I have been experiencing vaginal/clitoral pain for about 6 weeks now and am at the end on my tether. How on earth is it possible to ever get to see a specialist or gain a diagnosis for this sort of thing. No pain relief seems to work! I literally have no idea what this is but it is worse sitting and sometimes flares up at some times more that others. It is a stinging and persistent pain all around the clitoris and vaginal opening.
Vaginal pain: I have been experiencing... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Vaginal pain

hi , it sounds very much like puedendal nerve. You need to ask your up to refer you to a consultant who specialises in tge
It does sound like pudendal nerve is a possibility. Have you considered all the other causes, such as thrush or an infection or eczema? If you are in the UK your GP may be the first to try. Before Covid they would do an examination & prescribe treatments. Not sure if you they do an examination these days. Ask for a female GP if you can. If treatments don't work, the GP should be able to refer you to a specialist. Trouble is the backlog for all specialist clinics mean many are refusing new referrals. There are also sexual health clinics - not sure if you can self-refer.
If the appointment is at a sexual health clinic that should take you forward a step. Good luck. 🙂
Have you looked up vulvodynia? Your symptoms sound rather like mine. GPs are often not aware of it, and you might need to push hard for a referral. The more knowledgable you are the better.
If it turns out to be that (there’s no hi-tech test, although they can prod you with a cotton bud and you say Ouch when it hurts) these are the things that have helped me the most:
Somatics (you can find these online if there isn’t a local class)
Diaphragmatic breathing (I was taught by a specialist ladies’ physio - some NHS areas have these and they are very knowledgable about the condition, but provision is patchy)
Alan Gordon’s book on chronic pain: The Way Out
Bessel van der Kolk’s book: The Body Keeps the Score (about how the body stores memory of pain and trauma)
Learning how pain is created by the nervous system and understanding what is likely to give you a flare up
Making changes in your life to reduce stress
I hope you make progress with a diagnosis and find something that works for you.

thank you!
try to limit your sitting!! Tight fitting pants like leggings don’t help. Try and find yourself a good Women’s health specialist physio . You have to be your own advocate for puedendal and vuelvo Denia. Keep searching , definitely dig your heels in for a referal. There’s a website called puedendal hope. Here on this site look back in the years and find some good advice on how to cope with it. There is medication which help some of us( but not all) I’m fortunate that in pregabalin and anti depressants in a low does I have a reduction in pain so try to do what I can to live some kind of life. I wish you well. Anything you want to ask you can message me. It’s hard to decipher wether we have pn or vuelvo Denia but the two are similar in treatment.
G, keep us posted on your progress, I just diagnosted myself after 18 months of searching. During hte 18 months, I'm been to my gyno and urologist, both missed the mark. Not sure what type of doctor I plan to see next, but have an appt with the urologist for a 6-month checkup, and once I share that I have Prudental Neurolgia, I hope she may point me in the right direction. Good luck, we all need it!