Hey, folks. At my wits end here. Another night of no sleep due to anal pain. I’m currently receiving physiotherapy for pelvic floor dysfunction and have been diagnosed with hypertonic muscles, trigger points, and resulting nerve pain. That all makes sense except for one symptom: my anus swells up frequently and visibly throughout the day. Case and point: today I went from zero (normal skin tone, no inflammation) to a hundred (red, puffy, irritated) and now back down again just from living my life. Laying down seems to help. For this reason, it’s unlikely hemorrhoids as they don’t really behave that way. Also, the inflammation is around the whole anus, and my CRS says it’s swelling not hemorrhoids.
The PT place where I’ve started receiving treatment is great and I’m optimistic but I haven’t really gotten a straight answer as to whether this inflammation can be caused by PFD or if it’s something else. I suspect it *could* be a circulatory issue resulting from my tight floor. Or maybe it’s neurogenic but I don’t know why laying down would affect that one way or the other.
Here’s my question: has anyone heard of or experienced this? Specifically anal swelling resulting from a tight pelvic floor?