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Unbearable pain

Sammy2005 profile image
10 Replies

Hi. LadiesI've been on once or twice before I had hysterectomy fallopian tubes and cervix removed vaginally also sacrospinous ligament fixation done and posterior repair in September I was supposed to have Anterior repair done but Dr felt it was mild I then had Anterior colporrhaphy repair done 8th December 22 I've been complaining with vaginal pain lower back pain so my gynecologist started to investigate 12 weeks post surgery of my 2nd surgery after mris on pelvis limber spine he said my pain has been coming from sacrospinous ligament fixation done in September He removed the 2 permanent stitches and alot of scar tissue he said they done it vaginally and through rectum along side a urogynecologist I week ago today I've now developed a 10x8x4cm hematoma from surgery my bladder is not functioning properly or my bowels since this surgery or taking hematoma..I'm still in hospital my surgeon is on holidays at min there treating me with2 antibiotics and morphine Diclofenac for pain...They've given me a blood transfusion as my hemoglobin dropped from 129 to 71 . THEY WANT HEMATOMA TO DESOLVE ITS SELF

I just feel so so worried anybody have this happen 😞 I've lost over 2 stone in weight with stress of all of this .I've zero energy feel like someone has hit me with baseball bat between legs .Nurses said I'm very bruised .

Thank you for reading ❤

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10 Replies
Jobie18 profile image

Dear SammyI'm so sorry to hear the operation didn't work out for you. It just sounds aweful what you're going through, I cannot even imagine how you are feeling right now. I'm sorry I have no knowledge of these operations you've had to go through really although I am familiar with being in a crap load of pain and trying to keep strong and sane though it all.

For what its worth I'll be praying for you my love and if you need someone to talk to message me won't you. Either on here or email me on


God bless you my love

Stay strong

Jodie x x x

Sammy2005 profile image
Sammy2005 in reply to Jobie18

Thank so much it's so so hard this absolutely has floored me been honest 🕯🙏😥

Jobie18 profile image
Jobie18 in reply to Sammy2005

I'm sure it has love,Keep strong and I'm praying for you everyday. I hope you've got some good friends and family around you to keep you company😘

If you need a moan message me.

God bless you

Jodie x x x

Sammy2005 profile image
Sammy2005 in reply to Jobie18

Nurses are making is very hard for me to see my family at min 😕 Plus when my bladder was in retention they said I should be well able to self catheter myself even though I'm in horrendous pain ..Weres empathy gone ???I'm absolutely disgusted with care I'm relieving if I'm been honest 😥

Thanks so much for your prayers 🙏 ❤

Jobie18 profile image
Jobie18 in reply to Sammy2005

I know what you mean. The lack of empathy has gone right down the toilet over the past few years. I'm having the same experience myself it seems that most people just don't care and aren't qualified to be meddling around with pelvic conditions. I am constantly having to bite my tongue when dealing with doctors as I don't want them to put anything horrible on my medical record but they really are useless.

The only useful advice I've found is by researching stuff myself and watching you tube doctors to be honest I feel like all my doctor wants is to write me a prescription for various nasty drugs and send me on my way.

Wow so I hope this catheter isn't a permanent thing now? And I honestly can't believe they couldn't just help you out with fitting it i mean honestly, perhaps you can get someone to have a word with the ward manager or something.

Do you have any idea of when you may be getting out of there?

X x

Sammy2005 profile image
Sammy2005 in reply to Jobie18

Hi Jobie Well bladder has woken up thank bloody god that's part of my prayers answered 🙏. I had CT scan done 2 weeks ago showed hemotoma was 10x8x4cm . MY GYNECOLOGIST is away on holiday at min so there's a lovely GYNECOLOGIST been into see me few times she done a ordinarily ultra sound scan advised hemotoma had shrunk to 6x3x3cm which I was happy with .Then yesterday they sent me to Radiologist’ to have scan done she advised its 9x4x2cm she said the ultrasound GYNECOLOGIST used are no reliable plus she's more experienced as she's a Radiologist’ I was bit down been honest been giving false hope what she did say its not getting any bigger so that's a good sign . I question my urine everytime I have bladder movement as its just pure blood nurse advised that's normal yet gynecology this morning said she didn't know she seen how anxious I am with worry advised send mental health team to see me I just told her out straight I'm not depressed I'm in pain and worried..jobie I've advocated my whole journey myself through research and ive also paid private to see two different urogynecologist ls plus pelvis mri pain specialist. Ward Manager is absolutely horrendous person to deal with she's making hard for my family to see me because of covid yet every other ward family are allowed visit ...I spoke to wee tea man this morning he said there's a lady in room next to you her husband is sleeping on chair in next room plus he's getting his meals provided..My hubby brings all my food in fresh as the food its absolutely awful its steamed in another hospital Sent in here frozen and reheated ..I don't think they like I'm able to speak up for myself and question everything. My hubby had words with ward manager yesterday her attitude was awful when my husband left she gave me such a mouthful and told me I would be discharged the weekend ..I said since when have you taking charge of my care your not my surgeon and secondly I said why are you complaining to me about my husband he's 55 and I can't control his opinion for way I'm been treated like I can't control yr manner as your a grown woman ..I advised her I'm on this journey 11 months and to finally get more surgery to get pain relief I come out with a hemotoma the size of a orange in my vagina it can't be operated on as its to risky needs to be managed by letting my body obsorb or pass through vagina which has been very stressful she had zero empathy. I just had enough if I'm been honest I told her I won't be going no where till my gynecologist comes back on Monday so that didn't go down to well were on a number to these people ..So hopefully I'll have proper answers when I' see my surgeon on Monday 🕯🙏

Kindness goes a long way Jobie

Sending love ❤ yr way

Thankyou so much for reply xx

Jobie18 profile image
Jobie18 in reply to Sammy2005

Oh my goodness it sounds like your stuck with a right bunch of wallys in there! And what on earth is going on with all this covid nonsense!! Where are you, not in the UK I'm guessing? I wonder if you could get some secret recordings of all this caper going on as they're obviously treating you differently to the other patients in there especially if some people can have their partners staying over at night!! Outrageous.

I don't know about you but I'm sick if them using covid as an excuse for everything, ruined whatever we had left if a health service in the UK anyway, I'm on a waiting list for nerve ablastion and its a 18 month wait!

I've been wishing I could go private but from your experience I don't know now that even thats much better tbh!.

I know this might sound nuts but I've been looking into all sorts of alternative ways I can heal myself without having any invasive surgerys etc and I've tried all sorts of stretching and exercises and supplements etc, none have worked at all tbh BUT I did come across the keto diet which helped take some of my smaller nerve pain down and heres the nuts bit. I decided after watching a few people's testimonials on you tube to try the carnivore diet. I have peripheral neuropathy and pudendal nueralgia so basically a ton of really bad nerve pain to the point I can't sit at all or stand for too long either so I knew that they use this diet to heal people with severe nerve issues like epilepsy etc. So anyway I've been doing it for 7 weeks now, just meat, fish, eggs and a bit of dairy and my god Sammy my small nerve pains have halfed, my skin looks amazing and I'm beginning to feel a slight improvement with the mega blasts I get up my vagina and bum. So just putting that on your radar incase down the road you wanna look into it. I was vegan for nearly 20 years which I think really didn't help with my nerves etc. Anyway sorry to harp on about myself but it been so helpful that its worth sharing.

Well I'm pleased that this hematoma seems to be shrinking even if its a little bit its going in the right direction eh! Blood in your urine does not sound normal at all! Good for you for holding your ground, these people think they can bully you because your vulnerable its disgusting. Hopefully once you're out of there (after you've seen you gyno) you can file a report against these idiots.

Well its sound like your made of some strong stuff Sammy. You hold on tight and god willing you'll be at home with your family in the next few days.

So after all the surgery and everything did it make any difference to the nerve pain you were getting at all or was that a total failure too🙏


Sammy2005 profile image
Sammy2005 in reply to Jobie18

No nerve pain has eased just this bloody hematoma pain is awful hopefully it's disperses Soon can take up to 6 weeks or more plus I'm dealing with post op pain to but need to be positive try look for light at end of tunnel I advocated this journey so need to keep going...Yes when I'm fit and able I'll deal with nurses I'll also be informing my surgeon I'm not happy with what they've been doing...I'm home now more comfortable in my own bed bladder has woke up thank god I prayed for god to help me ...That's great with diet your getting pain relief 💕 Jobie pharmaceutical don't do cures !! Biggest money making business..

Sending lots of hugs 🫂 your way

Best regards

Samantha ❤

Ps ..Covid card well played out sooner people wake up the better 🤦‍♂️

Jobie18 profile image

Oh my goodness so pleased to hear your back home with your family and that your bladders kicked back in🙏 and great to hear the nerve pain has hopefully been dealt with🤞I know you're still in a ton of pain but it seems that in time that will get better. Take it easy and hang in there, saying prayers for the both of us and that the world wakes up to the truth of whats really going on out there😘I had a feeling you were on the right side of things👊🏼

God bless you my love

Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Jobie x x x

Sammy2005 profile image
Sammy2005 in reply to Jobie18

Thanks so much Jobie keep in touch

Big hugs

Samantha ❤

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