Hello everyone,
I’m super new here and I’ve been looking around a bit so I wanted to make a post. I have had undiagnosed chronic pelvic pain for over 8 years, I only recently realized that the pain I have been experiencing is actually pelvic pain. I had an exploratory laparoscopy in 2019 looking for endometriosis but was told that only normal lesions were found and that I do not have endometriosis which shattered my world. Since then I have just been battling to make any progress, I have tried lots of different medications and birth controls with no relief and only negative side effects. I finally agreed to see a pain specialist next week, I have been incredibly hesitant because my goal is to find the root of the problem, not to only treat the symptoms. I don’t want to be dependent on medication for the rest of my life, I’m only 25. Does anyone have any suggestions of things to address during this appointment? Maybe treatments that have helped you if your story is similar to mine, any words of advice would be helpful!! I also live in the US so that does affect the care that I am receiving. Thank you for your time ☺️