I was on prostrap which I think helped and was supposed to have removal but covid came. Now am menopausal and can’t manage without hrt. So confused. Waiting list ridiculous. Any advice? Not sure wether to blow savings on hysterectomy.
Hi I have a 6cm fibroid and am on hrt... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Hi I have a 6cm fibroid and am on hrt. I am worried it will feed it but need the hrt! Any one have any advice.

Sorry to hear of your problems. I asked for choose and book at my doctors surgery for a different matter to your own. I went on to choose where to go and found that waiting times were different. Some were 3 months and I found one that was just 9 days wait. Maybe you can try this and see if some hospitals are quicker, if willing to travel. Hope you get sorted soon, take care.

Hi Leeds1234,
I’ve been on the sister drug Zoladex and was given HRT as I’m on it long term for adenomyosis and also endometriosis. I was given Tibolone which is sometimes caused Livial as it’s easier to say! This type of HRT is different to other forms as it contains the precursors to make the hormones in the body rather than having the hormones already in the tablets. This way you get a very small amount of hormones which shouldn’t flare up your fibroid(s). If you are on a different brand you can always ask your pharmacist as different types are marketed differently for endometriosis. If it’s suitable for endometriosis it’s suitable for fibroids. Often the pharmacist knows more than the doctor when it comes to medications as that’s their specialty! I hope this helps

There are long term risks about staying on it for too long ie longer than 6 months. My situation is slightly different in that I’ve failed all treatments repeatedly and my only options for the adenomyosis was hysterectomy which the consultant didn’t want to do based on my age. I’ve had adenomyosis and endometriosis since before I was 20 and diagnosed in my 30s. I’ve just turned 45 so had a long battle to be diagnosed. Also as I’ve got other chronic illnesses it does complicate surgeries and my health overall. Generally for fibroids they wouldn’t allow it for long term use as there are a few surgical options which work well besides hysterectomy. As the waiting lists are long a sympathetic consultant might allow you on it until surgery but most likely wouldn’t allow it as an alternative to surgery. It in part might depend on how well you responded to being on Prostap. Which I’ve been on myself previously but did nothing but if you feel it helps and it does help many patients in the short term then it might be worth asking. I hope this helps.
It’s so frustrating I suppose with covid etc gotta be thankful still healthy in other ways but after so many years of issues would just love there to be a solution. Instead along comes menopause! Aw to be a man! I’m just trying to balance the oestrogen gel so I use the minimum amount I can and the progesterone coil helped the bleeding side so on it goes! Thank u for your replies, hope u are balancing things out too. X
I also have a 6cm+ fibroid but have been told it is insignificant and does not need removing, I use Ovestin cream which although HRT is not absorbed anywhere else other than where it is topically applied.
I have multiple health problems, many in the abdomen and it is difficult to know which pain relates to which part of me but as mentioned, I was told that I did not need surgery (at which I was delighted - I did not want a hysterectomy) to remove the fibroid as it can safely stay in situ.
Perhaps you are in pain and are certain that your fibroid is the cause, in which case, ignore my comments!
Wishing you the best of luck.
Hi thanks for your reply. My fibroid is in the womb wall at the back so pressure is put on my bowel, bladder and back. The dragging sensation and bloating is awful. Do u get that? Any tricks to help? Like u say the hysterectomy thing is an option (although waiting list now indefinite.) I have put up with lots of issues for years now so am but scared to have hysterectomy in case I get different problems! Hrt just makes me nervous in case it makes it bigger as some say it will and some not.
Hi Leeds, I was diagnosed with a "massive" Fibroid which had been giving me symptoms for quite a while. The consultant said that the HRT was "feeding" the fibroid and I was strongly advised to come off it. I did have a bit of a battle with him but in the end I decided to take his advice and I stopped it. There was an incredible change to the size of the fibroid almost immediately after stopping the HRT and my fibroid has disappeared. This was some time ago though (I am 63). I can only speak for myself but have you thought of a temporary break to HRT and see if anything happens with your fibroid. It's worth a shot and if it does make a huge difference to the size and other symptoms, maybe you may need to seek an alternative method of treating your menopause symptoms. You are between a rock and a hard place but please consider this. Take care