Im sure a caged bird would rather have it’s freedom and survive for a week out in the fresh air, than live for years indoors in its guilded cage. A very basic analogy but it totally mirrors my train of thought when making my decisions.
I absolutely agree with you. We are lucky to have freedom of choice. I hope the day never comes that you have to accept any kind of price. I think ive had such a fright since my first heart attack in 2021, then another 2 in 2022 and 2023, then a double cabg. It has really made me so grateful to have been given another chance. Life is indeed for living and enjoying with no second chances. I think I saw it all when I was in hospital for 15 days. I was in a cardiothoracic ward after my heart bypass, and saw there the devastating effects of lung cancer due to vaping. I think I am just so scared to do anything that may jeopardize the life I have now. I vaped for quite some time years ago in an effort to give up smoking but it didnt work. I miss my cigarettes every day but I needed a huge fright to bring me to my senses. I hope with all my heart that you never get that fright. Ive never been so scared in my life. Chronic pain is debilitating, and I agree that you have to live your life. Maybe I am lucky, as the pain relief I take seems to work, along with gentle exercise, tens machine, and hot and cold therapy when things get really bad. I genuinely hope you stay well without any consequences
I use CBD suppositories and they are great at relaxing the pelvic muscles.
yes, I have found the same.
I have never smoked or vaped before, and unfortunately it does make me cough though
Hi, yes me too! But like you definitely worth it
Hi I am so happy you have found your game charger 😊 i am at my wits end with this pelvic pain the medication prescribed by my consultant pain manager and gp is not helping I constantly have a hot water bottle on my belly so I would love to try the cbd vape if you can pm me were you bought it from xx
Hi, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re in a bad way - like many in this forum, I totally understand and am always here if you want to vent 🥰
My vapes came from a local vape shop (in the UK) - there is much less selection when you specifically want CBD without nicotine. I chose a brand called Orange County - lots of flavours to choose from. If you Google the brand they explain their products and the quality of oil used which I found reassuring. I bought a few flavours and I vape on and off throughout the day - it’s the fastest way into your system when having a bad time, but I’m also finding that if I vape regularly, the pains are much less frequent - keeping them at bay. Something else I learnt the hard way (after my meds bunged me up) was how important it is to keep your bowl on the move - too much weight can rest on an already agitated nerve and cause more pain …. Another game changer - golden linseed. A few spoonfuls on your cereal or in a yogurt every day will sort this out in no time (adjust amount to suit - I needed 2 desert spoons per day). As you can see from the thread of messages after I shared my findings there will always be someone to remind you that vaping is not great for your lungs. For me personally, in my 50s, it’s definitely quality over quantity.
Keep in touch and good luck if you choose to have a go - don’t forget to remove the vape bung as I did on my first go!! 🤪 x