After 5 years i have relieve for at least 25 % till 50 % for a mounth long now . It started after 3 weeks when my PTNS treatment for overactive bladder doubled. I treat myself now ones a week because i am in a pilot i can insert the needle myself. I had severe PN pain round my tailbone in my perineum its a stabbing and burning pain can t sit only on my knees on a yoga bench. And had a neuropatic " trouser". Its life changing still i can t sit but i am up for 4,5 till 5 hours instead of 3 kan walk 2 miles instead of 1. Can read again can concentrate better and my sleep kwality is better. I also found a trail on internet were more than 60 procent of the persons got pelvic pain relieve from ptns treatment. You can surch on ; ptns pelvic pain to read about the trail. The pain was static for a very long time so i didn t expected the change but its a big gift and a big joy in life. PTNS is a small intervention so if its possible you can try it try it ! Its not as risky as a intern stimulator.
I look with confidence into the future the high pain who gave me depressions is over now and i can manage and cope !