Can someone please tell me if this was painful?
Scaroiliac Joint Injections - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Scaroiliac Joint Injections

I had one a few days ago - Monday - July 6th - not painful at all - still waiting for it to kick in.
Thanks so much. I had 2 in my spine. Now this one next 😫
Its no fun - I have had 5 back surgeries so far - now the SI is starting to act up.
Who knows where this one will lead. Been a long road but somewhat optimistic.
Do you regret the surgeries?
I had no choice in each one - I was not able to function - quality of life issue - what I do regret was beating up my body when I was younger. I would have been more careful had I known what was coming down the line as a result.
I did not find them to be painful. They weren’t helpful for me. My pain is mostly during the night and when first waking. I find that if I ball up my fists and press firmly around the SI area, I can get it to settle down.